The ancestry listings are for the most part (arguably excluding the nobles) needlessly pedantic (and most probably incomplete), yes, but, by His Noodliness, it doesn't hurt anyone! Or anything. No need for butthurt.
twincast is Ignoring...
# Username Posts
1 anus_pounder 5,722
2 aratuk 144
3 ArchAngel 5,307
4 Archibald 4,059
5 Arkeus 1,353
6 AstroZombie 1,041
7 AwesomeButton 1,548
8 Bester 1,865
9 Black 10,085
10 Black_Willow 3,374
11 Bobbix 12
12 Boleskine 935
13 bonescraper 4,458
14 Boxer 132
15 Brother None 5,621
16 Brotherman Bill 6,139
17 Brzęczyszczykiewicz 952
18 Bumvelcrow 1,311
19 Burning Bridges 13,432
20 Cadmus 3,449
21 Caim 6,280
22 Chaotic_Heretic 2,452
23 circ 10,779
24 Corporate_Jew_Master 6,020
25 corvus 3,936
26 cpmartins 74
27 crawlkill 673
28 CruduxCruo 70
29 Daedalos 659
30 Daemongar 2,181
31 dnf 5,885
32 DosBuster 1,615
33 DragoFireheart 20,684
34 Drakron 5,551
35 Drax 8,232
36 Ed123 11,428
37 eremita 797
38 Excidium II 10,697
39 Fairfax 1,926
40 FeelTheRads 9,811
41 Fenix 1,355
42 fizzelopeguss 11,733
43 Frusciante 425
44 GarfunkeL 14,864
45 Goral 923
46 granit 127
47 Gregz 4,439
48 Grim Monk 1,080
49 Grimlorn 5,313
50 Grotesque 1,582
51 Hegel 3,274
52 Higher Animal 1,584
53 holla_cabezas_de_mierda 282
54 Humanity has risen! 11,183
55 IHaveHugeNick 1,398
56 Illuvatard 226
57 Immortal 3,015
58 imweasel 2,708
59 Intinium 1,695
60 Invictus 1,749
61 Irenaeus 22,098
62 Irenaeus II 3,251
63 Irenaeus III 990
64 Irenaeus IV 0
65 Irenaeus VI 16
66 Ismaul 1,125
67 Jack 3,862
68 Jaklon 317
69 janjetina 3,788
70 Jarpie 3,233
71 jdinatale 346
72 just janior pretty pretty please. 601
73 justincz 55
74 J_C 11,897
75 kain30 246
76 Kalin 2,571
77 Kattze 4,726
78 Kem0sabe 7,900
79 KevinV12000 506
80 Lady Error 6,489
81 likaq 1,198
82 Lurker King 2,104
83 Makabb 4,838
84 Manjuice Nutella 4,887
85 Mastermind 16,453
86 Matalarata 945
87 Metro 24,655
88 Mexi 370
89 mondblut 10,348
90 Mortmal 3,829
91 Mustawd 6,915
92 Neckbeard Shitlord 3,399
93 NeoKino 114
94 Night Goat 6,919
95 nomask7 7,556
96 Norfleet 6,558
97 Nugs 126
98 Onholyservicebound 1,559
99 pbdt 32
100 Perkel 6,276
101 Phantasmal 4,454
102 PhantasmaNL 1,091
103 Popiel 301
104 PorkaMorka 4,694
105 praetor 2,496
106 prodigydancer 1,073
107 Profane Geometer 0
108 racofer 19,515
109 Ranselknulf 5,086
110 Renegen 3,910
111 roshan 2,120
112 Save Versus Stupid 20
113 Saxon1974 1,976
114 Schizophrenic monolog 136
115 scytheavatar 5
116 Seari 570
117 shihonage 6,077
118 Silva 1,094
119 Sjukob 398
120 Smashing Axe 2,574
121 Somberlain 3,734
122 Space Satan 2,494
123 Spooky Skellington 16,735
124 Stabwound 3,230
125 Stainless Veteran 2,733
126 TalesfromtheCrypt 3,753
127 taxalot 4,478
128 TeknoBM 253
129 The Brazilian Slaughter 18,357
130 Tommy Wiseau 8,629
131 trais 2,367
132 tyrannosaurus rex 3,062
133 Volourn 19,996
134 Volrath 2,944
135 warpig 2,755
136 whysoserious 108
137 xemous 1,140
138 Zarniwoop 6,516
139 Zewp 3,469
_____ 249