Played the demo, it reminded me of Troubleshooter somewhat, it's got capeshit which I can tolerate instead of dweebery which is a major turn-off.
That one didn't click with me, maybe this one will.
It's only a few missions and it does a rather decent job at setting your expectation straight, I reckon.
You have a roster of superheroes you unlock as your progress and you pick four of them (could be more, but it was pick four out of five in the demo) to take on a missions.
They have premade bios and abilities, they unlock additional ones as well as various upgrades through exp earned on missions (upgrades were disabled in the demo).
Each mission has a bunch of optional objectives which I imagine lets you unlock more stuff and faster. You can replay missions to get them all.
The demo has a rather limited selection of characters (none of which I found particularly likeable, but this could be a me problem), a big part of the game is
experimenting with various mixes and see how they work. Each character brings his own unique set of skills to the table, but also augments the skills of other chars
if they are within LoS, which leads to interesting situation in the field. Even within the same "class", each character seems to have a unique flair - one "Striker"
is built around backstab attacks, like a D&D rouge, assists other team members by teleporting them around, another "Striker" uses super speed to
get extra "turns" and deals extra damage by smashing opponents against things. I suspect this only scratches the surface as there are plenty of unlocks
for each character, they even seem to have "achievements" which might unlock more backstory on them, but that was also disabled in the demo.
Combat has an "EXCOM-ey" feel (I think it's the hit points, more on that later), for the lack of a better term, but the system is much more to my liking.
Combatants move according to the initiative queue. You get 5AP to move and 2AP to use "abilities,"
which are all nice and varied, regular kicks and punches, throwing rocks with telekinesis, buffs, disables, taunts, knocking people around,
there are even various environmental hazards, like the tell-tale red barrels. A lot of the special moves attacks have "patterns",
so you need to factor in positioning - maybe give this guy a push, so he gets within the AoE pattern, etc.
Each character also has a unique ultimate ability and a different way to charge it up, so there's a lot to factor in.
Overall, not a bad first impression, should get fun the more options you unlock and explore the combos.
Mission maps in the demo were small, almost claustrophobic, and the missions themselves weren't really long. It's usually done in just a few turns.
As a result, I was done with the whole thing in under 3hrs, although the game invited me to replay the missions trying out a different mix of guys.
I won't be telling you much about the story, but the writing didn't really have me by the balls or anything.
If I'm waiting for the game it's mostly for exploring the mechanics and combos.
Objectives were pretty varied, but nothing too challenging, I only really restarted a mission because I wasn't 100% on the mechanics.
For enemies, you get standard mooks, unarmed and with clubs or firearms, further down the line you get androids and robots as well as augmented humans,
each brought something new to the table and needed a slightly different approach,
though not terribly so, the gist of the game is identifying what to kill first and what needs to be disabled for laters.
Your guys can be rather squishy (dedicated tanks aside) with just 3HP (to put it inperspective, some stuff does 0,5 damage, a punch deals 1dmg, rifle shot 2dmg,
dealing 3+ damage per attack is possible with setup) they can quickly get KO'd, which makes them lose turns and can potentially spiral into a mission failure.
Like I said, a lot of it seems about managing damage from enemies by killing, disabling, or staying out of their LoS.
There are nice touches here and there, if a char uses a skill augmented by another char (which gives it some extra oomph as long as the chars are within LoS),
they will comment and the animation might be a bit different, so teamwork is encouraged and rewarded.
One thing that actually left me scratching my head was the stealth portion of the last mission. You're basically walking in front of enemies in your superhero tights,
and as long as you drop each bad guy in one turn there's no alarm, even if you kick-slammed a guy into the wall right next to his pal, and you basically get infinite free turns
while the other guys bumble around. Felt rather sloppy in a game that otherwise looked rather well thought out and polished.
I'll be looking out for this one, although with a few reservations. I don't particularly like the small scale and I really hope
they won't force me to replay the same missions ad nauseam to level up the newly unlocked characters. Like I said,
the missions are short, but I'm not sure if I want to subject myself to this kind of grind.