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KickStarter Blackthorne health fundraiser


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Oh well. Personally, they're nice folks - they donated to the fundraiser for my kidney transplant, so I really appreciate that.

Holy Crap!! I didn't even know you were going through this! Just went to your GoFundMe page and gave what I could. Glad to see you're getting a lot of support!



Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Thanks guys. Everyone here at the codex has been very good to me and my little game company, I don't like to trawl for things. I didn't want to make a big deal of it here. It's been out on twitter and stuff. We've had a lot of support so far, and that's been amazing.



Nov 8, 2012
Do I need an international credit card to donate? How can I turn my third world monopoly money into real money?


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Do I need an international credit card to donate? How can I turn my third world monopoly money into real money?

Heh, don't worry about it. I really don't know how GoFundMe works; my partner at IQ set it up for me. If it gives you trouble, don't worry about it. Honestly, and I'm being straight here, just the support helps. Covering bills is wonderful, but I don't wanna put anyone out for this.



Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yeah, not to usurp this Hero-U thread, but my kidney history is messed up. I had my first transplant in 2003, donated from my father. At first the transplant went well, but a few months later they learned that my lymphatic channels didn't heal right, and they'd have to go in to relive the lymphocele by putting in a "peritoneal window" in my gut, so the fluid would drain to a cavity that would absorb it, in theory. However, during that surgery, the resident surgeon nicked the transplant, and in a panic they sewed me up, and pumped me full of fluid hoping to kickstart the kidney. That didn't work. Instead, it stopped, I swelled from fluid so bad, that the stitches in my centerline burst, my stomach ripped open and a bunch of my intestines fell out. While I was conscious, and my mother was in the goddam room. I got rushed to emergency surgery; the head of the transplant department was able to rearrange my guts and save the kidney, somewhat - it never worked quite right after, and my clearances were always shit. But I was off dialysis for almost three years. I was on dialysis for almost five years after that, and then in 2011, I got a call while I was in a grocery story. My second kidney came from a "cadaver" donor. Something they called a high-risk donor. The kid was an IV drug user - heroin. He OD'd and his parent signed the orders to donate while they kept him on life support. They tested the kidney for diseases and genetic testing, it matched me well, so in July 2011, I had my second transplant. In 2015, my labs started to dip a little; I attributed it to stress, work, etc... and then the birth of my kids. But my labs/levels (Glomular Filtration Rate) had been going down since Feb 2016. This year, it just kicked the bucket. My last GFR was 10. That means I have 10% function - ready for dialysis again. They've done a bunch of biopsies on me, and all signs point towards an auto-immune disease, Lupus, which I've probably had all my life but been unable to diagnose until now. I have one last genetic test to determine the full nature of the disease. That test costs $5,000.... it's insane. But if they can treat and control my lupus, hopefully this next kidney (From my wife, who is a match) will last longer.

Whew. Sorry for the rant, but I wanted to give a short recap.



Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Yeah, I thought missing arms and legs was bad but.... damn!

Problems are problems, you know. Everyone's got them, and it's not a competition. Mindx2, I've met you and you're more capable than most ambulatory people I've ever met!!! I've had some shit, yeah, but honestly, I probably would never have persevered with making games, the kind of games I've always wanted to make, if I didn't go through all this.

We should start a Codex survivors club!


Yeah, I've never complained about my life stuff (except for self-deprecating humor) as I'm a firm believer that God only gives us what we can handle. Love your attitude which just reinforces why I liked you from the first time we met.
Sep 18, 2013
Yeah, not to usurp this Hero-U thread, but my kidney history is messed up. I had my first transplant in 2003, donated from my father. At first the transplant went well, but a few months later they learned that my lymphatic channels didn't heal right, and they'd have to go in to relive the lymphocele by putting in a "peritoneal window" in my gut, so the fluid would drain to a cavity that would absorb it, in theory. However, during that surgery, the resident surgeon nicked the transplant, and in a panic they sewed me up, and pumped me full of fluid hoping to kickstart the kidney. That didn't work. Instead, it stopped, I swelled from fluid so bad, that the stitches in my centerline burst, my stomach ripped open and a bunch of my intestines fell out. While I was conscious, and my mother was in the goddam room. I got rushed to emergency surgery; the head of the transplant department was able to rearrange my guts and save the kidney, somewhat - it never worked quite right after, and my clearances were always shit. But I was off dialysis for almost three years. I was on dialysis for almost five years after that, and then in 2011, I got a call while I was in a grocery story. My second kidney came from a "cadaver" donor. Something they called a high-risk donor. The kid was an IV drug user - heroin. He OD'd and his parent signed the orders to donate while they kept him on life support. They tested the kidney for diseases and genetic testing, it matched me well, so in July 2011, I had my second transplant. In 2015, my labs started to dip a little; I attributed it to stress, work, etc... and then the birth of my kids. But my labs/levels (Glomular Filtration Rate) had been going down since Feb 2016. This year, it just kicked the bucket. My last GFR was 10. That means I have 10% function - ready for dialysis again. They've done a bunch of biopsies on me, and all signs point towards an auto-immune disease, Lupus, which I've probably had all my life but been unable to diagnose until now. I have one last genetic test to determine the full nature of the disease. That test costs $5,000.... it's insane. But if they can treat and control my lupus, hopefully this next kidney (From my wife, who is a match) will last longer.

Whew. Sorry for the rant, but I wanted to give a short recap.


I am seeing this just now. And assuming you live in the states -because nowhere else is as fucked up as there about medical costs- have you considered going abroad for medical care?

You have to GTF out of USA to somewhere more sensible about medical costs. That test wouldn't cost you more than 500$ in Turkey for instance, and we have some hospitals, both private and state, with excellent medical care. I imagine some of your South American neighbours must do as well.

edit: What I assumed would cost 500$ at the time I wrote this post, would now cost 400$, thanks to the eroding economy of Turkey.
Last edited:


Aug 22, 2013
Goblin Lair
I'm sure BT knows what he's doing, but the healthcare system in the US is indeed insane.

I went to have my bilirubin levels checked years ago at the recommendation of my regular physician because they were slightly abnormal, so he referred me to a specialist. I meet the specialist, sit down, and some fucking kid walks in. I'm like, excuse me, who is this? And the specialist says, "Oh that's an intern, he's just here to observe." Warning signs were going off in my head, but whatever.

SIX MONTHS later, I get a bill for 1,500 USD, so I had to call up the hospital and ask for an itemized bill. They charged me twice for everything, basically, because that intern was in the fucking room with his thumb up his ass.

I called my insurance company to contest it, and they told me that this was the first they had heard about this, and that they needed a bit to look into it. Next day they called me back and told me that, basically, the hospital just decided to send me the bill without contacting my insurance company (I guess hoping that they could get 1,500 USD out of me, rather than probably 50 USD from the insurance company). In the end I didn't have to pay anything, but I think a lot of hospitals do this shifty bullshit, because even if only 1% of people pay without complaining, it's like free money and less paperwork.

Again, what BT is dealing with is on a whole other level than my pitiful bilirubin level checkup, and I'm certain he knows the ins and outs of dealing with US healthcare by now, but that was my ridiculous experience. Anything other than a routine checkup is bound to end up in you having to at the very least ask for itemized bills and taking time off from work to call hospitals and insurance companies all day.


Dec 27, 2008
Yeah, not to usurp this Hero-U thread, but my kidney history is messed up...

Welp, that's quite... Intense. Donated a little. Buying the game will have to wait though, as I unfortunately already have plenty to go first. I don't like school settings, but it looks interesting.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yeah, if only it were as easy as moving to a new country. I'm married, and I have two small children, both under the age of 3. All my family/support system is here, as well as my wife's. Healthcare in the US is insane, and I do have insurance, but it doesn't nearly cover all the costs incurred with this procedure. My case is also a particular one as well - I'm have a specialized genetic test done that costs like $4,000 or so to try and determine the nature of the auto-immune disease I have that not only killed my original kidneys but also now this transplant as well. It's a condition like Lupus, but of course, it's not just that simple for me. My healthcare is good an managable in the long term with the insurance I have - I'll be able to afford the life-long anti-rejection meds I'll require, and follow-up care, but there's so many factors involved around the transplant - between me AND my wife, who is donating.

I've been living with ESRD, dialysis and transplants since 2003. That's 15 years of this; I can navigate doctors and billing quite well, and my wife is a medical professional as well. She stays on top of things to make sure I'm not getting double billed. But, yeah, medical expenses take a bit bite out of me, and it's true that the US needs some sweeping medical reform.

In any case, thank you to everyone who's pitched in. Honestly, even a little helps and any donation given is very much appreciated by me. Like I said, if I survive this one, heh, maybe I can finally get around to making QFI 2.



I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I'm sure BT knows what he's doing, but the healthcare system in the US is indeed insane.

I went to have my bilirubin levels checked years ago at the recommendation of my regular physician because they were slightly abnormal, so he referred me to a specialist. I meet the specialist, sit down, and some fucking kid walks in. I'm like, excuse me, who is this? And the specialist says, "Oh that's an intern, he's just here to observe." Warning signs were going off in my head, but whatever.

SIX MONTHS later, I get a bill for 1,500 USD, so I had to call up the hospital and ask for an itemized bill. They charged me twice for everything, basically, because that intern was in the fucking room with his thumb up his ass.

I called my insurance company to contest it, and they told me that this was the first they had heard about this, and that they needed a bit to look into it. Next day they called me back and told me that, basically, the hospital just decided to send me the bill without contacting my insurance company (I guess hoping that they could get 1,500 USD out of me, rather than probably 50 USD from the insurance company). In the end I didn't have to pay anything, but I think a lot of hospitals do this shifty bullshit, because even if only 1% of people pay without complaining, it's like free money and less paperwork.

Again, what BT is dealing with is on a whole other level than my pitiful bilirubin level checkup, and I'm certain he knows the ins and outs of dealing with US healthcare by now, but that was my ridiculous experience. Anything other than a routine checkup is bound to end up in you having to at the very least ask for itemized bills and taking time off from work to call hospitals and insurance companies all day.

Tell your local taxman about this. I'm serious.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Well, I didn't want to clutter up the Hero-U thread with my news (Kidney or Games) so I'd post over here. I did get amused that some gentleman from Montenegro wrote and hoped I got worse and died. Heh. Anyway, I want to say thanks to so many who've donated to the Codex's fundraiser, that's amazing that so many of you pitched in. I don't want to get all weepy, but I probably will because of all the prednisone I am on. Oh well.

Anyway, in game news, I turned AGS back on the other day and went to polish up Quest for Infamy: Roehm to Ruin the other day. I'd taken a break from it for a while because of all the shit happening, but I had some time the other day and I actually enjoyed myself, working around in that game's little world. It's not NEARLY as big as QFI, but I think what's there is fun. It'll be a nice short game (and thus inexpensive) but I've added several branching paths, etc, for some replay value. You'll always end up in the tower, escaping from the Baron as in the intro to QFI, but how you get there has a couple options. Expect irreverent humor, some minor combat, a touch of magic, some thievery... and even a cave where you can be eaten by a Grue.

Hopefully I can tighten up all the programming rough edges in the next couple months, polish up the turds a little, record some voices and quietly release this game to the 30 eager fans! I kid, we have 45 now. But they're 45 good fans, not total shitlords.

Thanks again for the support, and I hope that guy from Montenegro gets his herpes cleared up.



Mar 16, 2011
Why is this at only 858$ so far?Is it because it's summer and everyone is on vacation?It should have gathered twice as much by now:rpgcodex:

Come on you cheap ass niggers,cough up some dough

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