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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]

Mar 23, 2006
Iasi, Romania?... Postcount: bigger then yours
Admiral jimbob said:
What? They suspended you for discussing TES in general... in the TES General forum?

If course not... I think they just figured out it was an alt account of mine and since I was banned 2 times before, I'm not allowed to do anything in the forums anymore. Maybe next time (possibly when TES5 will be announced) I won't make it so obvious.

and there's also a recent poll I did in the Comunity Discussion about Best RPG and Rogue-like ever. Most people got pissed cause they didn't know what rogue-likes were and that I didn't add Morrowind or FF to the list...

Vault Dweller said:
What's there to discuss? It's been established by every game magazine in the world that Oblivion is the most awesome game ever. So, either join us as we offer our daily praises to Bethesda or get the fuck out, you filthy heathen!

Even though most discussions about TES5 are wacked and only talk about possible provinces, there are very few good threads like the ones made by myself, mrhappy and absinthe82 that propose some realy good ideas for the character creation

Besides... the main reason why I joined ESF back in July 2005 was to propose ideas for Oblivion, after Oblivion got launched, there was little reason to post there anymore. Now I'm just doing the same thing, only with a unannounced game that I'm not even sure if it will be an RPG.

or even a TES game


Jul 21, 2005
I bet if you analyze the brains of paint-sniffers and non-paint sniffers they'll look different too. Paint sniffing is not a choice!

Seriously, I believe in Greg Cochran's theory (wish I could find the pdf that contained a compilation of his rants on the subject, but you'll have to settle for that) which is rather determinist, but there's not really enough evidence to say what the real cause is.


Dec 12, 2005
Data4 said:
Oh good goddamn... is this thread going to go that route now?
If you like :).

Greg Cochran's theory:
Ignores possible indirect evolutionary benefits of homosexuality: Stupid.
Ignores societal nature of humans, and possible benefits to survival of the groups (and therefore the individual statistically): Stupid.
Ignores the relationships between genes, and the possibility of an undesirable evolutionary property being the result of a combination of two otherwise useful genes: Stupid.
Uses current statistics on American reproduction to draw conclusions on an evolutionary process: Very stupid.
Uses: "Apples are round. Oranges are round. Apples are probably oranges." reasoning throughout. Extremely stupid.

Today's "Abject stupidity in support of groundless pseudo-scientific claims" award goes to: Greg Cochran

Congratulations Greg!

(1) Nevar!!!
(2) Anything stupid - ESF has occasionally been denounced as "too easy".


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
First, my apologies for my previous post. I was partly responsible for this thread turning quasi-serious, which started to ruin it, and I didn't want to see it happen again.

Ahzaruuk said:
The first in the eye-burners.

Warning: Content may lower viewer's IQ by dangerous amounts when read. :lol:

Okay, this begs the question: Why are you looking at Gaia Online in the first place? That's almost like saying "HAY GUYS! I wuz surfing around pedophile sites and found a video of a guy fucking a horse!!"



Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
Data4 said:
First, my apologies for my previous post. I was partly responsible for this thread turning quasi-serious, which started to ruin it, and I didn't want to see it happen again.

Ahzaruuk said:
The first in the eye-burners.

Warning: Content may lower viewer's IQ by dangerous amounts when read. :lol:

Okay, this begs the question: Why are you looking at Gaia Online in the first place? That's almost like saying "HAY GUYS! I wuz surfing around pedophile sites and found a video of a guy fucking a horse!!"


The only reason I even know of the damnedable site is beacause my schoolmates are just ape crazy over it. I don't see why. :?

It's like a sticking a burning pike to your brain... :roll:
Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Admiral jimbob said:
Data4 said:
Admiral jimbob said:
Ahzaruuk said:
The first in the eye-burners.

Warning: Content may lower viewer's IQ by dangerous amounts when read. :lol:


Yeah, well, media whoreness and bimbosity aside, I'd still do her.


If you valued the relatively healthy state of your penis, you wouldn't.

Well, you know, standard precautions in effect. Despite her sorry-ass image, she's still not that bad looking.



Jan 20, 2006
Really? I think she's ugly. Too fake. Plus her personality turns me off completely.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Excrément said:
ixg said:
Really? I think she's ugly. Too fake. Plus her personality turns me off completely.

for me it's the contrary, the more she is dumb, the more I want to fuck her.

*highfives* Fucking stupid chicks is fun, because they usually have a low esteem, which means you can make them do fucked up shit. Can you imagine Paris Hilton getting a dirty sanchez, for example? She's pure fuck material, anyway. There's not enough substance there for a meaningful relationship.



Jul 21, 2005
galsiah said:
Greg Cochran's theory:
Ignores possible indirect evolutionary benefits of homosexuality: Stupid.
Ignores societal nature of humans, and possible benefits to survival of the groups (and therefore the individual statistically): Stupid.
Ignores the relationships between genes, and the possibility of an undesirable evolutionary property being the result of a combination of two otherwise useful genes: Stupid.
Uses current statistics on American reproduction to draw conclusions on an evolutionary process: Very stupid.
Uses: "Apples are round. Oranges are round. Apples are probably oranges." reasoning throughout. Extremely stupid.

Today's "Abject stupidity in support of groundless pseudo-scientific claims" award goes to: Greg Cochran

Congratulations Greg!
I wish I could find the pdf, because he actually does address the things you are talking about (except for the part about current statistics, because that's basically all we have). Next time he posts at Gene Expressions I'll ask if there's still a copy out somewhere. A short summary is that humans are not ants, termites, bees or even wolves. A lack of attraction to the opposite sex clearly decreases one's own reproductive fitness (that's why we find the opposite sex attractive), and an attraction to the same sex does nothing to increase it. Nobody has come up with any mechanism by which gays increase the fitness of their kin (they would have to increase it a lot to make up for their own lack of children, basically spending all their time in an attempt to make their kin more fit). Saying it is caused by multiple genes doesn't really change things (and a sort of "continuum" of sexuality would make as much sense a continuum for eating regular food vs gravel or birds flying north vs south in the winter) nor would it explain why the concordance for identical twins is not much higher than for fraternal twins.


Dec 12, 2005
TheGreatGodPan said:
...except for the part about current statistics, because that's basically all we have...
The entire argument does hang on that though.
There's nothing "obvious" about lack of attraction to the opposite sex reducing reproduction.
It's quite possible to reproduce without enjoying it (just as someone can eat lettuce without necessarily liking it). It's also quite possible for societies to put pressure on people to reproduce, or to hide the fact that they aren't interested in the opposite sex.

Since the historical attitude (AFAIK) of society to homosexuals has been completely different to the current attitude in the states, it's just ludicrous to use those statistics. Even where it was accepted (e.g. ancient Greece), it was expected that people would also have a family and reproduce.

A lack of attraction to the opposite sex clearly decreases one's own reproductive fitness
In isolation from society, and assuming that people had no innate desire to reproduce (rather than have sex), that would be true. These are not valid assumptions.

that's why we find the opposite sex attractive
Initially, yes. That doesn't mean that removing the initial reason will remove all reasons which have since come to exist - e.g. desire to reproduce, desire to bring up children, tendency to fit in with society etc. etc.

and an attraction to the same sex does nothing to increase it
Baseless - chicks dig gay dudes.

Nobody has come up with any mechanism by which gays increase the fitness of their kin (they would have to increase it a lot to make up for their own lack of children, basically spending all their time in an attempt to make their kin more fit).
Not true, since:
(1) They probably did have children in most societies until recently.
(2) The total amount of new children a tribe/society can support is usually lower than the total amount the women in that tribe/society can produce: if gay men don't have children, there will be more resources for straight men to have more children - so they probably will.

Also, this isn't what I meant:
Saying it is caused by multiple genes...
I mean this possibility:
Gene A alone helps fitness by doing X.
Gene B alone helps fitness by doing Y.
Having either A or B helps significantly, so both stay in the population.
Having both A and B happens to make the person homosexual.

In this case, homosexuality would be a by-product of two useful genes. The same could apply for any collection of genes - all that's needed is for each gene contributing to homosexuality to be useful in some other common combinations.

Now if homosexuality did reduce individual fitness (probably true in the modern USA), then the likelihood is that gene combinations such as A and B above would develop mechanisms to shut one-another off - so as to prevent the loss of fitness.

However, since it's quite possible that up until recently homosexuality hasn't reduced fitness to any great extent, there might have been no great pressure for A and B to develop such mutual exclusivity.

and a sort of "continuum" of sexuality would make as much sense a continuum for eating regular food vs gravel or birds flying north vs south in the winter
...or a continuum for liking chocolate, or orange juice, or lemonade...
Such a possibility is utterly ludicrous of course - either people like chocolate or they don't. Such a preference couldn't possibly be a grey area. That would be silly.

Of course society probably puts as much pressure on people to make a clear choice one way or the other on chocolate or lemonade, as on sexual preference. There's no reason to think anyone in a sexual grey area would want to go one way or the other (they don't for chocolate after all). It's not like it'd make their lives easier.

nor would it explain why the concordance for identical twins is not much higher than for fraternal twins.
You know that's actually useful evidence (so long as it's not misused).

Personally I think it's pretty silly to assume there's any single, simple cause for any characteristic of a person - or even that it makes sense to lump all people with that characteristic together.
I'd imagine that homosexuality has many complicated combinations of factors involved. Supposing that it's caused by one virus is about as silly as supposing it's caused by one gene.

In all probability it's no easier (and no more useful) than deciding the causes of liking lemonade.


Jul 21, 2005
galsiah said:
The entire argument does hang on that though.
There's nothing "obvious" about lack of attraction to the opposite sex reducing reproduction.
It's quite possible to reproduce without enjoying it (just as someone can eat lettuce without necessarily liking it). It's also quite possible for societies to put pressure on people to reproduce, or to hide the fact that they aren't interested in the opposite sex.
Enjoying the act of sex is different from being attracted to the opposite sex. Supposedly only humans and dolphins are characterized by the former, while every species that engages in sexual reproduction is characterized by the latter.

qalsiah said:
Since the historical attitude (AFAIK) of society to homosexuals has been completely different to the current attitude in the states, it's just ludicrous to use those statistics. Even where it was accepted (e.g. ancient Greece), it was expected that people would also have a family and reproduce.
Even in ancient greece it was common to mock your enemies by alleging they were fags. Being on the receiving end marked one as girly or of low status (that's why it was always older guy on younger dude). It was more like prison than what we usually refer to as homosexuality. There was some of what would be considered "normal" homosexuality in the modern day, and that is what was used for mockery.

In isolation from society, and assuming that people had no innate desire to reproduce (rather than have sex), that would be true. These are not valid assumptions.
Have you seen any evidence of homosexuality being significantly more prevalent as American society became more tolerant? It seems to me like they do a pretty good job of resisting our cultural brainwashing. The only contrary piece of evidence I've seen is that knowledge of A.I.Ds decreased the incidence of less safe varieties of sex (less male-male but more female-female), but it was by a very tiny amount on the margin.

Initially, yes. That doesn't mean that removing the initial reason will remove all reasons which have since come to exist - e.g. desire to reproduce, desire to bring up children, tendency to fit in with society etc. etc.
Initially? Is that supposed to mean before society existed? When the bulk of evolution occurred (although admittedly not always at the same rate)?

Baseless - chicks dig gay dudes.
Dig them as friends, not mates.In the pdf I referred to Cochran actually adresses the existence of what biologists call "sneaky fucks" that look like females and sneak past other males to mate. It's a second best adaptation that's a far cry from homosexuality.

Not true, since:
(1) They probably did have children in most societies until recently.
(2) The total amount of new children a tribe/society can support is usually lower than the total amount the women in that tribe/society can produce: if gay men don't have children, there will be more resources for straight men to have more children - so they probably will.
In a competition (and mating has ALWAYS been a fierce competition), the one who wants it more (is a heterosexual) has a big advantage over one who doesn't. Furthermore, not only is evolution not at the level of the group, it's below even the individual. Genes are selfish. A gene that causes you to have less children and your competitors (which even your relatives are to a certain extent) to have more is going to get weeded out. There's even an equation that shows how it works. Homosexuality isn't even close to measuring up to it.

I mean this possibility:
Gene A alone helps fitness by doing X.
Gene B alone helps fitness by doing Y.
Having either A or B helps significantly, so both stay in the population.
Having both A and B happens to make the person homosexual.

In this case, homosexuality would be a by-product of two useful genes. The same could apply for any collection of genes - all that's needed is for each gene contributing to homosexuality to be useful in some other common combinations.

Now if homosexuality did reduce individual fitness (probably true in the modern USA), then the likelihood is that gene combinations such as A and B above would develop mechanisms to shut one-another off - so as to prevent the loss of fitness.

However, since it's quite possible that up until recently homosexuality hasn't reduced fitness to any great extent, there might have been no great pressure for A and B to develop such mutual exclusivity.
Do you know of any other trait that fits the model you've described?

...or a continuum for liking chocolate, or orange juice, or lemonade...
Such a possibility is utterly ludicrous of course - either people like chocolate or they don't. Such a preference couldn't possibly be a grey area. That would be silly.
How long have chocolate and lemonade existed? How much of an impact have they had on evolution compared to, I don't know, SEXUAL REPRODUCTION? It's not even close.

You know that's actually useful evidence (so long as it's not misused).
It's nice that we have one solid datapoint to discuss, but I'm not sure what you mean by "misused".

Personally I think it's pretty silly to assume there's any single, simple cause for any characteristic of a person - or even that it makes sense to lump all people with that characteristic together.
I'd imagine that homosexuality has many complicated combinations of factors involved. Supposing that it's caused by one virus is about as silly as supposing it's caused by one gene.
In my earlier link Cochran stated just that much. Some cases of narcolepsy are caused by a mutation. But the mutation is far less than 1% of the population (Cochran's rule of thumb amount), whereas apparently 3-4% males are homosexual. What's at issue is the bulk of cases or most important factor. Evolution makes a genetic explanation extremely unlikely, while a pathogenic one would fit perfectly in with the Red Queen theory.

In all probability it's no easier (and no more useful) than deciding the causes of liking lemonade.
I think we already know why people like lemonade. There's not really much controversy. Ask an evolutionary biologist.

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