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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Jul 10, 2013
Randos on Youtube said he was a failure lol. Talk about lack of perspective.


Apr 7, 2013
Codex USB, 2014
^TotalBiscuit had a meltdown a while ago because people said he was a failure. It's possible.
Surprise, people aren't prepackaged with a thick skin of reason. People can go lethargic or have an anxiety attack or become insane because of what in hindsight is really the lamest shit. It's only natural.

That's not to say I'm going to defend the people Angthoron is talking about, because overreaction to one person's words on the internet is pretty weak. However, in a way I sympathize with TotalBiscuit, because the kind of popularity he's getting (which comes with the opportunity for all his viewers to provide instant, impersonal feedback) is new and not widely understood. I don't think he's a particularly good journalist or commentator, from what I've seen, but you don't need to be one to realize after a while that 99% of the single-sentence-or-less reactions you're getting from people across the internet, regardless of whether they're positive or negative, are awful shit (and the paragraphs are unlikely to be much better).

Imagine, you're a guy who's found a hobby making videos that people find watchable, and your viewerbase grows enough over time that it actually becomes a source of sustainable income, so being the hopeful young lad you are, you decide to go through with it. There's a reasonable few who will watch and understand your videos, and chat about them like thoughtful human beings, perhaps more thoughtful than you are. These people are much more noticeable when you've got less popularity, and because your videos in part rely on communication with the audience, that's all well and good at the start. But you get a bigger and bigger name for yourself, and the venues you used previously for chat (at an intensity level that you find acceptable) become an overflowing sewer of worthless audience opinion. All the doge references and insults and ad populums and heavy fanboyism form an unsatisfying, overwhelming river of disease and stench. You begin to resent it no matter how bad a content creator you are, because no one person can possibly be as bad as the collective whole of YouTube/Reddit comments. You've spent years of your life on something you thought you'd enjoy, but now each day you wake up to the screams of thousands of absolute retards, maybe even tens of thousands, at the page below each of your videos.

That's enough to drive anybody into some kind of mental instability.

You can be certain that one of these days, Pewpediwepi will be found dead as the result of multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
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Sep 5, 2013
All them Youtube personages do what they do voluntarily. If you make stuff and put it on the internet under your own name and face, you're in for some nasty shit, especially if you're "mainstream". Internet is a force of nature, complaining about unpleasant comments on the internet is like sticking your arm into a lion's cage and crying when it gets bitten off. I'm not saying it's right, but that's the way it is.


Apr 7, 2013
Codex USB, 2014
All them Youtube personages do what they do voluntarily. If you make stuff and put it on the internet under your own name and face, you're in for some nasty shit, especially if you're "mainstream". Internet is a force of nature, complaining about unpleasant comments on the internet is like sticking your arm into a lion's cage and crying when it gets bitten off. I'm not saying it's right, but that's the way it is.
And I'm not saying it's involuntary. There's probably a good period where you can enjoy what you're doing if it involves the internet, and I'll posit that this forms enough promise in the minds of YouTube video makers that they feel the desire to keep making videos even as things start turning out less in their favor. That's just how lots of people are; they don't know when to quit, and I don't believe that's something deserving of the treatment that popular internet people get.

I think that just because he does it voluntarily doesn't make anything related to backlash against him actually his fault. Unless you're promoting terrorism, subjugation of a group of people, or other unsavory ideas, I don't find anything particularly morally repugnant with putting videos up on YouTube for monetary gain. TB attracting thousands of cosmic retards in his comment sections isn't a fault of his own, something he must have brought upon himself; it's merely a result of the system in which he operates. The blame, if there is any, goes to those cosmic retards and that system, because they really are poison.


Sep 5, 2013
I think that just because he does it voluntarily doesn't make anything related to backlash against him actually his fault. Unless you're promoting terrorism, subjugation of a group of people, or other unsavory ideas, I don't find anything particularly morally repugnant with putting videos up on YouTube for monetary gain. TB attracting thousands of cosmic retards in his comment sections isn't a fault of his own, something he must have brought upon himself; it's merely a result of the system in which he operates. The blame, if there is any, goes to those cosmic retards and that system, because they really are poison.

Like I said, getting angry at the internet is almost like getting angry at some blind force, like a hurricane or something. You either accept it, or you quit. These aren't exactly great options, but they're the only options you're gonna get. If you have half a million viewers and among them a hundred retards, who dislike your videos for whatever reason, then those retards are the most likely people you'll hear from, creating a false impression, that the entire Internet is out to get you.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
There are ways to filter the feedback you are given. He could disable or totally ignore all comments on his youtube channel. Make a forum, and ask anyone who wants to discuss his videos to post on the forum. Then he would have control over who was posting.

If he's really so popular that even that is untenable as a solution, well he should be making enough money to hire a community manager then.

There are people who's entire job is to essentially take the abuse that makes TB cry himself to sleep. They're called customer support representatives.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't see any problem with people making money off youtube videos. What youtube personalities do isn't really terribly different than, say, what a stand up comedian does. Both earn their living by entertaining others. If there is a problem with youtube personalities it's that they aren't managed properly.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I don't wish ill on TB, but I find it a bit hard to pity someone who complains that now he's so depressed, he can only play some FPS two hours per day, tops. Mmmmmmkay.

Nobody's forcing him to read the constant stream of shit on youtube, either. He says he likes doing it anyway because there are a few normal people in the middle of the sea of shit, but if you can't stand the heat...

Echo Mirage

Aug 19, 2013
Tirra Lirra by the River
I think TB is to afraid of losing his youtube relevance. Which will be his inevitable fate either way. The second he stops swimming in the sea of shit for the few constructive comments and takes a break to play the games he wants, someone else will raise and take his place. And no matter how hard he tries after to regain what he once had, he will be finished. That is what he, and other like him are really afraid of.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Here’s what’s really happening here, and why people like “George” respond to articles like mine with virility and venom: There is an epidemic of hatred against women on the internet, and not just in gaming communities.
WAT? People don't like his articles and say that he looks/sound pedo because of hatred for woman?
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Here’s what’s really happening here, and why people like “George” respond to articles like mine with virility and venom: There is an epidemic of hatred against women on the internet, and not just in gaming communities.
WAT? People don't like his articles and say that he looks/sound pedo because of hatred for woman?

The internet, this great and wonderful thing, has blossomed over the past decade into a haven of ignorance where not only are all voices not given equal weight, but those who speak the most belligerently are heard most distinctly. It has morphed from a utopian ideal of democratized creativity into a Nietzschean horror show governed by thugs. And the best defense we can imagine is “Don’t engage.”

No, I’m sorry, but fuck that, I’m engaging.

We — all of us — should be ashamed for saying nothing. “George” and those like them are ignorant bullies. They are degenerate creeps and we are letting them run the show. It’s time that came to an end. We are better than this. We are better than silence.

And so I say to people like “George”: No. Bad.

You do not get to anonymously write hateful things and have them stand alone.

You do not get to threaten my reputation and not be held accountable.

You do not get to abuse the people I care about and expect me to stand idly by.

You will be addressed when you do wrong, because I have had enough of this bullshit.

And if you can’t deal with that, then “Don’t engage” me.




Dec 4, 2012
The sad thing is, he's not entirely wrong : just look at shitholes like Reddit or Tumblr.

The only thing web2.0 has demonstrated succinctly, is that giving everyone everywhere anonymous free speech is a horrible fucking thing. A high tech way to both throw shit at other people and wallow in the stench from the sidelines.


May 7, 2012
This Russ Pitts butthurt makes me wish I had archived the escapist thread on the DeadHorse Interchange when he and the mods on the escapist began their little rampage on banning all dissent so they dumped all the dirty laundry the had on him. My memory is super fuzzy at the time but they had screens of him pathetically coming on to women and acting like his mod powers were some godlike sex appeal. Makes me think that when the article says that if video games ever were considered art Pitts would be right in front showing off how he edits for some 2 bit gaming rag on the internet, then getting super fucking pissed when women still laugh at him.


Dec 9, 2011
However, in a way I sympathize with TotalBiscuit, because the kind of popularity he's getting (which comes with the opportunity for all his viewers to provide instant, impersonal feedback) is new and not widely understood.
There are professions which have to deal with waves of retards upon waves in real life, face to face, on constant basis. People like simple salesmen, or doctors, or real celebrities, who get bombarded with new faces and feedback every day. Not to mention various bots and rival companies who would shame them personaly and their job. A simple vet who failed to heal someone's dog can get blasted on his clinic's forums or get threats, since people are so attached to their loved ones or their property. A few posts from idiots could ruin someone's internet reputation, and a silly joke can get one fired from his job, like we've seen with that feminist and a guy who made a joke about her at some 'con.

Compare that to TB, who, if he wished, could just post his videos anon indefinitely, and to break from everything bad happening on his job, he has to just close a web browser. Sure, he probably gets a ton of anon harassment, but that would never threaten his job, the cash he gets, and noone even might know how he looks in real life.
I'd say the pros outweight the cons here.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
The sad thing is, he's not entirely wrong : just look at shitholes like Reddit or Tumblr.

The only thing web2.0 has demonstrated succinctly, is that giving everyone everywhere anonymous free speech is a horrible fucking thing. A high tech way to both throw shit at other people and wallow in the stench from the sidelines.

So what? Retards always existed, always eager to fling shit. Those sites just give them a more convenient place to feed each other's neurosis. At least on the internet you can avoid them with a minimum of self-control (which dudebro there doesn't have - "don't engage the troll...don't engage the troll...don't engage the troll....AASAAKDBASJDHABJSDHBAJDHAJSDHBAJS GET OFF MY PLANET ASSHOLES" - yeah, no. Take your meds.).
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Feb 16, 2013
Here’s what’s really happening here, and why people like “George” respond to articles like mine with virility and venom: There is an epidemic of hatred against women on the internet, and not just in gaming communities.

Is this "I worked as an educator" an american thing? We call them teachers or tutors or professors and so on, people wo call themselves educators we call creepy.


May 7, 2012
Here’s what’s really happening here, and why people like “George” respond to articles like mine with virility and venom: There is an epidemic of hatred against women on the internet, and not just in gaming communities.

Is this "I worked as an educator" an american thing? We call them teachers or tutors or professors and so on, people wo call themselves educators we call creepy.
From what I can find, no. He is most likely using educator in the sense that since he was an editor at the Escapist he was educating the sordid plebs all about the great majesty of video games or some ridiculous bullshit to pump up his ego. Also I found out Pitts lives in my area according to his LinkedIn page.
Jan 7, 2012
Compare that to TB, who, if he wished, could just post his videos anon indefinitely, and to break from everything bad happening on his job, he has to just close a web browser. Sure, he probably gets a ton of anon harassment, but that would never threaten his job, the cash he gets, and noone even might know how he looks in real life.
I'd say the pros outweight the cons here.

It goes beyond that. Every time people view his videos or make comments, he gets money. There's literally no reason for him to do anything but laugh and cash the check every time a flame war starts up.


Mar 3, 2011
I did not know this Russ fellow existence before this thread.
My life was happier.

Damn he's such a whiny little baby.

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