A “Super-Pre-Alpha” First Look at BATTLETECH Combat - And It’s Playable at GenCon! Plus a New Late Backer Opportunity!
Hey everyone! Mike here. In the months since our Kickstarter campaign closed late last year, every one of us on the BATTLETECH team has been working hard to bring BATTLETECH to life - and today, we’re very excited to present to you a short sneak-peek at a super, super,
pre-alpha build of the game. And as our Backers, we wanted to make sure that you all would be the very first people to see it - so this is a private update for Backers only.
Before you watch the video - please be aware that there’s bugs and missing features a-plenty here! We’re showing off where we’re at with combat gameplay here, warts and all. Some specific combat features that are part of the game but didn’t make it into this demo include: stability/falling, MechWarrior special abilities, reverse movement, better damage reporting, and melee. (We all really wanted to show off some of the awesome melee attacks the team’s been working on, but it’s still just not quite ready for primetime.) Note that this also doesn’t showcase any elements of the game’s campaign or story - this is an example of a single mission that you might embark on during your Mercenary career.
Anyway - with that said, here is your first look at BATTLETECH. Jordan and Mitch and I are incredibly proud of the work the team has already done on this project, and look forward to showing you more of the game later this year -
and if you happen to be in Indianapolis this weekend for GenCon, stop by Booth 2329 to say hi and try the demo out for yourself!
Until next time,
...and here's a few screenshots!
Come See Us at GenCon 2016!
Gonna be in Indianapolis Indiana this weekend (August 4-7) and want to put your hands on our Super-Pre-Alpha First Look at BATTLETECH? Want to meet BattleTech, Shadowrun, and Crimson Skies (plus a lot more) creator Jordan Weisman? How about the crew who brought you the Shadowrun Returns series including Lead Writer Andrew McIntosh?
Well you can do it all at GenCon 2016!
Harebrained Schemes will be in Booth 2329 and we can’t wait to meet you and show you what we’re up to. Use this
handy map tool to find us!
Reinforcement Opportunity For Late Backers!
One of the most common questions we get (besides, “Which ‘Mechs will be in the game?”) is “Can I still back the project?” Up until today the answer has been, “No.”
Now that all the design, production, manufacturing, and shipping for physical rewards is behind us, we feel comfortable opening up a limited number of DIGITAL-ONLY Backer levels, so that folks who missed our Kickstarter can
become Late Backers and reinforce the mission.
We’re still working hard on a license from Topps that would allow us to create new BT merch for everyone to enjoy. If that deal comes together we will let you know! For now, let your friends know that they can still get in on the action and support the project by choosing from one of the following Late Reinforcement Backer Levels:
- A DIGITAL copy of the BATTLETECH game for Windows, Mac, or Linux through your choice of Steam, GOG or Humble. (DRM-free versions available, too!).
- A GREAT HOUSE WALLPAPER PACK. Proudly proclaim your House allegiance on your PC, tablet, phone, and social media pages.
All of the above, PLUS:
- A digital download of the BATTLETECH ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK.
- THE ART OF BATTLETECH in PDF format! See behind-the-scenes concept art and how we go from concept art to the final look and feel of the game.
All of the above, PLUS:
- Access to the SKIRMISH and MULTIPLAYER GAME BETAs. Get in early to learn the ropes of ’Mech combat and help us make the game better.
- A BACKER-ONLY VARIANT of the Atlas Assault 'Mech with an exclusive model and paint job.
- A brand-new four part ORIGINAL FULL-LENGTH BATTLETECH E-NOVEL by legendary author Michael A. Stackpole.
- Our system is not set up to allow current Backers to easily upgrade to a higher level. If you are currently a Backer at the $25 or $35 reward tier and want to upgrade to the $35 or $50 reward tier, please contact us on our web site and we’ll help you make that change.
- We did not re-open the INITIATE OF THE ORDER digital reward level because we felt that entry into the Order of Valhalla should remain exclusive to our original Kickstarter Backers.
Please share our Late Backer and Add-Ons link with your friends and followers on social media so that they can become reinforcements and join the mission!