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Incline Battle Brothers + Beasts & Exploration, Warriors of the North and Blazing Deserts DLC Thread


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
They should put a fuckin limit for Nachzehrer devouring!
Do you know how stupid is this that a badass warrior who solos dozens of bandits, undead and barbarians, makes direwolves and a damn bear(playing on legends) piss themselves and run, is invulnerable of hexens and those weird shits that make people sleep, and somehow is devoured in one turn by some fat shit that cant even hit him normally.


Genos Studios
Aug 3, 2016
They should put a fuckin limit for Nachzehrer devouring!
Do you know how stupid is this that a badass warrior who solos dozens of bandits, undead and barbarians, makes direwolves and a damn bear(playing on legends) piss themselves and run, is invulnerable of hexens and those weird shits that make people sleep, and somehow is devoured in one turn by some fat shit that cant even hit him normally.
Yeah at least a hit check should be done for that.

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Grampy_Bone I don't know what your company looks like, but the best piece of advice I've been given for this game (apart from noob stuff like spear+shield for early game and such) is to build up a good reserve. Always keep your bros in rotation. It may seem costly, but those extra bros will repay themselves the minute you sustain a couple of 3+ day injuries, which otherwise would completely stall your game. Not to mention that you can take the loss of a good bro like a man, instead of crying about muh balinse like these other chumps, because you know there's always a decently levelled up-and-comer raring to go on the sidelines.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
What are your difficulty settings?


I'm on day 36 with 12 men, I had a reserve but they sat around too much. I'm in the process of tracking down higher quality long term guys.

I have 7 front 5 rear, back line is 2 polearms 3 bows, front is 2 maces, 3 flails, and 2 cleavers. Brigand Raiders are like free money now so I'm cleaning up.

Melee attack is around 60ish for most guys, level 4-5. I misjudged the level cap and importance of long term planning so I spread some stats around quite a bit. Oh well.


Jan 8, 2009
They should put a fuckin limit for Nachzehrer devouring!
Do you know how stupid is this that a badass warrior who solos dozens of bandits, undead and barbarians, makes direwolves and a damn bear(playing on legends) piss themselves and run, is invulnerable of hexens and those weird shits that make people sleep, and somehow is devoured in one turn by some fat shit that cant even hit him normally.

But you kill the dude and your bro pops back out smelly & hale, yeah?

What are your difficulty settings?


I'm on day 36 with 12 men, I had a reserve but they sat around too much. I'm in the process of tracking down higher quality long term guys.

I have 7 front 5 rear, back line is 2 polearms 3 bows, front is 2 maces, 3 flails, and 2 cleavers. Brigand Raiders are like free money now so I'm cleaning up.

Melee attack is around 60ish for most guys, level 4-5. I misjudged the level cap and importance of long term planning so I spread some stats around quite a bit. Oh well.

Seems fine to me, though I can't remember now what stage in the game day X roughly corresponds to.You're probably doing pretty fine overall and could get by with some losses too.

This is just me, and I'm not super good at the game, but I like every backline member to have both a ranged weapon and a polearm. Doesn't take long to fish out the polearm and start stabbing. It can also help deal with anybody that does break through your formation.

Level 5 is basically when every bro should have a very clear sense of their role & be able to fulfill that role properly - e.g. by knowing that dude started with high fatigue and is being built as a two-hander.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
They should put a fuckin limit for Nachzehrer devouring!
Do you know how stupid is this that a badass warrior who solos dozens of bandits, undead and barbarians, makes direwolves and a damn bear(playing on legends) piss themselves and run, is invulnerable of hexens and those weird shits that make people sleep, and somehow is devoured in one turn by some fat shit that cant even hit him normally.

But you kill the dude and your bro pops back out smelly & hale, yeah?

Im playing solo crusader soo...(Legends)

But isnt this weird that after being freed from belly of the beast you are still able to fight? Then what was happening to you inside of the beast? You were unconscious or smt like that? I always wanted my two handed fully armoured bros to burst out from inside of Nachzehrer.


Sep 4, 2015
You don't need that high level in melee for archers - just give them pikes. Plus they will usually hit surrounded enemies. Or just split shields.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
I had a similar idea, my polearm guys get more kills than the archers. But with the split between melee and ranged attack and limited level up points it seems hard to find someone that versatile.

I agree about the split, hard to make it work, probably not worth it either.

My archers build look roughly like this : (in no particular order)
- fast adaptation
- the other early archer perk to reduce cover malus
- pathfinding
- dodge
- anticipation
- bow mastery
- berserk
- nimble
- frenzy ? (late +25% dmg for 2 turns after one kill)

Footwork or swap optional.

They're on the frontline for range purposes.
Max Range attack, 80+ health, 20+ range def, the rest mostly on fatigue and initiative.

No billman is going to get more kills because with their range, they can pick weak targets easily for no cost because of the berserk perk.
Also, having 2 good archers on the frontline have another advantage, the enemy always rush toward you.
And if you decide to wait their first turn and dogs or whatever blocks them, the two-handed guys are going to clear the way fast enough for them to play by the end of the turn.


Jan 8, 2009
This is just me, and I'm not super good at the game, but I like every backline member to have both a ranged weapon and a polearm.

I had a similar idea, my polearm guys get more kills than the archers. But with the split between melee and ranged attack and limited level up points it seems hard to find someone that versatile.

Just give that guy with 45 Melee and 60 Ranged a side polearm. At some point you'll be glad you did.

Your bros do not need to be specialised ubermensches to succeed. They don't have to have the perfect stat spread. They can still do very well.

There are many occasions when shooting people restricts your options - tree maps, close range, etc - and you want that polearm option. Bowyers don't need quite as many feats as melee fighters, so you can also afford to take some of the footwork/swap bro / weapon swap feats if you want.


Jan 17, 2008
Low natural melee can be offset by the hit-chance bonus of specific attacks + surrounding/flanking.

My usual approach, even with promising (hedgeknight, sellsword, etc.) recruits is still to give them a pike and/or two-handed spear for the first few levels just in case an orc berserker or barbarian chosen decides to make his glorious last stand.


Sep 4, 2015
Also it really helps in time of crisis when you encounter mixed groups. You really want to shoot gobbo shaman, but your bow won't help you against big armored ork boyz. Or necromancer and legion.

Teut Busnet

Dec 31, 2016
Codex Year of the Donut
Why don't you turn your archers into thrower hybrids?

You won't have to waste points raising melee and your damage and hitchance will be better than with a polearm. I take

Bags & Belts
Quick Hands
Bow Mastery
Throwing Mastery
Killing Frenzy

Bags & Belts and Recover, maybe Gifted aren't even essential.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Why don't you turn your archers into thrower hybrids?

You won't have to waste points raising melee and your damage and hitchance will be better than with a polearm. I take

Bags & Belts
Quick Hands
Bow Mastery
Throwing Mastery
Killing Frenzy

Bags & Belts and Recover, maybe Gifted aren't even essential.

That's an interesting idea. I want to try out all of these suggestions now.


Jan 17, 2008
My favorite group was overly-trained thrower/1-handed duelist nimble bro party; 8 total (started as lone wolf).

The glut of barbarian throwing weapons, which are basically famed javelins/axes, makes it very nice.

You get 2-4 throws --> swap to a sword for free, then go in for melee once they are up with high damage. I thought Nimble would be an issue against certain enemies toward the end, but it worked surprisingly well. Got the civil war crisis and got through it just fine.


Sep 4, 2015
I wouldn't count civil war as crisis because you can just ignore it and participate at your will. I think map painting should be permanent thing.


Apr 29, 2011
They should put a fuckin limit for Nachzehrer devouring!
Do you know how stupid is this that a badass warrior who solos dozens of bandits, undead and barbarians, makes direwolves and a damn bear(playing on legends) piss themselves and run, is invulnerable of hexens and those weird shits that make people sleep, and somehow is devoured in one turn by some fat shit that cant even hit him normally.
That's all nachzehrer do though, that's their only danger if you will. It isn't stupid at all, its a part of the game and it works fine. You have a few turns before your bro's devoured and the big boy can't move fast.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
I was surprised when the big nach gobbled one of my bros. I killed it quick but all I got back were gibs. Alas poor Reimund, rotten way to go.

Also, the music in this game is really good.

Now I'm on day 56 and doing noble missions to try to get a discount on upper tier items. Nobles seem to like sending you out farther but at least they pay more. Warhammers are so expensive, they better be worth it.

I had kind of a mind = blown moment when I got an event where some dude was selling a treasure map, my thief stole it for free and it revealed a location way off to the east where I didn't even realize the map went. Never scrolled over that far.

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