There were 60+ million WHITE Europeans fighting in World War I. 15+ million WHITE Europeans were killed. 20+ million WHITE Europeans were wounded.
"(...) The U.S. armed forces remained segregated through World War I. Still, many African Americans eagerly volunteered to join the Allied cause following America's entry into the war. By the time of the Armistice with Germany on November 11, 1918, over 350,000 African Americans had served with the American Expeditionary Force on the Western Front."
Yeahhh, sure bro.. 350.000-370.000 soldiers seem small number to you? Not really.
Dark skinned 'MERICAN soldier makes it onto the cover and isn't represented as simple canon fodder but as a super hero soldier, because who fucking cares about history, "we are oh so progressive and politically correct SJWs and therefore pander to minorties."
That said, time for you to go back to tumblr.