Not really. Like that dude from Reuters before, he can afford to tell the unvarnished truth because their salaries don't depend on filthy games industry advertising lucre.
The disappointing thing is that it so rarely seems to work this way with the mainstream press, though. Take the Guardian; in the same very, very general ballpark as the New Statesman, it's broadsheet press, skewing relatively left, young, sophisticated and trendy, with a hefty branch dedicated to culture criticism, including a good few respected ivory-tower types who come and write columns for them about Art N Shit. Clearly it's not going to care if EA gets pissed, clearly it should be able to take a half-intelligent stab at game criticism. Its gaming coverage is, however, much the same tired churnalist shite as everywhere else. Articles discussing trailers. Enthusiast reviews that are too busy overusing superlatives and blandly listing all the game features to actually apply any in-depth analysis. Bioshock Infinite, its reporter declares, "could fuel a dozen or so pHD dissertations". (Fuck off. Fuck off, it could not. He also calls the mechanics 'sublime' without getting around to explaining why) Dross previews that add nothing to anything.
In general, going by what I've read, the mainstream publications just don't seem to be harbouring the right kind of 'outsider' journalists who can really take their subject matter by the scruff of the neck, probably because the publications (rightly?) don't really care about it, and it's easiest from an outsider's point of view to hire freelancerswho've already drunk the Kool-Aidwho are already well-travelled members of the gaming press and just leave them to get on with it in their little sub-section. (Although I'd love to be proved wrong in this.)
Do you think a hipster is going to miss the chance to be a hipster?
First, and most obviously, it’s a first person shooter and it’s a conspicuously bad one. Everything takes place in a series of arena battles, with the plot occurring in the times between them. This is a really bad sign. It tells us that the story is written and the game, that bit that you’re paying for, the bit that really anything calling itself a game ought to be focused on, that’s just filler. That’s the stuff you do to pad the running time out. That the actual game part of the game has been relegated to the fringes of the experience is evidenced by just how below-par the combat actually is. The mechanics, the arbitrary limitations, the repetition of it all . . . on a mechanical level this is the sort of thing that was done better in Half Life back in 1998.
But here’s the thing. All this said, Bioshock: Infinite has been wildly applauded by critics. This blood-spattered series of fetch quests, arena fights and pseudo intellectualism is being talked about as one of the best games in recent years. Mathematics departments around the world have been struggling for weeks to find a new whole number above ten but less than eleven just to use for reviewing this game. The team at the Oxford English Dictionary are in the process of removing the existing definition of the word airship from the dictionary to be replaced by the term ‘wonderful floating thing found in Bioshock: Infinite’. This game is, as far as most of the gaming press and public are concerned, the greatest thing ever.
That should worry fans of video games because when something as completely wrongheaded and primitive as Bioshock: Infinite is lauded as a masterpiece, the fallout can only be toxic.
BioShock Infinite is a game that was able to achieve an incredible amount of success in the gaming community, not necessary in terms of raw sales, but as a cultural phenomenon. For weeks, it was just about the only thing the gaming world seemed to be talking about. What does the ending mean? Did you notice all those new things upon replaying it? Is there deeper symbolism at work?
Yet for me, personally, the story of BioShock Infinite was not one which inspired much wonder, whimsy or intrigue. Indeed, it was quite the opposite: I found it frustrating, awkward, poorly paced, and ultimately it took a lot of willpower for me to even finish the game, so frustrated was I with how it played out. This puts me in the minority. I think it's fair to say that most people will agree that Infinite's ending overshadows the rest of the story; a much more interesting question to ask is exactly why that is in the first place.
Game would've been an awesome point and click adventure though, instead of a shitty shooter.
So I checked this out for a bit (just beat the crazy general guy for the shock vigor). The art direction is very nice as people have said, but almost everything else sucks. For starters it's ridiculously easy. I'm playing it on the hardest setting and haven't died once so far. The amount of health, food, salt, weapons etc is ludicrous; even without her throwing you stuff there's about 3x as much as you need just lying around. The gameplay thus far has been boring as shit.
And the glowing "this way" arrows for navigation. The Fuck? How could anyone possibly get lost in this game?
So I checked this out for a bit (just beat the crazy general guy for the shock vigor). The art direction is very nice as people have said, but almost everything else sucks. For starters it's ridiculously easy. I'm playing it on the hardest setting and haven't died once so far. The amount of health, food, salt, weapons etc is ludicrous; even without her throwing you stuff there's about 3x as much as you need just lying around. The gameplay thus far has been boring as shit.
And the glowing "this way" arrows for navigation. The Fuck? How could anyone possibly get lost in this game?
the new generation of players?
Everything is shit.
I've seen "exploration guides" to this game. That's how much everything is shit novadays.The Fuck? How could anyone possibly get lost in this game?
I've seen "exploration guides" to this game. That's how much everything is shit novadays.The Fuck? How could anyone possibly get lost in this game?
I've seen "exploration guides" to this game. That's how much everything is shit novadays.The Fuck? How could anyone possibly get lost in this game?
Yep, they're going for $24.99:
Strategy guides are still valid for this guy.I've seen "exploration guides" to this game. That's how much everything is shit novadays.The Fuck? How could anyone possibly get lost in this game?
Yep, they're going for $24.99: