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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
I wouldn't mind a dose of political correctness injected in to the Estonians. Absolutely EVERY single work day I have to hear at least one factually wrong and plain retarded insult to my nationality or nation, and thus to my family and myself. Every. single. day.

They actually call Russians barbarous but they never have any common decency to hold their nazi remarks to themselves while in company of Russians.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The Walkin' Dude said:
I wouldn't mind a dose of political correctness injected in to the Estonians. Absolutely EVERY single work day I have to hear at least one factually wrong and plain retarded insult to my nationality or nation, and thus to my family and myself. Every. single. day.

They actually call Russians barbarous but they never have any common decency to hold their nazi remarks to themselves while in company of Russians.

Russians are pretty cool actually. I'm partly Russian, too. That changes nothing of the fact that most Russians are lawless bastards and can drink more alcohol than anyone else.

But they're still cool, in a vile way.


Mar 24, 2006
Zagreb, Croatia
Wilco said:
I believe the term you are looking for is "unlawful combatants". I mean, sheesh, show a little political correctness, will you? Unlawful combatants have rights, too. Oh, wait...


Dec 26, 2007
Jasede said:
Political correctness is a terrible virus, uglifying languages world-wide.

I'm not a big fan of bureaucratic verbiage myself, but the "PC" card has become the "Racism" card for honkies. Too many people use it as an excuse to behave like inconsiderate, maladapted, unreconstructed, racist cunts.

It's like: "Nice tits, luv! How do you fit fifty Pakis in a tyre? While you're down there, luv! Tell 'em it's a flat! uh hur hur hur. Don't like what I'm saying, guv? Well, tough, 'coz I'm POLITICALLY INCORRECT! Nanny-state, fucking Poles, you couldn't make it up! Gorblimey! etc."

By all means protest against idiotic government and corporate bollocks - gawd knows it needs to be done - but I can't condone throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Do we really need to throw out decency, fairness, and respect along with the bureaucratic nonsense? Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but I worry about that happening.

Wilco said:
I fucking hate political correctness, it's a modern form of censorship that's just weakening Western countries...

My personal take is that it's the result of a litigious society clawing for any advantage it can find. It's sad, but unless a company can erect some kind of impenetrable word-barrier, people will behave like twats and argue complete bullshit for hours and hours and hours on end.

Top Hat

May 24, 2006
Admiral jimbob said:
Freedom fighters = terrorists

What is with that? Are they fighting freedom, or fighting for freedom?

I also recommend not getting hit by a car.


Nov 29, 2007
The land of multi-headed phallus
afewhours said:
I'm not a big fan of bureaucratic verbiage myself, but the "PC" card has become the "Racism" card for honkies. Too many people use it as an excuse to behave like inconsiderate, maladapted, unreconstructed, racist cunts.

It's like: "Nice tits, luv! How do you fit fifty Pakis in a tyre? While you're down there, luv! Tell 'em it's a flat! uh hur hur hur. Don't like what I'm saying, guv? Well, tough, 'coz I'm POLITICALLY INCORRECT! Nanny-state, fucking Poles, you couldn't make it up! Gorblimey! etc."

By all means protest against idiotic government and corporate bollocks - gawd knows it needs to be done - but I can't condone throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Do we really need to throw out decency, fairness, and respect along with the bureaucratic nonsense? Perhaps I'm being paranoid, but I worry about that happening.

It should be the unfortunate price we all have to pay when we institute free speech. It's similar to suffrage and village idiots, when we institute true universal suffrage we know fully well the village idiot/crook/murderer/nazi etc will have the right to vote.

My personal take is that it's the result of a litigious society clawing for any advantage it can find. It's sad, but unless a company can erect some kind of impenetrable word-barrier, people will behave like twats and argue complete bullshit for hours and hours and hours on end.

The ideal of Political Correctness has extended far beyond simple word-barriers and word-changes. Just one small example is terrorist profiling. We all know fully well that the only terrorist threat to Western countries comes from Islam, yet at airports we randomly screen 10% of passengers in order to be politically correct. If we want to win this 'war' against terror we have to distance ourselves from douche bag politicians looking only to get ahead and start taking a firm stance. You don't stare down the barrel of your enemy’s gun and say he's only 'misguided'.

We are only showing our weakness and stupidity to Radical Islamists, and essentially giving them words to hide under.


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007


Dec 26, 2007
Wilco said:
The ideal of Political Correctness has extended far beyond simple word-barriers and word-changes. Just one small example is terrorist profiling. We all know fully well that the only terrorist threat to Western countries comes from Islam, yet at airports we randomly screen 10% of passengers in order to be politically correct.

Now, to me, this is just PR. I think the bulk of the argument runs like this:

- If we search people for being Muslims, then it will look like we're targetting all Islam.
Therefore: The Muslims will hate our guts even more.
Therefore: There will be more terrorist attacks.

I don't know how much truth there is in this. I'm not directly involved in any of this terrorism/counter-terrorism malarky. You could argue PR is a waste of time anyway. I really don't know.

You also run the risk of pissing off muslims native to the western country in question - In my case that's the UK. Because of democracy and all that jazz, they can vote people out of power if they feel they're being oppressed or targetted.

It's a difficult balancing act, and a headache I'm glad not to have. You could go too soft and achieve nothing, or you could go too hard and turn the world into a warzone.

Wilco said:
It should be the unfortunate price we all have to pay when we institute free speech.

So, what, we *do* have to throw decency, respect, and fairness out the window then? Is that it? Game over: civilisation? Game over: social harmony? Is there really no way of ensuring free speech and fostering a sense of community?

Gawd, I think I'll emigrate to Greenland. Population Density of 0.026 per square kilometer? Count me in.


Nov 29, 2007
The land of multi-headed phallus
afewhours said:
Now, to me, this is just PR. I think the bulk of the argument runs like this:

- If we search people for being Muslims, then it will look like we're targetting all Islam.
Therefore: The Muslims will hate our guts even more.
Therefore: There will be more terrorist attacks.
I don't know how much truth there is in this. I'm not directly involved in any of this terrorism/counter-terrorism malarky. You could argue PR is a waste of time anyway. I really don't know.

You also run the risk of pissing off muslims native to the western country in question - In my case that's the UK. Because of democracy and all that jazz, they can vote people out of power if they feel they're being oppressed or targetted.

If something like this was implemented, you are absolutely correct that Muslims will hate the West even more. But the number of terrorist attacks rising? Possibility. You have to consider the fact that much stricter measures will be taken and we would be targeting the only real threatening minority.

I also think that in many ways PC is too much of an ideal. Where in a utopian world there would be no conflict, extremism, haterd etc. PC would be a great thing. But right now when there is plenty of the former happening all over the world, it is much more a hindrance and sign of weakness then anything positive. If extremist tendencies ever subside (and I personally think they will in time), then most people probably wouldn't have a problem with PC.

It's a difficult balancing act, and a headache I'm glad not to have. You could go too soft and achieve nothing, or you could go too hard and turn the world into a warzone.

Exactly. It's a problem that has global consequences with no easy solution.

So, what, we *do* have to throw decency, respect, and fairness out the window then? Is that it? Game over: civilisation? Game over: social harmony? Is there really no way of ensuring free speech and fostering a sense of community?

Throwing decency, respect and fairness out the window is certainly not the end of Western civilisation. Throughout most of Western history, from classical to modern, we were the epitome of intolerant. Only in the last half of the 20th century did we begin to embrace the idea of fairness and tolerance. Now I'm not saying we should simply throw these out. No way. But we should be targeting those groups within our community that do have these extremist tendencies.

Gawd, I think I'll emigrate to Greenland. Population Density of 0.026 per square kilometer? Count me in.

Amazingly, I gave that consideration myself. But then climate and isolation would not suit me. I certainly prefer the semi-perpetual summer we have down here to the freezing cold of Greenland.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
PC is having it ass backwards.

You don't make people respect each other by forcing them to use non offensive terminology.
You don't help people from various cultural backgrounds assimilate and coexist if you carefully sidestep every issue that might prevent such assimilation.
One should cure the cause, not sympthoms.


Dec 26, 2007
DraQ said:
You don't make people respect each other by forcing them to use non offensive terminology.

Sadly, force seems more and more necessary these days. It's all very nice thinking there is some pathological cause we can eradicate, thus ensuring social harmony, but it's never that simple. Words and reasoning often fail, and I have to sic the police on cunts who can't behave.

I don't *like* the idea that we have to write people off and treat them as animals. Some idealistic part of me still likes to think there is hope, but you can't run a society on hope alone. Until we do have utopia, we have to bring the hammer down to ensure cohesion. Figuring out when and where we bring the hammer down is the difficult part.

A lot of my confusion about the PC/Racism thing has to do with my background. I'm from the Midlands in the UK: Coventry to be precise. Now, anyone who's from the UK will know the Midlands, and Birmingham in particular is referred to as the 'Balti Belt'. We have every single ethnicity under the sun living in the Midlands. You can go to Birmingham, point at various areas and say: "The Pakistanis live there; the Banghalis live there; the Somalians live there; the Jamaicans live there; The Chavs live there, etc. etc." you have everyone.

Now this is an odd kind of environment. In order to run various establishments like clubs and so forth, you have to think in generalisations. If you have a club frequented by Black geezers, ideally you put Black geezers on the doors. You can get away with using White guys - they'd be considered ineffective, and may not get much respect, but they wouldn't really trigger any flashpoints. An Asian guy would be a slightly risky proposition. It's not so bad these days, but about 15-20 years ago, there was a lot of tension between the Black and Asian communities here. The Asian community contains a great deal of infighting right to this day.

Anyhoo, to cut a long explanation short: you have to run things on stereotypes, but the council can't sanction this - there'd be riots otherwise - so they bring in the PC stuff. Does this restrict freedom? In theory, yes, but in practice? It's a bit different.

If someone in this big melting pot tries to accuse someone of being racist, the usual response is "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?" It's like a low-blow in a boxing match - it's something you just don't do. If you try and play the racism card, you get the shit kicked out of you. If you take it to court? Meh. It makes no difference, the guy has friends. Chances are he'll get the local nutters to pay you a visit with some axes. The most extreme case I ever heard of involved hundreds of people with vans and miniguns, but I don't think that particular incident had anything to do with racism... meh. I can't remember - but you get the idea.

So when a lot of people get hysterical about the PC thing... well, I have trouble taking them seriously. To me, it's just the government/corporations covering their arses. Everything just carries on down here like it always has. It doesn't seem to make any fucking difference.


Dec 26, 2007
Oh yeah, I should mention as well. The courts aren't quite as willing to behave as PC as you may think. I've had plenty of idiots try to bring racism charges against me for throwing them off the premises. Every time, we've told them to fuck off (sometimes in those words) and nothing's come of it. Sometimes, if we're feeling especially feisty, we threaten to counter-prosecute for anything we can dig up.

JarlFrank said:
It's wonderful to see how a thread that never really had an actual topic can go off-topic.

It seems I have a talent for derailing threads. Sad thing is, it may be my only talent. :wink:


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
ViolentOpposition said:
Ratty said:
ViolentOpposition said:
Top Hat said:
Are they fighting freedom, or fighting for freedom?

Both. There's ours, and then there's theirs.
Yeah, they're fighting to free themselves from freedom.

They are? Dumb makes brain angry.
Angry isn't exactly bad at making brain dumb either.

Vicious circle!

User was nabbed fit

The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough.

Though I concede that it doesn't need 'tard anger.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
ViolentOpposition said:
The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough.

Though it doesn't need 'tard anger.
Then it needs to think prior to getting angry. It may prove difficult other way around.

I've just coined a new word:
Thanks for the inspiration. :D

User was nabbed fit

Hence why we don't need 'tard anger!

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