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Battle Brothers Pre-Release Thread


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
Just a quick one:
- On the worldmap there will be crafting all sorts of equipment as well as research (artfiacts and all the strange loot you'll obtain from your enemies will give yu a lot to analyze).
Concerning worldmap "skills" the plan at the moment is to have companions for your mercenery trek. There would be a variety of them, like a hunter providing food for your units while on the march. Another one may be a Monk helping your wounded soldiers to heal faster. Of course you can only have a limited amount of these companions so you have to decide wich ones to take with you. Disclaimer: This part is still heavily WIP.
- The time passing does not cover several years. The whole game takes places within a matter of months. But don't worry, most of your soldiers will die before having the chance to grow old :)

So much for now, I'm out of time but your other questions will be answered soon!


Magic User

Nov 6, 2013
So much for now, I'm out of time but your other questions will be answered soon!


Concerning worldmap "skills" the plan at the moment is to have companions for your mercenery trek. There would be a variety of them, like a hunter providing food for your units while on the march. Another one may be a Monk helping your wounded soldiers to heal faster. Of course you can only have a limited amount of these companions so you have to decide wich ones to take with you. Disclaimer: This part is still heavily WIP.

I didn't get this one, are these "companions" separate from the actual battle brothers/party? They don't participate in the actual fighting? if so, why? I mean, crossbowman/archer types could dub as hunters and depending on your setting monks could certainly fight.

Christian monks would not be able to fight living human enemies ethically, but undead and non-human types they certainly would. Assuming the monks/clerics in your setting are inspired by the Christian medieval religious orders off course.


Jul 12, 2012
Will there just be one main group of B-Bros or will it be like x-com where you can have several separate groups.


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
I didn't get this one, are these "companions" separate from the actual battle brothers/party? They don't participate in the actual fighting? if so, why? I mean, crossbowman/archer types could dub as hunters and depending on your setting monks could certainly fight.

Christian monks would not be able to fight living human enemies ethically, but undead and non-human types they certainly would. Assuming the monks/clerics in your setting are inspired by the Christian medieval religious orders off course.
We've refered to them as "followers" before, which I believe is a better fitting term. Followers are sort of an entourage dedicated to the auxiliary and logistical tasks of a pseudo-medieval mercenary company. They are separate from the fighting force and can not engage in battles themselves. Apart from the in-lore justification of them not having any expertise in fighting, we've opted to go this route for reasons of clarity and what we believe makes for better gameplay; there won't be any confusion about who of your two dozen Battle Brothers is responsible for what strategic tasks, and who's in charge now that the person formally in charge has died. Again. Think of this feature as our version of base management; while in X-Com you'd expand your base with additional buildings which unlock new gameplay options and help you indirectly in tactical battles, in Battle Brothers you hire followers for much of the same benefit. Instead of building a new radar, you hire a scout to increase your view range on the worldmap.

Will there just be one main group of B-Bros or will it be like x-com where you can have several separate groups.
There will be a single group of Battle Brothers.


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
While we were answering questions in here, someone secretly wrote up another Dev Blog article.

Dev Blog #21: Ghosts ‘n Ghouls

The undead are the first major faction we presented you out of several more that we have planned. It is also the faction featured in our tactical combat demo. Today, we’ll present you the two latest additions to our undead roster.

A major consideration when designing any opponents is to have them add some unique gameplay element so that fighting them feels distinct from any other opponents. We feel that having different challenges in combat is essential in a combat-heavy game as ours, and for this reason our newest additions of course have their own set of skills and AI behavior that should challenge the player to adapt in order to survive.

Let’s see what we’ve come up with..

Lost Soul with its skills horrific scream and ghastly touch.
Lost Souls

Just last week we’ve talked about morale and psychological warfare. This week we present you a new opponent designed around these mechanics: the Lost Soul. These creatures are the unresting souls of the long dead that haunt certain places, often a fateful part of their own tragic demise, and can occasionally be bound as servants by more powerful necromancers.

But what does make the Lost Soul different?


Lost Souls are unique in that they exist in part in the physical world and in part in the world of ghosts. They constantly shift between the two, yet can find peace in neither. With their visuals we tried to capture their lore of being torn between two worlds; they constantly change in contour, one moment just a hazy mist, the other a grotesque face manifests.

The lost souls ingame animation.
Being incorporeal, Lost Souls are very hard to actually hit and damage. Many times weapons will pass right through them as they shift out of the physical world. However, since they can also never have a strong physical presence, a single attack that does strike true will end them.

Due to their pervious nature they travel easily on all kinds of environment and never receive a movement penalty from difficult terrain. Like other undead, they are also immune to all morale effects and are not bound to the limitations of stamina and fatigue.

Horrific Scream

Lost Souls can raise their unearthly voice to screech a horrifying scream, challenging the courage of all mortals. This is a mental attack against a single target who instantly has to pass a morale check, a dice roll against bravery. Upon failing the test, the target will flee in panic for at least one turn, unable to perform any action.

Neither shield nor armor are of any help against this kind of attack. Instead, having a high bravery is the best defense, as is being near allies who can defend a helplessly fleeing Battle Brother. We also have a few perks and items planned which will shine against an enemy as this. With Horrific Scream, we want Lost Souls to bring a different aspect to tactical battles - an opponent who directly attacks your Battle Brothers’ morale, and which feels distinct from physically-oriented opponents. In bigger battles, Horrific Screams can shatter your shieldwall from afar and allow other undead troops to take advantage of the confusion in your ranks.

Ghastly Touch

As Lost Souls reach out with their ghostly hands, they permeate any armor and can outright mortify the tissue they touch. This attack does not do a lot of damage on a single strike but it ignores armor altogether, reinforcing again that a very much physical concept such as armor is meaningless against an opponent for whom physical obstacles mean nothing. Armor is useless when fighting Lost Souls, and the battle is very much a mental one.

The ghoul with its two skills claw attack and gruesome feast.
The Ghoul

Ghouls are despicable creatures that scavenge graveyards and burial sites for fresh graves where they dig out the recently deceased and feast on their corpses. This is why any band of undead is often accompanied by ghouls just like a fishing boat attracts hungry seagulls - even though ghouls are not technically undead, but living and breathing creatures that also feel pain and are susceptible to morale effects.

In combat a ghoul is neither very strong nor dangerous alone, as he has no armor, has only his claws to attack with and rather low morale. A lone ghoul isn’t even that keen on attacking your Battle Brothers. Unfortunately, ghouls almost always appear in bigger flocks. Even more unfortunate, ghouls possess the ability to feast on fresh bodies in the midst of battle, thereby quickly regenerating their health, and worse.

Let’s take a look at the ghoul’s active skills.

Claw Attack

Ghouls have long and sharp claws at their hands that they use to dig through the earth in search of food. These claws can tear grievious wounds and are often infected with all kinds of diseases. The claw attack is a quick attack that does a reasonable amount of damage but is not very well suited to cut through armor.

Gruesome Feast

The ghoul tears apart a fresh body on the battlefield and devours it, quickly healing his wounds and growing in size and strength. Devouring a body takes up a whole turn, but a ghoul is never satiated and will canibalize even the dead of his own kind. For every body a ghoul feasts on, he will continue to grow in size, strength and aggressiveness. Leaving ghouls to freely consume all the dead can quickly spiral out of control, leading them to grow to enormous sizes. Instead of fighting the cowardly scavengers they usually are, you could end up fighting hulking behemoths that look to swallow your Battle Brothers whole.

Ghouls should add another level of consideration to any battle they are a part of. Leaving your dead to charge after those retreating skeleton bowmen can mean scavenging ghouls having a feast. And you having a big problem. Small ghouls can easily be chased off, but can you afford this in the midst of battle?


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
A full-color screenshot of how Lost Souls look in the game to give you a better idea.



Jun 3, 2005
No longer is morale a large abstract number changing every turn. Instead, every character is at one of just five distinct states of morale. Characters start out with their morale at “steady” and can change their state either on failing or passing a morale check. The five morale states are as follows:
No Berserkers?


Antiquity Studio
Aug 24, 2013
Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Looks better and better, can't wait to get my hands on the finished product


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
There is no berserking morale state, but there will in fact be an Orc Berserker with a unique mechanic.


Aug 15, 2008
Stumbled upon this just now but I really like what I've seen so far. If you guys need help with polish I'm an experienced games tester and would gladly run some test passes or focus test specific areas for you in my spare time. Let me know.


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
Here wo go again, some of the questions won't be new to you, but it can never hurt to have them all at the same place: http://battlebrothersgame.com/battle-brothers-faq/

Dev Blog #22: Battle Brothers FAQ

Over the past weeks a lot of the same questions emerged regarding Battle Brothers and all of its aspects. We thought it would be helpful for many to compile them here with our answers so that you don’t have to traverse all the internet to find them yourselves.

In this article we feature just a small selection of these questions. You can find the full FAQ on our new subpage here: FAQ

If you have any questions not covered here, feel free to head to our forums or to leave a comment!

General Questions
Q: How is the development of Battle Brothers funded and what are your future plans?

Right now we are funding the development out of our own pockets and most of us work on the game in our spare time. Here’s a quick overview of our future plans in chronological order:

1. Steam Greenlight campaign – we will start this step as soon as our trailer is finished, probably in September 2014.

2. Kickstarter campaign by October or November 2014. If Kickstarter decides to come to Germany, that would make the process a lot easier.

3. Early Access to fund further development by the end of 2014 or early 2015.

4. Full game release sometime at the middle of 2015 via digital distribution plattforms.

Q: Is the game a sandbox or does it have a linear progression with a beginning and end?

Battle Brothers will have a completely open world which doesn’t restrict the player to go anywhere based on story progress, but only on being able to survive. Concerning progression, the game will have a beginning and an end given by the general setting, loosely framed within a narrative related to one of several “greater evils”. There’ll also be several milestones along the way, though they don’t necessarily have to be completed in linear sequence or at all. We won’t have forced and repetitive story missions that conflict with our open world gameplay or get in the way of replayability. However, the ultimate goal of every campaign will be to destroy the source behind the “greater evil” and stop the invasion. At some point the player will have to face the enemy or see the land get swept away.

Q: Will there be magic for the Battle Brothers like spells or enchanted items?

The player won’t be able to command a magic-user in the sense of a wizard or similar. However, there will be some items with magical properties to be found in the world. They’ll be rare and hard to get, but some will come with unique active skills that allow for otherworldly feats. In addition, some enemies also drop crafting materials (e.g. vampire dust) which can be crafted into a variety of accessory items, sometimes with magical properties.

Generally, we want to keep things down to low power fantasy and promote a certain asymmetry between the player and the opponents in the game; Battle Brothers will always be common humans in a pseudo-medieval setting that sometimes have to go up against non-human and supernatural foes. It is for this reason also that we try to avoid skills for the player that feel clearly unrealistic and superpowery (e.g. shooting 3 arrows at once) to keep things grounded a bit.

Strategic Worldmap Questions

Q: How many Battle Brothers will be in the party at maximum?

A: The roster will hold around two dozen or so Battle Brothers of which 12 can participate in a single tactical battle at a time. Brothers will get wounded in battle and take time to heal, so there should always be enough replacements available. Also, they tend to die very easily. The player has to consider that all Brothers will consume money and food constantly, though, so the bigger the roster of backup troops, the higher the maintenance.

Q: What other factions beside the undead will be in the game?

A: Besides the undead, we currently plan on including the following enemy factions in the base game. In the future, we might add more.

Bandits – Basically human opponents of all sorts that use hideouts as base of operations and will try to attack and raid caravans and villages.

Orcs and Goblins – We’ll have our own interpretation of the classic greenskins with some special twists.

Beasts – Werewolves and other mythological creatures roaming the world. Inspiration for these is often drawn from folklore and myths so you will definitely see a lot of unknown and interesting creatures here.

Q: Are there any non-combat skills like crafting?

Yes, on the strategic worldmap there will be crafting all sorts of items, from common equipment to accessories with magical properties out of ingredients obtained from slain enemies. Crafting and other non-combat activities will be done by so-called followers, not your Battle Brothers. Followers are sort of an entourage dedicated to the auxiliary and logistical tasks of a pseudo-medieval mercenary company. They are separate from the fighting force and can not engage in battles themselves. There will be a variety of them, like a hunter providing food while traveling or a monk helping the wounded Brothers to heal faster. Your party can only support a limited amount of these followers, so you’ll have to decide which ones to hire for your mercenary trek based on what best fits your overall strategy.

Q: Will there be an ironman mode and what is done against “save scumming” to make it viable?

We plan on including an ironman mode. While the game punishes mistakes with individual Battle Brothers quite heavily, losing even most of your men does not mean you’ll have to lose the campaign. The player will often be able to recover from losses and defeat, especially in the beginning of the game. Since there are up to a dozen Battle Brothers in battle, and more than that in reserve, losing some of them won’t be as impactful as in e.g. the new X-Com game where there are just 6 men and where losing just one of them can be really crippling and send the player into a downwards spiral to lose the campaign later on.

We generally also try to avoid game mechanics that boil down to pure luck and which can be beat simply be reloading. Everything should be beatable with the right strategy from the start. For example, we don’t have critical hits that do massive unavoidable extra damage on completely unpredictable random occasions. Instead, in Battle Brothers, there is a 25% base chance to hit the head instead of the body for 50% extra damage. Essentially, we flattened the curve to make this less of a random game; combatants will do critical hits way more often, but also do less extra damage than in other systems. Enough to still be relevant, but in a way that is more predictable. Importantly, the player can also actively counter critical hits by equipping Battle Brothers with headgear.

If the player accepts that he or she can’t win every battle all the time and that sometimes fleeing from battle is the right option, we think the game should be very much completable in ironman mode. That certainly is our goal.

Tactical Combat Questions
Q: Is there a flanking or backstabbing mechanic?

Battle Brothers does not have a flanking mechanic per se. We toyed around with the idea, but two points irked us: A combatant in real life can turn around in a split second, so determining that any combatant would be attacked from the back only for the fact that he couldn’t turn around because it isn’t his turn currently seemed very artificial. Second, it would require a very clear indicator of what direction any character is currently looking at – in other words, we would have needed character busts for every one of six possible directions. Sadly, our resources are very limited, and we’d rather spend them on more important things.

What we came up with instead is the “overwhelm” mechanic. The more individual characters attack any defending character in close combat within a single round, the easier it gets for them to score a hit. Or in other words: We grant a to-hit bonus for each character that attacked a target previously in the current round. This way we simulate the difficulty of defending against multiple opponents that attack from multiple sides without the need for any fixed character headings.

Q: Will there be different kinds of tactical combat “missions” or “set-ups”?

Yes, we will have different flavors to how tactical battles start out, depending on how two opposing forces engage each other on the worldmap. For example, if one party ambushes the other, the ambushed party will start at a disadvantageous position (i.e. not in battle formation). If two parties engage each other head-on, they’ll generally start just opposite of each other in organized battle lines, similar to the “Line Battle” scenario of the combat demo. Attacking an enemy encampment before being detected, or coming to the aid of a village that is currently being raided, will have one party scattered all over the map and take a while to realize your presence. All of these starting conditions should feel slightly different to play, some going straight to a short and decisive battle and some supporting more of a careful approach of slow advance and exploration. We’ll try to find a good balance for the final game to keep tactical combat as varied as possible.

Q: Will the player be able to set up ambushes with archers and other ranged troops using some kind of overwatch system during tactical combat?

The player will definitely be able to set up ambushes – both on the worldmap and on the tactical map. The AI plays by the same rules of limited vision, line of sight and fog of war as the player (except for perhaps a few special enemies that have an in-lore justification not to). However, we won’t have an overwatch system like in X-Com; it wouldn’t work well with the initiative-based turn system we use.


Aug 30, 2008
Correct decision about flanking. Overwhelmed penalties (at this scale of combat) make much more sense than assuming individual soldiers can't pivot to face an enemy.


Jan 8, 2009
Huh. I just discovered this. You have my bow, and my sword, and my money.

Battle Brothers is a terrible name, but it's a happy day when the only thing to criticise is the name.


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
Hey Guys,
feel free to take a look at our last DevBlog article I copy-pasted here for your viewing pleasure.

Dev Blog #23: About our motivation and inspiration
This week we go into our personal inspiration and motivation so you may get a better understanding of why we are making this game and what keeps us going. Two of our team members talk about what inspired them to start Battle Brothers and why they think a game like this is due. A little disclaimer: These are highly personal and subjective opinions by our team members and not the studio itself.

When talking about my sources of inspiration and the reason why I decided to make this game happen, I have to go way back into the 90s. Although I have been influenced by a ton of great games over the course of all these years it all boils down to two key impacts.

The first one was Hero Quest (the boardgame). That game really opened my eyes about what is possible. I still think this is a masterwork of game design. Apart from the solid and deep basic boardgame mechanics it had a great atmosphere and was extremely “sandboxy” for a board game. You were actually encouraged to use the provided content to make up and play your own adventures, that’s basically the definition of a sandbox.

The second big impact followed some years later when X-Com – UFO Defense came out. I don’t know where to start when praising this game. It had it all: Awesome graphics, brutal and intense atmosphere and an incredible freedom of choice. The game perfectly succeeded in making you believe you’re actually fighting off a real invasion instead of just playing one scenario after the other. The level of immersion created in this game was (and for the most part still is) unmatched.

Shortly after finishing the add-on “Terror from the Deep” I started wondering why no one simply transfers the X-com mechanics to a fantasy/medieval setting. I had to wait for…well I am still waiting for a game like that. When I am looking at the current trends in game development I’m gonna wait for another 20 years before a game like that is made.

That’s why I decided to take matters in my own hands and begun working on Battle Brothers.

Looking at the gaming world today shows two big streams of gaming projects. The multi-million AAA games and the small independant games. I, as a life-long gamer, have my quarrels with both of them and the state they are in gave me a big push when deciding to go and start my own gaming project.

Regarding the big gaming titles, there is are a lot of issues why I think most of them are not very good games but this essentially boils down to two major things: Simplicity and linearity.

Simplicity and linearity:

The trend to simplifying and streamlining gaming mechanics started around ten or fifteen years ago with games becoming more of a mainstream entertainment. As great as it is that more and more people are playing computergames, this lead to many games being extremely simple and short. I personally love to sink some time and effort into a game to learn the mechanics and also being able to find some new mechanic even after having played for a few hours. Once a player is able to completely look through all the game mechanics a game becomes perfectly predictable and has nothing surprising to offer anymore thus making it boring in most cases.

The second big thing making the simplicity problem even worse is linearity. Many AAA-games do not seem to know whether they want to be a game or a movie. Endless cutscenes, strictly linear mission, linear story design and a lack of choices make a game an incredibly boring experience. Each and every player that ever played that particular game is experiencing the exact same thing that some story-writer thought would be entertaining. I think that all people are different and everyone has his own understanding of what is a good story or an entertaining game. Unfortunately, there are very few games in the AAA sector that both have complex mechanics and also allow the player to experience his own story depending on the way he plays the game.


This leads us to the second branch of gaming: Indiegames. There is a lot of creative energy and new ideas here which is great but as some people are starting to make a lot of money with really simple games a lot of copycats hit the scene. As fun and novel they may once have been, please do not make another “2D-sidescrolling-action-plattformer” with fancy/artsy graphics – we have more than enough of those.

Although it seems to be paradox, many indiegames suffer from the problem of simplicity as well as AAA-games but for another reason. I suppose the simplicity is due to resource constraints that indiegames usually suffer from thus prohibiting complexity and a lot of content. Many of them evolve around just one rather simple mechanic that, once understood, offers nothing new or entertaining. I want them to be more complex and deep and offer more than an half-our of entertainment until putting them away thinking “nice idea, fancy graphics but where is the gameplay?”. There is so much more to a game than pixel-graphics!

All of the above made me want a game that offers freedom of choice, complex mechanics and a world to dive in and experience your own story in the way you personally think is fun. All this while offering enough content, variations and new stuff to keep you occupied for a long time. As I do not expect a game like this coming from the AAA- or the Indiegame-sector, I decided to try making a game myself that fulfills all these points and thats where “Battle Brothers” was started.


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I too was inspired by Hero Quest, and X-Com (and its prequel, Laser Squad) to make my game :)

Good luck to you guys!


Mar 10, 2011
I noticed in some of the recent pics there appears to be some new death stills -- particularly with the heads straying from the corpses.

Are you guys going to be looking at animating more into the game? For example, static animations, like breathing, or someone shifting the helmet on their head before it slips down, stuff like that.


Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
Hi Sser,
on the thing with the flying heads: that will happen when someone gets killed with a hit to the head and you are using a sharp weapon. When using clubs etc the head will get smashed in. There are serveral gameplay effects coming with that. Decapitated figures will not be revivable as zombies and when getting killed with a fatality your bystanding allies will lose a big chunk of morale. Of course all of that applies to Battle Brothers and enemies alike.

I personaly would absolutely love more flavor animations. Not only on the characters but also things like crows sitting on the dead bodies and flying away when you get close. Stuff like that. Unfortunately all of that counts into the "content" area and therefore has to wait untill we get the basic game systems running (especially the worldmap for that matter).
When everything is in place we'll get the big shovel and fill in as much content as we can :)

Here's a new gameplay video showing the ghouls in action and a few flying heads:

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Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
Battle Brothers is now on Steam Greenlight!

Getting on Steam would be a hugely important step for the success of the game, of course, so please take a moment to cast your vote and spread the word to anyone that might be interested in the game. Thank you for your support!

In other news, the game finally has a real trailer to showcase its features and sway the masses.


Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Voted. And it's about time I gave the demo a go, too.

EDIT: Alright, I played the first 2 missions. This is really cool. I love the art, too.
I was wondering about some things:
1. is there a way to chop heads off dead zombies?
2. Can you make it so it won't take every move 2 clicks? I really like how they did it with ExConq. Whenever you move your mouse they show you the trail your character will take, and it just takes one click to do it instead of two. I know it may seem trivial, but I think it really helped the pacing.
3. Is there a way to do a 5-foot step or something along these lines? To get out of the AoO area of the enemy?

Also, care to direct me at a specific video that covers the out-of-battle aspects of the gameplay?

Also also.. Man, I find this happens too many times. With the whole silly web 2.0 social media bullfuckery, website designers forget to allow people to just save the damn pictures that are available. Please make it easier to do, devs. I wanna share what I'm seeing.
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Overhype Studios
Jan 31, 2014
Thanks guys! :bro:

1. is there a way to chop heads off dead zombies?
No. Heads can only be chopped off while zombies are "living" for balance reasons right now, and also unfortunately not in the combat demo you're playing since we only added fatalities after its release. Certain weapons and skills have an increased chance of chopping off heads than others (e.g. Greatswords work great, and the Decapitate skill of the Military Cleaver speaks for itself). In the future, we might also add some accessory items (worn in the accessory inventory slot) like holy water or somesuch with which dead zombies can be finished off or corpses can be rendered un-resurrectable in general.

2. Can you make it so it won't take every move 2 clicks? I really like how they did it with ExConq. Whenever you move your mouse they show you the trail your character will take, and it just takes one click to do it instead of two. I know it may seem trivial, but I think it really helped the pacing.
I'm not so sure about this. I understand your reasoning, but I personally don't like this at all.

3. Is there a way to do a 5-foot step or something along these lines? To get out of the AoO area of the enemy?
Well, we have a high-level perk which allows a character to ignore Zone of Control completely. We toyed with the idea of having an equivalent to the 5-foot step every now and then (e.g. giving it to 1h wielders with no shields before we introduced the double grip concept) but it never felt right in the game. The way to safely move out of a Zone of Control right now is using the Hook skill to just pull an enemy away from the character in question, using the Knock Back skill to push away the enemy, to stun the enemy using the Knock Out skill of maces and clubs, or using Shieldwall in order to minimize the chance of receiving an AoO while moving.

Also, care to direct me at a specific video that covers the out-of-battle aspects of the gameplay?
We don't have a video dedicated to this yet, but we'll make one once we're confident the worldmap provides enough meat and won't be drastically changed anymore. The most recent gameplay video provides some info on leveling and perks, though.

Also also.. Man, I find this happens too many times. With the whole silly web 2.0 social media bullfuckery, website designers forget to allow people to just save the damn pictures that are available. Please make it easier to do, devs. I wanna share what I'm seeing.
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me either why the gallery wouldn't allow for right-clicking the images. I couldn't find the solution on short notice, but we're on it. In the meantime, may I direct you to our presskit which has a bunch of screenshots available for linking and downloading? Thanks for sharing!
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Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
This'll do nicely. And thanks for the answers!

And by the way, I love all the little dynamic graphic details you guys have going on. Arrows flying (and missing), blood pools forming, heads flying, dents and wounds showing up on the units themselves, armor and weapons visually changing.. Shit's fucking great!
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