The only legitimately scary thing when dealing with mercs is swordmasters. Because fuck swordmasters. They don't care about your tactics or other shit.
But if you win it early - you are pretty much ready for crisis. Their equip will let you stomp easily any enemy you can encounter at this point of the game.
Then explain to me how it is trolling.
Everything is a political statement, even the complete absence of it. When you promote the emptiness of political imaginery in things and enforce it, you're promoting positivism, which wants to remove all ideologies. So in a way, you're being an ideologue by trying to promote lack of ideologies. Furthermore, I've asked opinions, nothing else. If you don't want to create an opinion, it's simple, ignore the post. You had to bite though, because you're probably oversaturated with the subject. That's fine, it's just not the truth that my original intent was to troll, however, and a simple search on some subjects would imply that.Then explain to me how it is trolling.
You're probably the only person on this board who ever used the words "Battle Brothers", "feminism" and "affirmative action" in a single post. Neither the SJWs nor Nazis bite. So it's not only trolling but it's also incompetent trolling. If it's not trolling, I assure you that everyone is much happier playing a cool game about dudes murdering other dudes and monsters for cash and loots rather than discussing this bullshit on the premise that BB is in any way shape or form a political statement.
But then again - is killing for cash ethical? Discuss
I do enjoy going back to some of BB's earlier art styles. I think the current look is great, but there were some charming moments in the older ones that had a stronger old school / tabletop feel:
Honestly, I think I prefer the old world map.
AND GREENER PASTURES!The old map also had rivers.
So this weekend I played this, had some fun, rage quit, uninstalled, and came crawling back and reinstalled.
Four times.
Last time was after beating a 3 skull bandit mission without a loss only to meet bounty hunters afterwards telling me my kill was now their kill.
I tried fighting them but lol nope, not happening. They one-shot doods every round with crossbows. Of course this is a special encounter with no way to avoid. Maybe I can run away after the battle starts?
I'll probably reinstall again after work.
You gotta look slick when your brother is hammering that arrow stuck in your thigh to remove it safely.In artistic renderings, sure. In practice, if they were in battle, they were in stinking clothes that reeked of blood piss and sweat, and poorly tying off tourniquets for their friends while those around them died with exposed bones and severed organs.
Battle was not pretty, not even in France in the 1700s.
Absence of something is proof of something?Everything is a political statement, even the complete absence of it. When you promote the emptiness of political imaginery in things and enforce it, you're promoting positivism, which wants to remove all ideologies. So in a way, you're being an ideologue by trying to promote lack of ideologies.
I see some warhammer art with those elaborate banners frequently, but honestly? The simpler stuff looks much better, specially if it matches the available helmet/armor colors(and most of the available banners DON'T). Also a matching painted shield that doesn't look like a professional painter spent 3 months working on it with paint and brushes(just for some random orc to smash it in 2 seconds).
Noble houses do look great and I wish I could get such a theme for my company. Well, not like a heraldic noble house style, but say a black shield with a simple logo(i.e: white skull) couples with matching shields and the black painted helmets. Likewise other simpler designs that match the available helmet paint colors. The Kraken banner is a good example, with the available crimson helmet paint.
Just the noble banners alone look better than most of what is available for the mercs, imho. Also it doesn't make much sense that the noble houses would go with simple and straitforward designs while the sellswords would go with elaborate drawings with golden decals and whatever.