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KickStarter Blackthorne health fundraiser


Wormwood Studios
Aug 15, 2012

Thank God for rubber trees.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Holy shit. I'm alive. I feel pretty fucking fantastic, I'll be honest. I'm home now; I still have a drain in and a catheter; they come out at the transplant clinic visit on Thursday, but it works. It's amazing.

After my first transplant, I ramped up and finished production on our SQ2 remake, so we could move on to QFI.

Looks like we gotta do QFI2 now. I got that new kidney energy.

Thanks for all your support over these past few years, I have medical bills up the ass - you should see this one I got for dialysis, it's $1,500,000... (it's cause my insurance for Medicare part B was in limbo, ESRD's an auto qualifier, but somehow a few years ago that got canceled... it's paperwork. It'll cost me SOMETHING but not 1.5 million dollars)

Anyway, I gotta go empty my pee bag. Thanks again everyone.


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
Yeah, I followed everything on Twitter, it's great to hear that it worked out like this, really good news


Wormwood Studios
Aug 15, 2012
I have medical bills up the ass - you should see this one I got for dialysis, it's $1,500,000...

Seriously though, think of all the voice acting from Elijah Wood you could've put into your next adventure game with that kind of money!!


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Holy shit. I'm alive. I feel pretty fucking fantastic, I'll be honest. I'm home now; I still have a drain in and a catheter; they come out at the transplant clinic visit on Thursday, but it works. It's amazing.

After my first transplant, I ramped up and finished production on our SQ2 remake, so we could move on to QFI.

Looks like we gotta do QFI2 now. I got that new kidney energy.

Thanks for all your support over these past few years, I have medical bills up the ass - you should see this one I got for dialysis, it's $1,500,000... (it's cause my insurance for Medicare part B was in limbo, ESRD's an auto qualifier, but somehow a few years ago that got canceled... it's paperwork. It'll cost me SOMETHING but not 1.5 million dollars)

Anyway, I gotta go empty my pee bag. Thanks again everyone.
So happy for you my friend!! 2020 doesn't TOTALLY suck after all!!


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Feb 28, 2011
Chicago, IL, Kwa

Thank you. Sadly these last few years and bills have ravaged me a bit, but I'm alive and gonna bounce back. We're gonna launch QFI and my NES-like game on Frogsheen, sell half a mil, and then I can finally keep living like a lower middle class scumbag for the rest of my days!!

I can't even imagine the stress of those bills. 2 years ago we got slapped with a $60k bill from complications regarding my son's birth and I still feel like I can't breathe when I look at the statement every month. My heart (if not my kidney) goes out to you.


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire RPG Wokedex Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I hope Blackthorne doesn't mind me posting this here I just think it's GREAT news:
*From his GoFundMe page:
Today by Steven Alexander
It was four weeks ago today I was making breakfast for my kids when the phone rang. I could tell by my caller ID it was the Transplant Clinic. I answered the phone non-chalantly, thinking they needed more tests for my yearly check up. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would be offering me a potential kidney. Now, four weeks later, I'm on the mend. The kidney continues to work better and better every week; my incision is healing, I've had the staples removed. My creatinine (muscle waste product that is processed by kidneys) is down and approaching normal levels. My red blood cell count is low and I'm anemic; when I was on dialysis I was given a drug called Epogen to build red blood cells and keep me from being anemic. It takes a new kidney 60 days to make new blood, so I'll be a little anemic for a bit. But, I can drive my car again. I haven't been to dialysis in four weeks as of today. It's unreal what a change has happened in my life... and you all have been a part of it. Your constant encouragement and belief in me... your want for me to "stop dying, Steve" kept me alive. I'm so grateful that I can't express it enough. Thank you so much. I've got so much to live for now, and I'm so excited to do it.

Keep improving my friend as I'm being selfish and want more Infamous Quests!!! ;)


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
People actually gave him money and he actually delivered on the promise of staying alive making this a more successful crowd funding than Underworld Ascendant.
Last edited:


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Which game? QFI RtR? Not much. I have to finish recording voice actors for it, and we have a major problem I have yet to solve with some custom code someone wrote for dialogue handing which is making playback and numbering of the line near impossible and I may have to recode thousands of lines by hand... and I'm the only one left working on the project currently. My spine gave up the ghost this year too, I've been trying to deal with it but my spinal stenosis is worse, I have herniated discs at L4-L5 like a motherfucker which are impinging nerves like a mother fucker. I have trouble feeling my legs and feet, which has given me no balance and it's difficult to walk. I should post my MRI, it's pretty gnarly. Oh, also, my wife left me last year, I got two small kids, the new transplant isn't working as well as they'd hoped - it had prior damage it appears, and my creatinine function/clearance is running about 2.0-2.5 (normal is like 0.5-1.4 for most people) so it's not optimal, but it keeps me off dialysis. I ain't gonna lie, it's been a tough time, I don't have nearly enough time to work on things, or energy. I'm tapped. But I just had another epidural injection on my back, hopefully physical therapy will help and I won't have to get a laminectomy anytime soon. I will SOMEDAY, cause shit is terrible there. I have lost 80lbs, which is cool, but I'd like to loose more so I hope I can rehab my legs to help with that. Jesus Christ, it's the worst fucking soap opera over here, I swear to fucking Christ.

Anyway, I'm hoping I can wrap things up by the fall. I've been working on this too long, I'm sick of it, I got other things I wanna do. Life sucks, what can you do? It'll get finished. Frogsheen, my cohorts on that project JUST got back in touch with me, so we'll wrap that up. We'll see what the future brings. Right now, I just wanna be able to walk around the block with my fucking kids, and not have $75,034 in medical bills from what insurance won't cover for me. I'm glad someone still cares about adventure games. When I get out of this rut, and this is WHEN not IF, I'm going to keep making them. Thanks again for the support over the years. I'm sorry shit is not great.


Feb 14, 2017
Holy shit. I'm alive. I feel pretty fucking fantastic, I'll be honest. I'm home now; I still have a drain in and a catheter; they come out at the transplant clinic visit on Thursday, but it works. It's amazing.

After my first transplant, I ramped up and finished production on our SQ2 remake, so we could move on to QFI.

Looks like we gotta do QFI2 now. I got that new kidney energy.

Thanks for all your support over these past few years, I have medical bills up the ass - you should see this one I got for dialysis, it's $1,500,000... (it's cause my insurance for Medicare part B was in limbo, ESRD's an auto qualifier, but somehow a few years ago that got canceled... it's paperwork. It'll cost me SOMETHING but not 1.5 million dollars)

Anyway, I gotta go empty my pee bag. Thanks again everyone.

Great news. Hope that you only go from strength to strength dude.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
What the hell
Yeah. Not to get all in my totally personal business, but yeah, height of the pandemic, I was on dialysis - she left, ended it. That has been rough. Trying to figure out life as a single dad on dialysis was rough, the transplant was totally unexpected and has made that at least easier. The new transplant hasn't been all peaches and roses, couple with my back - I've spent the last 9 months just trying to recover and get better. Trying to reforge your life under these circumstances isn't ideal, but it's what I've got to work with. So, work, personal projects... they've had less time for me to devote to. Hopefully things get better from here out.

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