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KickStarter Blackthorne health fundraiser


Jul 20, 2019
Intent isn't relevant. Either send people what they fucking paid for or send people their money back.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Intent isn't relevant. Either send people what they fucking paid for or send people their money back.

You got a game, surely. How much did you pay that you feel this strongly this long after? Intent matters a lot when things are a result of things going sideways.

I usually like kicking people whose lives took left turns too over cardboard boxes. Sometimes I even go to the children's hospital to slap a few.


Sep 11, 2013
Just don't do kickstarters, it's not healthy

This. It's basically an investment where your only potential upside is that the thing gets made and maybe you get some stuff like a copy or a shirt out of it. It should never be viewed as a proper store because a lot of this shit never comes to fruition, even when it isn't out of fraudulent or malicious intent. It's more like a quasi-donation - a form of patronage in a more traditional meaning that didn't necessarily imply any guaranteed return.

As a result, unless you're super passionate about something being made, such as it's something that isn't getting delivered anywhere else, and can afford to watch the money burn in front of you, you really shouldn't contribute to them.

EDIT: I think this general realization and the poor success rate of game Kickstarters is why that medium seems to have mostly dried up.
Donation, yes. It's always amused me when I see people trying to act tough on Kickstarter pages. You're not an investor, and if you want to be then you should find a proper company to put your money in, not a starving artist.

I've never cared for the physical/backer rewards aspect of crowdfunding, though. It reminds me of when I donate to charities and they send me crap like coffee mugs - why are you sending me this? I gave you money to do your thing, not to mail me crap I don't need. If I toss some money at a video game, I just want the game. I remember watching the Double Fine Adventure documentary and I think Schafer said the physical rewards cost them like $400,000 to fulfill. Holy shit!!!

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
I've never cared for the physical/backer rewards aspect of crowdfunding, though.
Same. If I ever do a KS for a game (unlikely, but if), I'll offer no physical rewards. If you want a T-shirt with my game's logo on it, just go on a special website and order it. Don't make me do it, I got a game to make.
I think indies offering swag is a mistake.

As for the subject, as much as we can have diverging opinions on the gravity of not receiving a keychain, there's this unspoken rule that kicking a person when he's down is a no-no.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I will not comment on the delivery issues, but half of the video is elaborating on a lifestyle based on an Amazon wishlist (I wonder what I could say from his browser's history) and social media pictures of a day at Disney with the kids of a sick dad who went through a divorce.

Exodos also has health issues so he knows how health issues work and how people should behave. This is his reasoning.

It's not difficult to pick a side here. A shame this is from the guy who made the awesome Exodos package but then again it's perfectly natural to expect retarded judgment from someone who specialize in a quite autistic hobby.

Russia is over. The end.

Sep 28, 2014
on an Amazon wishlist (I wonder what I could say from his browser's history)
My wife buys makeup products and stockings on my amazon account. Would Exo conclude that I'm a transsexual? This is beyond retarded.
And even if the wishlist belongs to the account owner, eating habits are not something you change at the snap of fingers, especially if they help you cope with an already difficult life. And how the fuck is this Exo's concern? He thinks because he backed a game on kickstarter, he's entitled to nutritional demands to the game creator? Again, what the fuck is in the guy's head.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
on an Amazon wishlist (I wonder what I could say from his browser's history)
My wife buys makeup products and stockings on my amazon account. Would Exo conclude that I'm a transsexual? This is beyond retarded.
And even if the wishlist belongs to the account owner, eating habits are not something you change at the snap of fingers, especially if they help you cope with an already difficult life. And how the fuck is this Exo's concern? He thinks because he backed a game on kickstarter, he's entitled to nutritional demands to the game creator? Again, what the fuck is in the guy's head.

Not to mention there is the initial thoughts "How can I trash this guy online ? Let's doxx his Amazon wish list and personal Flickr account.". It takes a nasty kind of person to even think of doing that, expose the little there is and use it to complain on an absolutely unrelated issue pretending you now know everything.

I'm not even going to comment on the insulting AI generated thumbnail.

There are internet detectives and then there's just harassment tactics.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I have an Amazon wishlist?? I don’t even know about this… he talks about that? Christ I gotta check that… I have fucking kids….

Edit: holy fuck, I didn’t even realize that was public… wtf… that’s some low shit. I mean…. I’m kinda speechless.


May 5, 2012
Tell us what weird things you find on your wishlist you forgot making 20 years ago.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I have an Amazon wishlist?? I don’t even know about this… he talks about that? Christ I gotta check that… I have fucking kids….

Edit: holy fuck, I didn’t even realize that was public… wtf… that’s some low shit. I mean…. I’m kinda speechless.

You might want to watch the video. I'm not one for trigger warnings but be advised he hits very low.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
It’s okay. I’m sure he does. I’m an easy target in some ways… and yeah I did find a lot of weird old shit!! Whatever. Fuck him. I’ve got bigger fish to fry…. I’m literally at dialysis now getting my blood cleaned cause my fucking kidneys don’t work. I hope he feels better about himself and his moral superiority- and if he’s fighting cancer, I hope his treatment is successful. I’m not kicking anyone fighting a serious health issue cause I know what that’s like. But personally? Fuck him.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
If you are healthy enough to post here, then you are healthy enough to make the few clicks to send people their money back for items you never sent.


What other variable could there be in being able to spend money...

I wonder.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I have sent money back to some people, and I have sent out items that I still have when I get time. I’m not perfect. I am short on both time and money these days; I don’t know if I’ve said it here, but coming up in a couple months I have a few people that are coming to help me send out hopefully the last of the stuff that I have here in my basement. But it’s not like I am sitting in the lap of luxury… I’m only one person and I can only do so much and I can do a lot less than most people can. I understand your point, though.

Also, I just have to say “well enough to post here”… posting something on the Internet is relatively easy to do. I’m able to post while I’m sitting in the chair getting Dialysis, if I’m not feeling sick during the treatment. Dialysis is a four hour long treatment and I can’t move out of the chair, I have to keep one arm still, because I have gigantic 14 gauge needles in my arm. And treatment usually leaves me pretty spent afterwards - it takes me a while to recover. And as for being able to click and send money back to people…. Well, this is the part I could divvy up from and send to people at this particular time. Lol.


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Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
So you guys are okay with it when Kickstarter campaign creators don't deliver as promised?
We're OK with calling you a cunt for harassing a seriously ill poor person over a cardboard box.

Anyway, we must be talking serious money here. Enough for a lawsuit, at least. Right?

I mean, that still wouldn't make harassment OK, but it'd explain your sandy vagina.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
So you guys are okay with it when Kickstarter campaign creators don't deliver as promised?
It's called investing for a reason. It has a risk of failure.

The only variable for me is if the creator did it's best with good intent. If I lost money on a bad game and failed project because of unforeseen issues, well the loss is both on me and the creator. I'm fine with Spaceventure sucking. I'm disappointed at the train wreck that is Underworld Ascendant but they tried and I don't think they spent my money in hookerd and Cocaine. Broken Age was a mess but it was an attempt. Blackthorne's issues fall into that category. Disappointed but not angry.

I'm a bit angrier at things like Unknown Realms because there's a record of dishonesty and snarkiness. I'm pissed at SOTA because as soon as the Kickstarter was over they changed the design of the game to make it the travesty it is now.

It's sad you can't see the difference. Risking money and failing to accept you lost a bet is childish behavior.

Only invest money you have accepted you can lose. Works in finances and gaming. Kickstarter is both.
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Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
I had one kickstarter where I got the box and the poster and a soundtrack CD, all in very high quality. The game sadly was so broken the dev stopped selling it on Steam due to how negative the feedback was. Sure wish the game worked, even if I had to give up the now useless box

edit: ERYFKRAD this one
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Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
So you guys are okay with it when Kickstarter campaign creators don't deliver as promised?

At some point you have to let it rest. Wise up and never do it again if it bothers you so much.

I have no horse in the race but what are you expecting him to do about it now? It seems evident that there is no way he is able to fullfill it, monetarily or health-wise.
Also don't expect to find allies here, these people seem to be invested on a personal level, I'm pretty sure that they care more about the person (and the game) than the physical rewards. That is meant as a neutral statement btw. it just seems to be a fact, no use in getting offended by it or getting angry.


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
So you guys are okay with it when Kickstarter campaign creators don't deliver as promised?
Did you not see the part where a GAME was actually created and released to ALL THE BACKERS as well as some people getting their physical rewards? Again, I'm a boxed copy nut but as Grauken stated above it's just a "useless box" if the game is vaporware, vastly different than first described or total crap. Since your in the Adventure Game forum you probably like adventure games so might I suggest you should try the Quest for Infamy/Order of the Thorne game. It's a throwback Sierra style game that, while not perfect, is quite good.
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Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
So you guys are okay with it when Kickstarter campaign creators don't deliver as promised?
Did you not see the part where a GAME was actually created and released to ALL THE BACKERS as well as some people getting their physical rewards? Again, I'm a boxed copy nut but as Grauken stated above it's just a "useless box" if the game is vaporware, vastly different that first described or total crap. Since your in the Adventure Game forum you probably like adventure games so might I suggest you should try the Order of the Thorne game. It's a throwback Sierra style game that, while not perfect, is quite good.
I honestly had a couple of Kickstarters or similar campaigns on other portals where I gave some extra money for the box, never got them and still was entirely satisfied due to getting the game and how the game turned out. What stopped me from doing kickstarters were the scammers who never delivered and couldn't even admit their fault or those who delivered something that was not what they promised.

Though I think most kickstarters should just stop promising physical rewards and then, once the game is finished and out, should do a 2nd kickstarter for a physical edition, this seems to me the best course of action.

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