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NSFW Best Thread Ever [No SJW-related posts allowed]


Sep 11, 2005
I thought this was RPGCodex.


Apr 21, 2006
Uz0rnaem said:
Man, you guys really have no idea how much fun it is to read threads like this one, when you actually are homosexual and even the sane, tolerant people refer to you as a diseased burden on society.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sane? Tolerant? Are you and I reading the same Codex, UzOrnaem?


Mar 22, 2006
I think it's time for the obligatory "THIS THREAD IS GAY" comment. Anyone got a picture?

EDIT: Here we go:



Oct 25, 2006
Admiral jimbob said:
Now, this thread was fairly inoffensive. Up until the following post.

"Oblivion is the most realistic game ever made, so far."
Well, Nick is easily excited. How else would he have an average of fifty posts a day?


Oct 15, 2006
Just a city called Sirius.
Vipera said:
Admiral jimbob said:
Now, this thread was fairly inoffensive. Up until the following post.

"Oblivion is the most realistic game ever made, so far."
Well, Nick is easily excited. How else would he have an average of fifty posts a day?

He made like, 5 topics in one day. Summer got a bit annoyed after a while and asked him to stop spamming.

So the moral of the story is: Don't take anything Nick says Seriously.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
sheek said:
Data4 said:
While I can't quote statistics, I know from personal experience another unpleasant truth. Black people moving in and taking over (demographically speaking) a once white neighborhood lowers property value. Add the ubiquitous pawn shop, liquor store, Asian-run nail salon, and payday loan place and you've got the makings of a right fine 'hood.

That last sentence was in jest, despite anecdotal evidence.


I am sure there are some very nice residential districts in various African capitals. And I can't see many people complaining about Nigerian diplomats buying mansions with suitcases of cash. You know black people exist outside America...

No shit, eh? Being American and living in America, I speak from a (surprise!) American perspective. But, since I didn't add that one itsy bitsy qualifier, I'm going to right a glaring wrong, and clarify a few things for the PC nazis among ye:

While I can't quote statistics, I know from personal experience another unpleasant truth:
In America,
black people moving in and taking over (demographically speaking) a once white neighborhood lowers property value. This is partly to blame on ignorant white people who view the initial black family as some kind of threat. No sooner is the new resident settled do "For Sale" signs pop up. Those houses are then bought up by investors or rental property management companies who then rent them out. Since white people are moving out en masse, in what is known as "the great white flight", black people come take advantage of lower rent and/or mortgage. Because these rent and mortgage prices are low, any homeowner who had been there from the beginning of this phenomenon is going to suffer a decrease in value. (See? It's more an economical thing and less of a racial thing like you were so hoping it was so you could chest-thump your moral superiority over me.)

Add the ubiquitous pawn shop, liquor store, Asian-run nail salon, and payday loan place and you've got the makings of a right fine 'hood.

That last sentence was in jest, despite anecdotal evidence.


IV Flavia

Oct 26, 2006
On a road to nowhere. Or Viminacium.
Vipera said:
Admiral jimbob said:
Now, this thread was fairly inoffensive. Up until the following post.

"Oblivion is the most realistic game ever made, so far."
Well, Nick is easily excited. How else would he have an average of fifty posts a day?

I'm curious about his sig:

Level 28 Imperial horse archer knight in the Blades.

Either there is a mod out there I really need to get, or this guy is only playing Oblivion in his dreams.


Aug 30, 2006
IV Flavia said:
Either there is a mod out there I really need to get, or this guy is only playing Oblivion in his dreams.
Nope, no mod out for that. Someone could mention Mount & Blade to him in passing, but he'd probably bitch about it's lack of HDR and glass armor.

Anybody with enough talent to put mounted combat into Oblivion sure isn't going to waste that talent on Oblivion. The stock horses are so abysmally implemented that it takes the infinite, patient endurance of a retard to enjoy them. The horse in Deer Hunter 2005 rides better, and that's just downright sad.


Oct 21, 2005
That Callaxes dude has got a nasty case of unprocessed Codex memes.


Oct 17, 2005
Oblivion Kills Old Person

Lordy ...

Three months ago I bought my family an Xbox 360 and a copy of Oblivion. My 61 year old mother instantly fell in love with Oblivion, playing it for hours on end. In fact, she went through the game twice, once as an Orc [~150 hours] and then as an Imperial/Magic Blade hybrid she nicknamed “Drusus Nero” [~300 hours]. As soon as Drusus was master of all the guilds and had completed all the main quest missions save “Light the Dragonfires” – she passed on that one because, as she put it, “screw Martin… I’m the emperor. Besides, who wants a concrete chicken as their leader?” – my mom set about cleaning up and decorating her in-game homes. The process took dozens of hours, but it turns out that once you pick up all the bones in the basement, put some pottery and silver on the shelves, and place some bowls of pearls in the dark corners and flowers in the windowsills, Benirus Manor is actually quite pleasant. And it is hard to look at a Skingrad cupboard or shelf with nine silver glasses on it and not smile.

My mother died unexpectedly on Thursday. One of the last things she saw before her death was Drusus' final save point in Oblivion: a hilltop just off the Ring Road overlooking the Imperial City.

On behalf of my entire family, I thank the engineers and developers at Bethesda Softworks for making my mother’s last three months a joyful time for her.

A Special Thank You to Bethesda Softworks


Oct 23, 2005
franc kaos said:
Well, without heterosexuals, there'd be damn less wars, raping planets, ethnic cleansing and stupid threads. Yeah, we might die out quicker (unless we came to some arrangement with women and turkey basters - course, we'd have to cull any hetero leanings out). Then we could have poetry, and artwork, and beauty, and we'd all lounge about in our Greco Roman fantasy world discussing quantum physics and the dreamlike quality of reality.

And in reality most women above a certain IQ prefer gay men because we don't batter them (1 in 10 statistics are made up on the spot).

As to gays being intellectually superior, i think you'll find that's not the case. Their celebration of effeminacy makes them in general far shallower than others - they are obsessed with style and appearances over real substance (between finding their next piece of ass in the public toilets). Id say they probably objectify their own sex more than straight men do the opposite sex.

As for the Greeks and Romans, they were not homosexual in the modern sense. The practice was of older men taking young teenage male lovers. This was a temporary thing, and relationships between adult males were frowned upon, much less forsaking women to exclusively pursue other men. If Alexander the Great knew that there were "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" types trying to claim him as a gay icon, he'd rise from the grave and skewer them on the spot with his spear.


May 27, 2005
franc kaos said:
Well, without heterosexuals, there'd be damn less wars, raping planets, ethnic cleansing and stupid threads. Yeah, we might die out quicker (unless we came to some arrangement with women and turkey basters - course, we'd have to cull any hetero leanings out). Then we could have poetry, and artwork, and beauty, and we'd all lounge about in our Greco Roman fantasy world discussing quantum physics and the dreamlike quality of reality.

Roman was peacfull people and Spartans were hippies? :roll:

Nutcracker said:
As for the Greeks and Romans, they were not homosexual in the modern sense.

I was refering to medical sense.
Mar 23, 2006
Iasi, Romania?... Postcount: bigger then yours
Zomg said:
That Callaxes dude has got a nasty case of unprocessed Codex memes.

Yeah, no shit!

Oh and here's another example of what happens if you don't respect Bethesda's game design chooices:

http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... pic=584387

I'll take this entire argumentation seriously the moment you show me the part of the lore where it says that the laws of physics are the same in Nirn as they are on Earth.
Hell, you can get a hammer and a feather to fall with the same speed on earth too.


Feb 17, 2006
http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... pic=584387

Morons lecturing each other about physics and getting it all wrong.

Vipera said:
Galileo proved that everything falls at the same speed, regardless of weight or mass. The only thing that shouldn't fall at the same speed is something that is light, and has a large surface area (quills, parchment, etc.).

If you are serious about that science degree maybe you should get a dictionary to find out the difference between mass and weight.

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