Pointing and laughing.
Over the next few minutes, Boyarsky proceeded to walk through the level six times with vampire characters of different clans and abilities. While the goal in each case was to get into the beach house and get the explosives, the methods he chose to do that could not have been more different.
Though the writer only descripes stealth, diplomat and violent ways to solve this queest, there seem to have been a few other options. Either that or, Leon died a few times while trying this queest.
Though you can bitch a little about the restrictive paths in the levels that they may throw into the game, I don't really mind. Did you guys really expect something totally free-form? The pc's of today are just not ready for that, nor is Troika rich enough to spend years building something like that.
Vampire already sounds like a huge improvement over most of todays rpg's. Multiple quest solutions, 3d world, great graphics and many different character types to try, adding up to a shitload of replayability. Beat that!