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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Jan 20, 2006
I think there is always a tiny percentage of people that are born weird. Face it, homosexuality makes zero sense in an evolutionary sense; it's anti-species survival. But since errors do happen during the creation of a new human, there will always be some homosexuals, some creeps, some retards, etc.
The amount of 'true' homosexuals (genetically) is really low, from what I remember. Most homosexuality seems to be an emotional reaction to rejection or family problems (could be other things). Like sheek said, it's not socially normal. I don't think it will ever be.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
"It's not about feelings"

I think you are wrong there. It's all about feelings. But this is a meaningless debate. Please stop discussing this topic time and again. It has no place here - at least not in this topic.


Jan 23, 2006
sheek said:
If you really want to talk about homosexuality... the simple fact is that it is inherently anti-social and anti-life behavior. It is obviously insane to suggest fucking your own gender can somehow be natural.
I like to think humans have long since evolved past the point where simple procreation is the yardstick by which ultimate success is measured. Sure, it makes sense to measure animal behavior in a pure Darwinian fashion that way. By your logic anything beyond hanging from branches eating bananas is "un-natural". One needs only to look at the world of artistic expression, to choose just a small corner of human history, to see that we've evolved beyond mere evolution - if you take my meaning.

Not that I fuck animals, mind you. :D

User was nabbed fit

sheek said:
the simple fact is that it is inherently anti-social

Plenty of homosexuals are more than friendly... they're not anti-social. They're not stopping you from socializing either, or anyone else for that matter.

and anti-life

Really? So why do many of them want to be able to bring up children? Obviously they can't have children between themselves, but they can ask for the help of a 3rd party (of the opposite sex)...

It is obviously insane to suggest fucking your own gender can somehow be natural.

Is it insane to suggest that being a retard is natural? Did the retards choose to be born that way? Homosexuality could simply be nature's method of population control. You, even I, don't know if it's natural or not... we don't know about the laws of nature. But studies and philosophy tend to say that it's natural... I'd rather that than some BS.

You may as well say fucking animals is natural since some people do that.

Oh, please, stop using the definition of "natural" that suits you best. I'm not saying "natural" in the sense that it's something that would be normal for everyone to try, but natural in the sense that it's something that people can't control.
So, yes, zoophiles are "natural" in that sense too. They can't control their feelings... did you think that they WANTED to fuck animals? Of course not, they're probably too ashamed to even talk to anyone about it, so it's certainly not some kind of choice they made to be "different" or "hip".
It's not good, but it's natural. And we can't blame that which is natural, even if it's 'bad'.

disordered behaviors

Yes, all disordered people should be gassed. That way we could all live in a boring-ass-world where everyone are clones.

There is no right to do whatever you feel like and even less to impose on others to accept you for it.

Yeah, there shouldn't be a right to have brown hair, or blue eyes. Oh, wait, those are natural things that some people can't help having! A bit like homosexuality. I don't think that homosexuality is "good", but I don't think that those affected need to be discriminated; it's not like they're going to take over the fucking planet.



sheek said:
ViolentOpposition said:
If homosexuality weren't natural (in many cases), then some animals wouldn't be gay either. But they are.

Sorry but that is an in(s)ane statement to make. If you think like that everything that has ever been done is natural. Robbing people is natural, killing children is natural, Hitler's genocide of the Jews was natural. The word loses any meaning.

That makes no sense at all. Everything you mentioned is a CHOICE. Homosexuality isn't a choice... or at least that's what you're trying to debate here. So, you can't just avoid making any real arguments by simply jumping to your own conclusion/opinion as a fact/argument.

Also you forget that we are not animals...

We've got reflexion/reasoning/a higher level of intelligence, and that's it for the most part. So if homosexuality is in animals (who don't have the capability of reasoning), then it can also be in humans (who do have the capability of reasoning); we have most (all?) qualities that animals have, but not the other way round. According to you, homosexuals choose (through reasoning) to be gay, so how do animals, who have no reasoning, become gay? By magic?

On the contrary, I think it is the gays and the defenders of libertinism who think the world revolves around individuals.

There you go again, stating as a fact that homosexuality is some kind of "debauchery" that libertines practice... when scientifically, it's more likely that homosexuality is something natural, thus it in itself couldn't constitute anything that could be considered debauchery.

It's not about feelings, it's about reason and facts.

Oh, and feelings aren't "facts"? They're just something that we all imagine? But yeah, you're right, this isn't about feelings. This is about logic; homosexuals deserve respect, because, why shouldn't they? Don't people with mental disabilities deserve a little respect? They didn't choose to be that way... ohhh, but they're such a burden to society! They're not adding to anything "positive"!

Homosexuality is not something positive and that is the issue.

Really? And what is "positive"? Maybe you would like to create a master race, or rather a master humanity? That doesn't make you any better than Hitler... whether you'd kill or harm the homosexuals or not, would you have the power to do so.
This Darwinian outlook on things has been rebuked many times by savants. Life isn't just some kind of machine.

Just don't start talking about feelings (either to defend or attack), that is the worst possible excuse for avoiding an argument.

Not at all; it depends on the context.
Jul 30, 2006
Being a big gay tubesteak hahahahahahahahag
OccupatedVoid said:
I believe I said we should talk about retards!!!




Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Does anyone know where that one thread in which we used post goofy threads from the ESF and other places went?



Sep 11, 2005
Data4 said:
Does anyone know where that one thread in which we used post goofy threads from the ESF and other places went?

That's becoming old. After all, there are only so many moronic topics that can be discussed. "RPG is a game where you play a role", "I rly rly wub the DEVs", "How do I talk to ppl?", have all been posted here countless times.


Jan 12, 2006
And a bunch of heteros trying to figure out homosexuality is fresh and exciting? ;)


Jul 21, 2005
Fuck, everything is "natural" or everything is "unnatural" depending on how you stretch the word. It's basically meaningless. It doesn't mean we can't judge behavior though. I don't care how much you're convinced that you were born to murder, rob and rape, we judge you for it and hand you a stiff punishment.


Sep 11, 2005
Homosexuality is a disease. As much as any other handicap is. And as long as it is harmless, there's no point in discriminating homosexuals.
And there's a difference between the desire to fuck others of the same sex and the desire to murder. The first is harmless, the second is not.


Feb 17, 2006
Not totally harmless. Without homosexuals AIDS would not be the problem it is, at least in the developed world. I don't hate gays but that is the truth and the truth should not be kept secret however unpleasant it seems to some people.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
While I can't quote statistics, I know from personal experience another unpleasant truth. Black people moving in and taking over (demographically speaking) a once white neighborhood lowers property value. Add the ubiquitous pawn shop, liquor store, Asian-run nail salon, and payday loan place and you've got the makings of a right fine 'hood.

That last sentence was in jest, despite anecdotal evidence.



Jan 12, 2006
sheek said:
Not totally harmless. Without homosexuals AIDS would not be the problem it is, at least in the developed world. I don't hate gays but that is the truth and the truth should not be kept secret however unpleasant it seems to some people.
That doesn't mean homosexuality isn't harmless, that just means that being an ignorant, careless and irresponsible shithead isn't harmless.

Might aswell say that being german is inherently harmful, because of WW2...


Feb 17, 2006
Data4 said:
While I can't quote statistics, I know from personal experience another unpleasant truth. Black people moving in and taking over (demographically speaking) a once white neighborhood lowers property value. Add the ubiquitous pawn shop, liquor store, Asian-run nail salon, and payday loan place and you've got the makings of a right fine 'hood.

That last sentence was in jest, despite anecdotal evidence.


I am sure there are some very nice residential districts in various African capitals. And I can't see many people complaining about Nigerian diplomats buying mansions with suitcases of cash. You know black people exist outside America...

Uz0rnaem said:
That doesn't mean homosexuality isn't harmless, that just means that being an ignorant, careless and irresponsible shithead isn't harmless.

Might aswell say that being german is inherently harmful, because of WW2...

Evidence shows that homos take on high-risk, self-destructive behaviors way above the average. True that there are exceptions but you have to generalize sometimes.


May 27, 2005
ixg said:
I think there is always a tiny percentage of people that are born weird. Face it, homosexuality makes zero sense in an evolutionary sense; it's anti-species survival

Homosexuals are capable of having children and many of them have. Today heterosexual people can prevent themself from having children so we are not really diferent form perspective of evolutionary sense it comes down only to need of having children and society view on the problem, maybe there is a problem of having only male or female as parents but I dom't know much about that subject.

ixg said:
.Like sheek said, it's not socially normal. I don't think it will ever be.

Ever heard of ancient Greece or Rome?


Sep 11, 2005
Of course, homosexuality does cause some problems. All diseases do. After all, a part of our tax money goes into supporting handicapped people.
Can you think of any solution? Making homosexuality illegal? You can't, because they can't really control it. The only result would be them fucking and getting AIDS in secret.


Jan 12, 2006
Man, you guys really have no idea how much fun it is to read threads like this one, when you actually are homosexual and even the sane, tolerant people refer to you as a diseased burden on society.

Kinda explains why homos tend to take risks and don't value their lives as much as healthy people do, doesn't it? ;)


Feb 17, 2006
Lumpy said:
Of course, homosexuality does cause some problems. All diseases do. After all, a part of our tax money goes into supporting handicapped people.
Can you think of any solution? Making homosexuality illegal? You can't, because they can't really control it. The only result would be them fucking and getting AIDS in secret.

Well it's too late to stop AIDS now. It's in Africa and Asia. It could have been stopped early on by focussing all 'at-risk' groups (gays, prostitutes, injecting drug users etc) and putting anyone with symptoms into isolation

Uzornaem, yes, your 'group' is a burden on society. Whether you are or not depends whether you're an average homo (and whether you identify only as a homo). And you can't expect governments continuing to give AIDS sufferers priority over everybody else's diseases when so much of the time it is self-inflicted.


Jan 20, 2006
Just as with religion, I don't agree with it, but I don't have any real objection to it existing. I don't agree with homosexuality, but I don't think it's "a diseased burden on society".
It's not normal however. Like I said, there's always a percentage that will be homosexual, so in that sense, it is normal, but it doesn't make sense in an evolutionary sense. And if it were completely normal, there would be many more homosexuals.

I have no problem with homosexuals being together - however, I do have a problem with gay marriage, but that's something else again. :roll:


Jan 12, 2006
sheek said:
And you can't expect governments continuing to give AIDS sufferers priority over everybody else's diseases when so much of the time it is self-inflicted.
Don't know what made you assume that I expect this. Anyway, an awful lot of serious diseases and conditions are caused entirely by the irresponsible behaviour of the victim, so I don't really see your point.
sheek said:
Uzornaem, yes, your 'group' is a burden on society.
Well, I don't know about the other "group members", but I pay taxes and medical insurance bills, too, so I disagree with you here.

franc kaos

Aug 4, 2005
On the outside ~ looking in...
sheek said:
Not totally harmless. Without homosexuals AIDS would not be the problem it is, at least in the developed world. I don't hate gays but that is the truth and the truth should not be kept secret however unpleasant it seems to some people.
Well, without heterosexuals, there'd be damn less wars, raping planets, ethnic cleansing and stupid threads. Yeah, we might die out quicker (unless we came to some arrangement with women and turkey basters - course, we'd have to cull any hetero leanings out). Then we could have poetry, and artwork, and beauty, and we'd all lounge about in our Greco Roman fantasy world discussing quantum physics and the dreamlike quality of reality.

And in reality most women above a certain IQ prefer gay men because we don't batter them (1 in 10 statistics are made up on the spot).


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Damn, are some of you stupid.
This is the RPG General Discussion. Here, we do not discuss homosexuality. If your latent gayness really makes you cause to desperately scramble for reasons to hate it, fine. Make a new thread in the General Discussion topic and spout your bile there. It will be inherently pointless, though. Not only will you never convince anyone with half a brain of your opinions, nay, you will not even cause others to "change their ways". All you'll accomplish is becoming a source of ridicule.

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