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KickStarter Blackthorne health fundraiser


What the hell
Yeah. Not to get all in my totally personal business, but yeah, height of the pandemic, I was on dialysis - she left, ended it. That has been rough. Trying to figure out life as a single dad on dialysis was rough, the transplant was totally unexpected and has made that at least easier. The new transplant hasn't been all peaches and roses, couple with my back - I've spent the last 9 months just trying to recover and get better. Trying to reforge your life under these circumstances isn't ideal, but it's what I've got to work with. So, work, personal projects... they've had less time for me to devote to. Hopefully things get better from here out.
Not only left a man who barely escaped death but even dumped the kids


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
We do share custody of the kids 50/50, it's not like she split and abandoned them too. It's not THAT bad. She she did split on me. During a pandemic. While I was on dialysis. Looking back I kinda just go "Holy shit." I mean, if I - as a man - left my chronically ill wife on dialysis during the pandemic, I'd have been eviscerated in the puiblic eye. Like, people would be like "That man is absolute trash."


Dec 27, 2008
Wow, you're having it really rough, buddy. Hope things get better because I can't see them getting worse.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
mad props though. it's not easy but you're steeling through it all the same. i wish you the best of luck in every aspect of your life.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Thanks, cause I literally just spent the last four days in the hospital due to a massive infection. Had a 105 degree fever. Couldn't walk, hard to stay conscious. Got taken in an Ambulance; told 'em to light it up and speed like my life depended on it. They laughed and turned up the oxygen mask. Spent a day in the ER and three on a floor. Got a unit of blood cause on top of it, I was extremely anemic. All in all, it was kind of like being drunk except 0% fun at anytime, the food sucked, and I didn't wake up next to anyone I would regret. 0/10, do not want to do again. Can't wait to go sleep in my own bed again.
Feb 28, 2011
Chicago, IL, Kwa
So sorry to hear that BT. Hospitals truly can be the worst. When my son was born he had to spend a week in the NICU, and my wife and I refer to the hospital as the shittiest and most expensive hotel we’ve ever stayed in. We barely ate because they would bring our meals while we were in the NICU and then come back and clear them ten minutes later even though it was clear they were untouched. If we called to ask for another meal delivery no one would answer. The shower in our room sprayed literally straight out of the bathroom door onto the carpet and (single twin-sized) bed. The bed also just straight up didn’t work and if you tried to use the hydraulics it would just shudder and collapse into a slightly concave shape. And then we finally got home and found their bill for 60k already waiting in our mailbox.
And this is a hospital in one of the wealthiest towns in the US.

So yeah, I have nothing positive to say, but hopefully some commiseration helps a little. Will be thinking positive thoughts towards you and your kids.
Last edited:


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yep - they did two biopsies on my newly transplanted kidney last year (in 2021, several months apart. Got the kidney in Nov 2020). It was determined that there was tissue damage to the nephrons of the kidney, and it was not from me or my body's immune system. The kidney must have been damaged before they put it in, and the trauma of the surgery caused it to degrade. It's been functioning at around 25% basically (for stats nerds, I have a GFR of 24 and a Creatinine of 3.01 lately, though last month my creatinine spiked to 4.1 - this may have been because of illness and I was dehydrated.) Still, creatinine levels function like this - every number increase is 100x worse. (2.0 is 100x worse than 1, etc. Normal is about 1.2 for most people). I get tired pretty easily, but for me - the main thing is I'm not on dialysis. But, sadly, like another punch to the dick, I don't know how long this one will last. Maybe it'll hold here for years - sure, I'll be a little more rundown than the average person, but I'll be alive and off dialysis. I can't stress how much a life on dialysis sucks. Having been on it three stretches in my life, if I go back for a fourth, I don't know how long I'll survive. I try not to dwell on it.

I've had a good run, in spite of it all. I've done some pretty cool things, and I've lived with End Stage Renal Disease for almost 20 years now. That's far more than most people have - most people just fucking die from this. Looking back through this thread, I really appreciate all the support I've gotten over the years. I wouldn't have survived as long as I have without this kind of stuff - so thank you. I'll keep working on games till I'm gone, and even then, I'll leave my notes and instructions to someone and I'll fucking haunt them if they don't finish Quest for Infamy 2, I swear to Christ.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Well - another update from me... Got a meeting next month about going back on dialysis. Chairs are limited now, they have a staffing shortage. Kidney has been running at 15%-20% the past few months, my creatinine is hovering just below 5.0... I'm kind of a mess. It sucks, this last transplant never worked quite right, and now I have to go back on dialysis, and go through the whole damn rigamarole again to get back on the transplant list... which if approved would be my fourth. (The world record is seven, so I'm still off by 3....) but goddammit, I'm sick of all of this. Got a call from someone in the transplant department who saw my name on the "new patient" list because you have to restart all over again, and she said "Make sure you watch all the informational videos...." and I wanted to be like "I've been doing this for 20 years! I helped make the information in these damn videos!". So, now, potentially years of dialysis... another transplant if I'm lucky? Fuck, I'm gonna die on that goddamn machine. Anyway, I'm venting. Just wanna keep people in the loop. Thanks for all the support over the years, lads.


Wholesome Chungus
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 13, 2021
Warszawa, PL
Well - another update from me... Got a meeting next month about going back on dialysis. Chairs are limited now, they have a staffing shortage. Kidney has been running at 15%-20% the past few months, my creatinine is hovering just below 5.0... I'm kind of a mess. It sucks, this last transplant never worked quite right, and now I have to go back on dialysis, and go through the whole damn rigamarole again to get back on the transplant list... which if approved would be my fourth. (The world record is seven, so I'm still off by 3....) but goddammit, I'm sick of all of this. Got a call from someone in the transplant department who saw my name on the "new patient" list because you have to restart all over again, and she said "Make sure you watch all the informational videos...." and I wanted to be like "I've been doing this for 20 years! I helped make the information in these damn videos!". So, now, potentially years of dialysis... another transplant if I'm lucky? Fuck, I'm gonna die on that goddamn machine. Anyway, I'm venting. Just wanna keep people in the loop. Thanks for all the support over the years, lads.
don't assume you can kick the bucket before I play the sequel to your game bucko
and you better make development time last at least twenty to thirty years


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
You'd think they would, but these people doing intake just treat everyone like they're new. It's kind of frustrating; I could do their job with my eyes closed at this point in my life. I'm basically a professional kidney transplant patient.

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