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Somewhat Less Broken Roads: https://www.brokenroadsgame.com/dev-blog/our-may-patch-is-now-live
Hi everyone,
Thank you for your patience while we worked on this major update to get the Broken Roads 1.2 patch live.
We've taken on board the feedback from your reviews to add features, make changes, include new options, completely open up the early game, and greatly expand on companion reactions.
The work is not at all done and there is much more still to come, but we hope you enjoy this first big patch which focuses on all four origin stories through to the gates of Merredin.
We did also tackle some mid and late game moments that players requested, so take note that THERE ARE SPOILERS IN THE NOTES BELOW.
Have fun, and as always please let us know your feedback!
- The team at Drop Bear Bytes
You can now pet dogs, cats, (some) dingoes, and KOALAS. But not drop bears.
- All origin stories now allow you to access the overworld map and explore the opening areas of the game world.
- Added a Fast mode to increase movement speed while exploring
- You can now target enemies in combat by clicking on their portrait in the turn queue
- Added much more companion reactivity in the origin stories through to completing the Plane Crash.
- Sue and Norm now appear during the Aldersyde during the origin stories and can be spoken to after unlocking the overworld map.
- Added many more gestures and animations to characters throughout the game.
- The Overworld travel icon is now your character’s portrait.
- Added multiple new cyclopedia entries, including essential terms such as Woop Woop, Tucker and Sex Trophies.
- Added the ability to hide the moral impact of choices for the morality quiz during character creation (and this can be turned on/off in the settings menu at any time)
- You can now pet dogs, cats, (some) dingoes, and KOALAS. But not drop bears.
- You can now rebind the keyboard controls
- Added support for 32:9 aspect ratio
The Overworld travel icon is now your character’s portrait.
You can now rebind the keyboard controls
- Companions react to players killing the dingoes or fleeing from the dingoes
- Mick reacts if players speak to people in Brookton before he arrives back in town
- During the chat with Mick in Brookton Pub, he will acknowledge if the player fled combat more than once, or point out specific prelude combats the player fled from and comment accordingly.
- Ella and Dreamer have a lot more to say in the various origin story interactions.
- Added additional dialogue, companion interjections and reactions when rescuing Cole from Aldersyde.
- Party members now respond to Nathaniel Blacke's plan to rescue Cole.
- Added additional dialogue with Cole once he has joined the convoy after Aldersyde, with different reactivity depending on if the player rescued him or not.
- There is now a poster on the job board in Hunters and Collectors about Gut Wound
- Players are now properly warned that Mick will be hung for his crimes if the player tells Hunter, Angela Smith or Malcolm Hogan about Mick being Gut Wound.
- When players tell Malcolm or Angela about Mick being Gut Wound, he spawns in the convoy as usual (and no longer spawns in the Flaming Galah, thus making it easier to find him)
- Mick will also warn players not to go around saying his name to others if the player has confronted him about it.
- Mick’s responses in the pub when talking about Ian Mason's death are now more consistent with his personality.
- When Mick is given medicine, he now instantly appears in the convoy instead of having to wait 3 days
- Adjusted party-related variables surrounding their like counters of the player to allow for more variety in the final conversation in The Pit.
When Mick is given medicine, he now instantly appears in the convoy instead of having to wait 3 days
- All origins can now collect books for Nathaniel Blacke and return in later chapters to return any books they didn’t hand in during the prelude
- All origins can now help Charlie Evans in Aldersyde
- Players now have multiple dialogue options that allow them to take Sid with them in the ambulance during Brookton Under Attack to ensure he survives
- New objectives and quest text written for Brookton Under Attack to tell players what they can do and who needs help
- Players can definitively choose who they want to escape Brookton with after they’ve spoken to both parties
- Numerous new objectives and journal text written to assist players in navigating the added content
- Prose of the World and General Will in Lake Deborah are now marked as main quests
- Mira now tells you to check Southern Cross and Koorda for suitable books
- Additional objectives to gain entry for Southern Cross and Koorda have been added and visiting them is now part of the critical path for Lake Deborah
- Surveyors can also ‘take care of Tina’s pest problem' in Kokeby.
- Added additional lines for Mira after the showdown if she is leader of Lake Deborah.
- Made multiple logic fixes to Use of Spies to fix Uncle Koya’s responses for when you deliver items to him.
- Upped the XP reward for The Use of Spies to 6000XP.
Mira now tells you to check Southern Cross and Koorda for suitable books
Players can now engage in dingo combat in Bally Bally during the prelude
- Added multiple random encounter combat events to the origin stories
- Added two combat encounters in the plane crash scene
- Added new raider enemies
- Jackaroo players can now fight Sue and Norm in Avon River (cannot retreat) with reactions from Sean, Mick, John, and Franklin Ames
- Other origin stories can now enter the same Orkney Heights combat from the Barter Crew origin story
- The player can choose to enter the battle when Brookton is being raided. This combat is unwinnable, and if players choose to ignore the warnings from their companions, this will lead to one of the canon endings of the game.
Companions react to players killing the dingoes or fleeing from the dingoes
- Retreating from combat during the origin stories
- Using punt to flee from random encounters in the Overworld Map
Using punt to flee from random encounters in the Overworld Map
- Improved Russian and Chinese translations throughout the game
- Over 10,000 words added in this patch
There is now a poster on the job board in Hunters and Collectors about Gut Wound
- Added more VO for Frida Lamm, Angela Smith, Mad, Sean, and Mick
- Added emu and dog SFX
- Added and improved melee SFX
- Made mixing fixes for Ambient SFX
- Adjusted some interaction icons from the magnifying glass to the audio icon
Added a Fast mode to increase movement speed while exploring
- Fixed a potential blocker that purely nihilist characters could encounter when discussing Jonesy’s death with Mick.
- Fixed an issue where characters could sometimes get unlimited AP after using the Vigilance skill.
- Fixed missing collision on a fence in Merredin.
- Fixed an issue with Scott Measure’s walking animation when he is at the plane crash.
- Adjusted how objectives display for when meeting Ruben at the plane crash.
- Fixed an issue where Ki Road would not load properly during ‘The Disciple at Second Hand’ quest.
- Adjusted the animation used when collecting possums in Merredin.
- Fixed the achievement BIG BADDA BOOM not being completable.
- Fixed the counter's texture flickering inside Hunters and Collectors.
- Dreamer's shooting animation now matches her weapon during Brookton Under Attack.
- Solved a possible soft-lock when interacting with the Rift during the final encounter with Kev.
- Solved issues with Jason clipping with the merchant, Felix, in Kalgoorlie.
- Fixed a rare combat soft lock that could occur where the game would not proceed after attacks of opportunity.
- The Kalgoorlie Jail barrier and their NPCs no longer have their positions reset after detonating the bomb with Ruby.
- Solved an issue where the mouse would sometimes not pan downwards while in combat.
- Fixed an issue where you cannot ask Angela for the phone after helping her in Chapter 2.
- The game no longer gets stuck on ‘Main menu' screen when selecting the ‘Back to Main Menu' option at start of combat.
- It is no longer possible to exploit handing in books to Talia during Prose of the World in order to gain unlimited XP.
- The player no longer sees the ‘gather your mates’ dialogue when leaving Rusty the Wandering Trader’s random encounter.
- Fixed an issue where it was hard to click on Gwen Gold’s file in the archives.
- $300 is now correctly deducted from the player’s inventory when establishing a trade route with Kane during ‘Revenues and Their Sources’.
- Fixed an issue where a Cleaver taken from a Kalgoorlie Guard during The Struggle Between Worker and Machine quest could be sold unlimited times.
- Fixed a possible bug with the Long Distance Relationship achievement not triggering properly.
- Fixed numerous save game issues where saving in certain places could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where the skills level up notification would pop up when entering a new location for the first time.
Added the ability to hide the moral impact of choices for the morality quiz during character creation