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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Fleshlight for you penis, lubricant for your fleshlight, 1TB external HDD for your porn, WoW for e-sex simulation.




May 8, 2003
Rhalle said:
mmorpgs are for socialising.jpg







Deleted member 7219

Those people need to be wiped out.

I mean, Hitler had it all wrong. Way ahead of his time, that one. If he were around today and targeted sad fucks playing dress up instead of the Jews I daresay most people wouldn't have a problem.


Mar 28, 2009
First they came for the Naruto Cosplayers, etc etc

Then they came for the yoda sex doll fetishists.


Jul 16, 2007
i saw a narutoish cosplayer one time, in stockholm. i kind of wanted to kill him but i didn't. cosplayers are kind of shitty. kind of, i say. by that, i mean INCREDIBLY shitty. sddfdf

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Radisshu said:
i saw a narutoish cosplayer one time, in stockholm. i kind of wanted to kill him but i didn't. cosplayers are kind of shitty. kind of, i say. by that, i mean INCREDIBLY shitty. sddfdf
*googles hot jap cosplay*


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Some looks great...it's a hobby in the local scene here...but those who doesn't have good body proportions tend to stick out...>_> bad.


Dec 2, 2010
Browsing the Obsidian Forums about Dungeon Siege III

This game is barely anything like the originals. It's more linear, shallow, and the entire focus of the game has been redirected.
Forget control schemes or things like that...this is not a Dungeon Siege game through and through. The multiplayer is worst offender to be honest and I can't even believe this design choice was not only seriously considered but actually got implemented.

With that said it seemed like an OK game I guess. I'm going to give the demo a little more time but at this point it's pretty unlikely I will buy the game...not at $60 at least. I was actually going to buy my brother-in-law a copy (I do this frequently for lots of games since he doesn't have a lot of money) as well just so I could play co-op with him (and other people too of course).

I'm just sitting here shaking my head with disbelief. They took an awesome ARPG and turned it into a emo story based linear action adventure with light RPG elements and neutered online play. Yeah...that's exactly what Dungeon Siege fans want /sarcasm



May 8, 2003
this is right up there with the new vegas not having believable characters and great voiceacting like fallout 3 thing


May 8, 2003
well I can understand if these gentlemen cannot help but be nostalgic for the greatness of DS
how can any sequel match unrealistic expectations such as that in this day and age

Sacred 2 is still the champ by a few million lightyears.

I have played Sacred 2 and this does not bode well for Sieging Dungeons the Third

My absolutely worst fears have come true and i lost nearly all interest in the game.
apparently , while the console control scheme is an action oriental control scheme, the PC mouse+kyb control scheme is the archaic point+click one.

IGN quote:
"How will the control scheme of a keyboard and mouse behave? Is the game a 'cursor point and click' or a more action oriented WASD + mouse to aim scheme? – adarwinter

"We've implemented a point and click system and we've been working on tuning that to work well with the gameplay stuff that we've built up, that works fantastically with the gamepad controller, so we've had a large focus on making sure our PC controls were solid. That's actually what we've been for the last bunch of weeks, is hardcore PC focus."

this basically means that the game will probably feel like an action game on the consoles while it will feel like a strategy game on the PC . the p&C control scheme of diablo is archaic. it's old. there is a reason why the witcher has moved from the old fashioned P&C to a modern control scheme. it's more tactile. it's faster to handle. it allows better control. the fact the i MOVE as well as ATTACK with the same device (mouse) means that i cant do them separately. this means i cant move in one direction and shoot\cast in another. this means that i can't aim my melee towards an enemy while im moving in a different direction either.
if i am attacking an enemy on my right and i want to roll to the left i have to stop attacking, aim where i want to roll and then press the roll button or something. having the need to aim my roll by stopping the attack is annoying and unnecessary. having the need to hold a button just to attack is ALSO unnecessary (the shift button).
why do i have to press 2 buttons in order to perform the simple action that the controller allow with one button?!?

sadly i am not going to buy a game with a control scheme from 20 years ago. i hated it with passion in the 90's and i still do. every game controls really well with a more action oriented control scheme and this one can as well.

oh fuck off


Dec 2, 2008
IronicNeurotic said:
Its not just that guy
Wait, DS open maps (one of the few strong points of the games) are gone and replaced by cramped corridors like in pretty much every console game? For real?



They honestly believe that DS was open world.

Obsidian Forums are assulted by DS fanboys.

fortunately there are only about 5 Dungeon siege fanboys in the whole world.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
sgc_meltdown said:
I have played Sacred 2 and this does not bode well for Sieging Dungeons the Third
Hey, Sacred 2 wasn't so bad. Character system was great actually, and the world was more-or-less open. Shame it didn't really reward exploration, as the only thing you'd find by exploring is more MMO quests.


May 8, 2003
bro I just really missed my vampire and in a lot of ways it just felt like they remade the first one, made the world a lot larger and the character roster marginally less interesting. And that one city...it was massive and you could go into every building but my god it was like an classy aboveground dungeon without monsters.

Just screens upon screens of lovingly furnished white marbled buildings with chests and barrels and wardrobes with nothing to them but being urban decoration. Instead of making it more contemplative and exploratory the scale of the game world just seemed to stretch out and boded more of the same with portals placed thinly throughout it all like some kind of bastardised procedurally generated picture perfect daggerfall hack and slasher that turned its entire world into one big randomised metadungeon.

After a while I realised I was going through the motions instead of being challenged or even interested and just quit.

"Resist!! Defeat Hetero-Centrism!!!"
http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic ... /7042454/1


Dec 2, 2010
That Revenant Guy is still going on
So no, both games (as it stand now) are not 'more or less' the same...well ok maybe it is. The originals were more and the new one is less.

At this point he is pretty much confirmed to be a troll. Granted he argues with trollbait but he now successfully managed to "prove" that DS had big maps and a deep charachter system.


He's like the DS version of Volourn.


Jun 11, 2007
http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php ... p__3184227

This one is more annoying in his stupidity than funny. I'm not even going to bother responding since logic is wasted on him. Choice quotes:

Their war with the NCR damaged them further

Not true, this was going to appear in FO3 (Van Buren), the one to be made by Black Isles, which, if you didnt notice, was never made so therefore it is in no way Canon. So there is no way at all that this can be considered what happened, as the stuff FO3 added (which, unless you want to ignore FO3 and any future game) is the new Canon.

FNV has the brotherhood and NCR fighting, but the game does not say that this is a theater in the war, only that these two parties in one region are, maybe the brotherhood in the Core region and NCR are not fighting

Had you enjoyed FO3 and marveled at how well Beth integrated the story you would see what acutally happened.

we can assume from how masterfully Beth integrated the story

In Fallout 2 they had two bases (in the whole world).

please, find the source of this outrageous comment, unless you know exactly how Black Isles made the game this is your opinion

And truly, why would the most powerful people in the US take shelter in a oil rig when the bombs fell, Black Isles didnt really think that one out. Raven Rock much better fits the picture of a advanced bomb shelter.

Yep, why didn't Black Isle know Bethesda would invent a new bunker 9 years later?

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