Even if the forum needs it's code updating, or whatever, could it just be made to look like it's old self again? I think it was pretty aesthetic as far as forums go, and pleasantly simple. It had that classic forum type look where hyperlinks look like hyperlinks, posts have good separations, different menus have boundaries, and clickable elements have highlighted borders, etc. I've been on a lot of forums, and in general I think the newer ones, which aim to present a smooth GUI, with borderless lists, sliding menus, are off-putting because the eye has a natural tendeancy to require firm separations, and older websites give more 'tactile' feedback on things.
Couple of friendly suggestions...
To post this image, I couldn't just copy it and paste it; it now requires the oldfashioned URL copying into a dropdown box:
I think the old order for ratings was better:
Can the separation lines between threads when viewing forums be made more apparent, as it almost looks blank on my monitor:
Similar tasteful design on a WH40K forum:
Also the white outline surrounding links to subsequent pages made them stand out a bit more:
Same goes for the main forum, the lack of separators and stuff makes it look messy:
That large piece of text describing the forum takes up quite a large amount of space. I can't remember how it looked before, but it might have been smaller or something, or maybe this is where "latest thread" was, I can't remember. The new text takes up about 80% of the area, looks blue like a hyperlink, and this potion of the box isn't clickable (meaning that a huge amount of the forum list is completely non-interactive, despite being in the colour of a hyperlink):
I think a lot of minor things like the Alerts box could do with tweaking over time, as for example, the old one presented a much larger clickable element than the new one which separates the hyperlink into "your post" and "[name of thread]", when they worked much better as one link, describing both the thread and also leading to your post.
[EDIT: Thankyou to whoever made it a fully clickable pane, I don't think it was like that before.]
On the top forum, the eye just kind of slides off things now, especially the chat box for example, which is just kinda an ill-defined thing on the right, with little separating it from everything around it. For example, the chat box's "chat history" portion is the same colour as the rest of the box. There are other things that just make it blend into it's surroundings, but I can't remember the old one very well to contrast them:
Perhaps the colors for text and hyperlinks in the forum list might be something considered for tweaking. For example the shade of blue currently being used for some descriptive text (as seen earlier), as well as usernames beneath a thread, is more typical of hyperlinks, than the white thread titles, which is more typical of plain text. On the old forum, the hierarchy of color was better defined, with bold grey for thread titles (which also looked like a hyperlink color), and lighter near-white for usernames and stuff (the less prominent link):
It's not a bad selection of colours, but perhaps owing to blue being more of a hyperlink colour, and white being a text colour, the hierarchy of what text is more prominent has been reversed compared to the above example. Also as noted some text in blue is not hyperlinked. Perhaps simply bolding the thread title would make it look better, but experimenting with grey and near-white might be worth it.