Ph.D. in World Saving
You two guys are trying to take on Pixar or something?
This is utterly flooring, impossible... and beautiful.
This is utterly flooring, impossible... and beautiful.
Three years ago we came to you with an idea for an adventure game. You saw the potential in BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION and joined us in making it a reality.
Enjoy the 2020 trailer below!
GOG has joined us as a DRM-free partner (Backers, don't forget to fill in your backer survey to make your choice).
You can wish-list on GOG here;
Our Steam page is here:
These extra two months grace from our planned release date has resulted in a huge amount of additional content and polish. We know it will be well worth it! Thank you for your patience.
We are aiming for an end of February launch (isn't that exciting?!), although this entirely depends on any show-stopping bugs that may pop up. Rest assured though, we've already had our internal testers complete the game - and are personally testing it to the limits in studio.
Backer Survey
If you haven't yet, please check your email/inbox for a backer survey. We need your name for the credits. This will only be open for one more week.
Why is it in grpg? The authors themselves stated the game is not a rpg. There will be some c&c, but no character creation and/or growth. It's an action-adventure.
Got my Beta key. Thank you.
Edit: First impressions.
The game looks outstanding. The atmosphere is just right and I look forward to the final release.
That being said, I don't understand 2 things:
1) The highlight interface drives me nuts. Proposal: let me press a key and read all the descriptions at once.
2) Please use the standard 'X' for closing windows. Also be consistent: close window button should always be in the same part of the window.
Shame it's not an RPG, but it still looks pretty awesome. I'm really tempted to dip back into the Adventure genre, after a long time...
Why is it in grpg? The authors themselves stated the game is not a rpg. There will be some c&c, but no character creation and/or growth. It's an action-adventure.
Any chance this might run at its lowest settings on an onboard gpu?
Gosh, it looks fantastic.
Got my Beta key. Thank you.
Edit: First impressions.
The game looks outstanding. The atmosphere is just right and I look forward to the final release.
That being said, I don't understand 2 things:
1) The highlight interface drives me nuts. Proposal: let me press a key and read all the descriptions at once.
2) Please use the standard 'X' for closing windows. Also be consistent: close window button should always be in the same part of the window.
Alright, I got some free time and Internet, so I decided to do what a responsible person would do and play the demo immediately. First impression: IT LOOKS AWESOME! Even better: The Fallout dialogue screen is back!
However, is there a way to speed-up or outright cancel the "opening menu" animations? Especially the paused menu one. The "starting up" PDA one is also one that there should be an option to skip it. Life is too short and I cannot waste time watching menus open! Another thing: A pop-up with a description of a non-interactive item shows up a few seconds after highlighting it, but it doesn't seem to fade out on its own. Oddly enough, items you can grab lack said pop-up, for good or bad. They're still quite visibly, which it helps because even though the graphics are gorgeous, your character looks tiny. The achievement menu is also lolz, with some unsubtle references. Lastly, is there a way to name your saved games?
Minor nitpicking so far, I know, but I didn't play much yet.
Can I share my screenshots then? I wish to show the glory ofwell-written WakandaBeautiful Desolation.
Here there are some screenies to show my comments and minor issues so far.
Does the beta include the endgame? I doubt it so, but just to confirm, in case if I'm better waiting until the game is "officially" out.
Lastly, did you check that Unity video that looks awesome, but it's all style over substance?
Got my beta key, thanks alot! But not any link to a backer survey, nor did mail/inbox hold it.
Where'd I find it, Pyke? Do I have to equip the?
Could you please send me a new one? Or anyways, I prefer the game on GoG, if that's the relevant survey item/question.
You've got a heart ofobsidiangold!