You're all shills

Oof. NumaNuma writer hired, then same narrative problems as NumaNuma, the single worst-written RPG game EVAR.
And the only CRPG to have core systems designed worse than Pillars, quite an achievement...
Oof. NumaNuma writer hired, then same narrative problems as NumaNuma, the single worst-written RPG game EVAR.
It's worth remembering that McComb was responsible for by far the weakest parts of Fallout 2 and Planescape: Torment. His reputation as some kind of prolific RPG writer/designer was always unearned.
I made the huge mistake of installing and trying to play Numanuma in between Broken Roads sessions, for entirely unrelated reasons, got a massive craving for Dying Earth or so many ages into the future that technology and magic are indistinguishable and thousands of civilizations have come and went, the Gene Wolf sort of thing. Hated pretty much every second of it. The original Torment was a game born from Avellone's frustrations with the genre, and so you played not as a fresh faced adventurer whose foster father/mentor was just killed and village burnt down, but the living corpse of someone that didn't just have a presence in the gameworld, but that had been around for so long and through the ringer so many times he keeps forgetting who he is. So it makes sense that you don't get to create your own character with your own portrait.Oof. NumaNuma writer hired, then same narrative problems as NumaNuma, the single worst-written RPG game EVAR.
That sort of cargo cult game design that misses the point of why certain things were in the game and how they were used. McComb was the creative lead on Numanuma, and the premise could have been fixed into something better by one simple adjustment. Planescape: Torment was Avellone: The Game, and it would have been impossible to copy everything that was good about it for the sequel, but the changes they made in their retread of it entirely destroys the original dynamic and makes the story trivial. Why should you care about some guy that is trying to escape death is out there. There is the vague notion of revenge for abandoning your body as a shell, I suppose, but that's not heavily pushed early on, and there is the entity that is after him and by your relationship to him, also you.A very common phenomenon from creators that are passionate about the medium and sincere but talentless. Works from them just end up reference storm of the great classics without any real attempt to actually walk the talk. The problem isn't about being pretentious because the classics can come off as such too. It is more that they have no understanding of the medium, of the interplay between the audience and creator within the context. Like a storyteller supposed to tell a story but end up reminiscing about his prior experience of hearing a better one and just bore the audience.
As for what he did after his Playstation action game was cancelled:I was not especially thrilled with the way combat felt in the Infinity Engine, but I write this off to my predilection for the immediate rush of first-person shooters, and the fact that the AD&D rules are in themselves a shorthand for that immediacy as well. I have always felt that the biggest problem with tabletop gaming is the pure nitpickery of slogging through combat; entire sessions have been wasted on a single battle. Computer gaming should, in theory, create a seamless flow, allowing action to occur naturally and fluidly. I suppose the Infinity Engine was the closest one could get to such fluid action while still retaining at least the outline of the basic AD&D rules. Essentially, I’m torn between the desire to immerse the player in a combat situation and the desire to make sure even slow-twitchers get something out of a game.
Avellone had written out a draft for almost all of the dialogue in the game before the game left pre-production while being on drugs, since he was working on Fallout 2 at the same time and overworked himself into an early burnout. McCollin came to the project late and did... Curst, fleshing out Avellone's drafts. Maybe Craig should have gotten Avellone onboard instead.Avellone had at least a broad outline of the entire game from start to finish, with all of the major characters sketched out, by the time I’d joined the team. The rest of the design team added minor characters, stuff not exactly crucial to the main quest, and other fun stuff, and fleshed out the stuff he couldn’t get to. Avellone is a madman, I’ll tell you that – it was only with the greatest regret that he passed off Fhjull and Trias to me, and I heard him weeping bitter and solitary tears in his office when he assigned the Brothel to Dave Maldonado.
The OC was bad. SotU was tedious. HoTU was the only one that was fun to play.The OC is railroady but gets way too much hate. For me SoU > OC > HotU... HotU is a bit of a mess
April PC Update
BROKEN ROADS 1.1 PATCH NOTESOriginally posted by author:
Hey everyone,
Thank you for your ongoing patience while we address player feedback, add requested features, and, of course, continue to fix bugs.
The major changes in this patch are that you can now manually level up your companions. There are now auto-assign buttons for each companion on level-up, following the same auto-level profiles that they had at launch.
Just like when leveling up your player character, if don't go to a companion's character sheet, that companion will stay at a lower level until leveled up.
We've also added an Agility check when fleeing random encounters on the overworld map. If you are not successful, your party enters combat in the 'Ambushed' status, suffering a -50% penalty to initiative for that battle.
Next up, there are now stat restrictions for the higher-tier weapons. You will need to increase your characters' Shooting Mastery or Melee Mastery skills to higher ranks in order to be able to equip the +1, +2 or +3 variants (for example, SR98 +1 requires shooting Mastery 25+, Cleaver +2 requires Melee Mastery 50+, etc).
The full list of changes is below, split up into general and spoiler notes.
This is just our first step in improving Broken Roads - something we are committed to doing until it satisfies your expectations. We will update again with more details on the May patch, which will be considerably larger and on top of many more combat encounters, will also be more focused on the companions, Moral Compass, narrative.
We hope you enjoy these new changes and fixes.
- The team at Drop Bear Bytes
- Added a feature to allow manually leveling up your companions.
- Made many improvements to the random encounters in Chapter 3
- Added a feature to the overworld that lets you flee based on cumulative party agility vs cumulative enemy agility and start a battle with 50% initiative if you fail.
- Added stat restrictions to different weapon types (for example, SR98 +1 requires shooting Mastery 25+, Cleaver +2 requires Melee Mastery 50+, etc).
- Added an additional origin story combat encounter in Kokeby Waystation.
- Added VO for Mad, Mick, Angela, and Sean.
- Various mixing adjustments for Animal and Ambience SFX.
- Fixed a line in the intro cinematic having text that doesn't match VO.
- Improved localisation and added some missing UI text (more to be included in an upcoming hotfix)
- Polished many animations and gestures throughout the game.
- Adjusted many waypoints and interactables in many scenes to only require the player (rather than waiting for the entire party to stand in formation).
- Players can now (Lie) to Hunter about actually killing the Ripper when handing in evidence for the bounty as well as lie that they were going to hand in the Ripper for the bounty to John and whoever is arguing with him.
- Players can now offer to Ben and Katherine to give the Ripper's necklace to Hunter to pretend they killed the Ripper for their safety.
- Players can now decide to fight in Korrelocking after offering to buy the necklace.
- Cover, enemy placement, and enemy behaviour fixes for Life and Mind raider combat in Korrelocking.
- Fixed a quest logic issue that would not let you discuss books with Talia if it was night time and she was outside of the library in Lake Deborah.
- The player’s party now spawns on the ground floor if exiting Brennan's quarters to start the showdown in Lake Deborah.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a soft lock in the final combat in the game.
- A leadership skill check when speaking to Djet now allows players to successfully convince her to go to Kalgoorlie.
- Fixed an issue where the game could get stuck in combat during the dingo random encounter.
- Solved an issue where it was possible to experience a soft lock while the Loaded Dog quest was active.
- Moved Charlie Evans for Aldersyde CH.3 to be more visible.
- It now costs $5,000 to repair the CAES system in Southern Cross.
- Fixed an unopenable chest at the south end of Brookton.
- Cole now spawns properly in the convoy in Merredin after not being rescued after a set amount of time.
- Players can now speak to Cole in Merredin about his experience in Aldersyde after not saving him in time.
- Adjusted interactable points of containers in Kalgoorlie, Westonia, and Lake Deborah.
- Solved an issue where an incorrect journal entry related to speaking to Kendra regarding firing the Southern Cross device no longer appears.
- Added new animations when trying to trip DJ while making tea.
- Added new animations when beating Priss to death.
- The objective of "Travel to Kalgoorlie" does not activate if players already visited Kalgoorlie or are in the process of finding a way in to the city.
- Changed combat area, cover, and enemy placement of Brookton Chapter 3 combat encounter
- Adjusted combat area, cover, and enemy placement in Brookton Chapter 4 combat encounter
- Adjusted position of clickable POI on Brookton camels so the interactable icons don't cover each other when holding tab
- Added some more camera pans back to the player when speaking to Numbat during Art and Illusion
- Adjusted Merredin navmesh so players can no longer walk through the fence at the north, as well as several other small navmesh objects not marked correctly.
You can take cover, you can use "abilities" like deadeye. There are "magic spells" like pyromancy, push or shield. There are grenades and melee weapons, some very basic gear that increases your stats or armour. If you level up perception/firearms skills at the beginning of the game and put some effort into upgrading a sniper rifle, that's it its a GOD MODE from now on. So year very basic and straightforward, even compared to first Fallout. Don't even think about playing it for combat.I was unable to gather much info about the combat. Could you help me out here by describing it better? I have the feeling it's mostly about plain attack or move, and that there are no active skills, covering, flanking, etc.?
I suppose, the strength of the game lies elsewhere than in its combat.
But I might be wrong. I saw some passive ones—Deadeye, Accuracy, at the very least.
Could someone tell me more about it?
Well lets be honest there's usually a strong correlation between DEIXYZ and shit games isn't there?Game was simply... not entertaining enough. It's mid. But worth playing at least once.
Also noticed some retards quick to twist the blame to Diversity, DEI, ABD, LFG, MLS etc. --- they parrot the point on games which aren't quite good simply because it isn't good not because anything else.
Doesn't work on Baldur's Gate 3 lmao.
I literally mentioned Baldur's Gate 3. Pathfinder WOTR. Fallout TV Show.Well lets be honest there's usually a strong correlation between DEIXYZ and shit games isn't there?Game was simply... not entertaining enough. It's mid. But worth playing at least once.
Also noticed some retards quick to twist the blame to Diversity, DEI, ABD, LFG, MLS etc. --- they parrot the point on games which aren't quite good simply because it isn't good not because anything else.
Doesn't work on Baldur's Gate 3 lmao.
Unless you can find a counter example of a XYZ soup games being good?
Iven never played those games, but I didn't know they were considered woke.I literally mentioned Baldur's Gate 3. Pathfinder WOTR. Fallout TV Show.Well lets be honest there's usually a strong correlation between DEIXYZ and shit games isn't there?Game was simply... not entertaining enough. It's mid. But worth playing at least once.
Also noticed some retards quick to twist the blame to Diversity, DEI, ABD, LFG, MLS etc. --- they parrot the point on games which aren't quite good simply because it isn't good not because anything else.
Doesn't work on Baldur's Gate 3 lmao.
Unless you can find a counter example of a XYZ soup games being good?
It's objectively and quantifiably a Good and successful media.
Which is why your favorite retarded grifter on youtube doesn't often mentioned it.
You've been here since 2016 surely you've witnessed some kind of typical Codexian retard mentioned this game as "bad"?Iven never played those games, but I didn't know they were considered woke.
Make a poll.You've been here since 2016 surely you've witnessed some kind of typical Codexian retard mentioned this game as "bad"?Iven never played those games, but I didn't know they were considered woke.
Here?Make a poll.
Here?Make a poll.
Make a poll here?
Is this some kind of joke? Can we skip the punchline? lmao.
I suggest you skipping the theoretical mental gymnastics/yapping and play the damn games I've listed for you. Das ist "RPG" Codex, verdammt. At least play them RPGs.
It's pretty awful, you'd need to have a certain politico-religious programming mind virus implanted into your brain by bankers to pretend to enjoy it. It's not worth buying and not worth playing, the art team did an okay job though but unless you have a good story and good gameplay to go with it what's the point of graphics and a decent soundtrack? It's also very unfinished. If I would sum the game up with a sentence it would be "copying without understanding", that goes for both the gamey parts and the storytelling and writing.How mid is this? I had this wishlisted. But it's been a long time since I've seen a CRPG with ratings as low.
The Drop Bear Bytes devs discuss and show off many of the new features and improvements in the upcoming 1.2 patch for Broken Roads.
Highlights include:
- Fast mode
- Companions join at end of origin story tutorials
- Overworld map is available in the origin stories
- Punt can now be used to increase the chances of fleeing random encounters
- New origin story random encounter combat
- Can go to other places that were blocked from other origins
- More companion reactivity
- Key rebinding and other gameplay settings
- Can pet the animals
- Brookton Under Attack combat can be entered
- Gut Wound/Mick additional dialogues
Work on our May patch is now almost complete, and we are allowing English players to access the latest changes while the new text (over 10,000 words) is being translated. We have created a new beta branch on Steam - unfortunately GOG and Epic users will not have this option, but as soon as it is possible, we’ll open this up on those platforms too.
We are going to keep updating as we polish and add content, so English users who want to get updates as soon as they are ready should simply stay on the new EnglishUpdates branch.
Keep scrolling to see a list of some of the different improvements we're introducing in the latest patch.
Beta branch: english_updates
Password: EnglishUpdates
1 - Select 'Broken Roads' in your Steam library and right click and select properties
2 - A pop-up window will appear. Select 'BETAS' and input the password ‘EnglishUpdates’ .
Make sure you opt-in for the build.
3 - Select the 'english_updates' beta and start playing!
We will post the full patch notes as soon as the translations come back and we can go live on Steam, Epic and GOG in all languages. Here are just some of the changes:
- We have addressed over 150 bugs and counting.
- Added much more companion reactivity in the origin stories.
- All origin stories now allow you to access the overworld map and explore the opening areas of the game world.
- Added warnings and additional dialogue for the Gut Wound moment in Merredin. If you know, you know.
- It is now possible to rebind the keys.
- We've added fast mode to be able to run around the maps much faster.
- Added additional dialogue, companion interjections and reactions when rescuing Cole from Aldersyde.
- Added five new maps for random encounters.
- Added new enemy types.
- Added two new types of beer.
- You can now use punt to improve the % chance of fleeing random encounters. If you fail, you still have to do the random encounter combat but with a major initiative penalty.
- Companions and convoy members now have much more to say if you flee combat, and it affects their respect for you.
- You can now pet dogs, cats, (some) dingoes, and KOALAS. But not drop bears.
There are many ways you can give us your feedback:
1 - Join our Discord server and let us know in the #Feedback channel.
2 - Post a Steam review, or update your existing review - Positive or negative, it's all valuable feedback for us. This will also help us catch all the feedback you may have already left.
3 - Add your comments to our discussion board on Steam.
4 - Send us a message using our contact form.
I haven't played this game and I really hope they will find a way to fix it, since I've read a lot of complaining and some of them are serious ones.
Work on our May patch is now almost complete, and we are allowing English players to access the latest changes while the new text (over 10,000 words) is being translated. We have created a new beta branch on Steam - unfortunately GOG and Epic users will not have this option, but as soon as it is possible, we’ll open this up on those platforms too.
We are going to keep updating as we polish and add content, so English users who want to get updates as soon as they are ready should simply stay on the new EnglishUpdates branch.
Keep scrolling to see a list of some of the different improvements we're introducing in the latest patch.
Beta branch: english_updates
Password: EnglishUpdates
1 - Select 'Broken Roads' in your Steam library and right click and select properties
2 - A pop-up window will appear. Select 'BETAS' and input the password ‘EnglishUpdates’ .
Make sure you opt-in for the build.
3 - Select the 'english_updates' beta and start playing!
We will post the full patch notes as soon as the translations come back and we can go live on Steam, Epic and GOG in all languages. Here are just some of the changes:
- We have addressed over 150 bugs and counting.
- Added much more companion reactivity in the origin stories.
- All origin stories now allow you to access the overworld map and explore the opening areas of the game world.
- Added warnings and additional dialogue for the Gut Wound moment in Merredin. If you know, you know.
- It is now possible to rebind the keys.
- We've added fast mode to be able to run around the maps much faster.
- Added additional dialogue, companion interjections and reactions when rescuing Cole from Aldersyde.
- Added five new maps for random encounters.
- Added new enemy types.
- Added two new types of beer.
- You can now use punt to improve the % chance of fleeing random encounters. If you fail, you still have to do the random encounter combat but with a major initiative penalty.
- Companions and convoy members now have much more to say if you flee combat, and it affects their respect for you.
- You can now pet dogs, cats, (some) dingoes, and KOALAS. But not drop bears.
There are many ways you can give us your feedback:
1 - Join our Discord server and let us know in the #Feedback channel.
2 - Post a Steam review, or update your existing review - Positive or negative, it's all valuable feedback for us. This will also help us catch all the feedback you may have already left.
3 - Add your comments to our discussion board on Steam.
4 - Send us a message using our contact form.
I haven't played this game and I really hope they will find a way to fix it, since I've read a lot of complaining and some of them are serious ones.
But, to be honest, thay are actually saying "We are making an early access in post-release". Am I wrong?