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But CC: Gaea Mission had a tank AI that could not navigate a forest!but... but we already had carrier command 2 :V
The original Steel Beast was also good, until they decided to milk the military instead of gamers.M1 Tank Platoon remake would be great, last good tank game was probably Steel Armour.
What do you mean avoiding? MURDER THEM ALL.Hardest difficulty mode will be avoiding oil tankers and chinese fishing boats.
Yes, the real enemies are the undestructible traffic signs and lights.What do you mean avoiding? MURDER THEM ALL.Hardest difficulty mode will be avoiding oil tankers and chinese fishing boats.
Developer Spotlight - Naval Warfare
Dear Players,
In developer spotlight posts, we discuss the detail and ideas behind Carrier Command 2.
In this post, we announce naval warfare in Carrier Command 2.
Across the archipelago, the enemy have a small fleet of corvettes and gunboats that guard the highest value islands. While these ships only guard a small number of islands, they are very dangerous. These ships are armed with a subset of the same armaments you carry on your carrier.
While it may be possible to sometimes approach an island undetected and deploy ground forces while avoiding a naval conflict, it is often prudent to eliminate the enemy naval force before landing. This can be achieved through several means, such as the same armaments that you already have versus ground targets such as cruise missiles, naval artillery cannon, guns, rockets, precision bombs, but also the new carrier launched and air launched torpedoes.
Torpedo combat is inspired by classic Microprose title, Red Storm Rising, and also the well-crafted spiritual successor Cold Waters. Torpedoes are launched with a compass bearing and arming timer. Once the arming timer becomes active, the torpedo switches from cruise to search mode, and actively searches for sonar targets. Once a target is locked, the torpedo steers towards the target to close the distance and maintain lock.
Torpedoes are displayed on the vehicle control screen including their position history to show their progress and tracking behaviour.
As well as offensive torpedoes, your carrier and some enemy ships are equipped with decoys and noisemakers. Decoys are another type of torpedo that emit a strong signature, which other torpedoes are likely to lock on to. Noisemakers simply generate a huge amount of sonar interference in order to blind sonar tracking capabilities and disrupt a sonar lock.
Fighting these ships is hugely engaging, but also serves as great practice for when you finally fight the enemy carrier, and everything is being played for.
We have been having a great time developing and playing with the new naval combat and cannot wait to share more with you.
Please let us know if there is anything particular you would like to know more about, as well as your thoughts and feedback on naval combat.
Developer Spotlight - The Music of Carrier Command 2
Dear Players,
In developer spotlight posts, we discuss the detail and ideas behind Carrier Command 2.
In this post, we discuss the sound track of Carrier Command 2, it's inspirations and development. We are also sharing a preview of some of the music to help describe the sound of the game.
Turn your speakers up and check out the music preview here:
The direction of Carrier Command 2 is to mix the scope and precision of modern gaming with the creativity and pioneering spirit of the original game, and to celebrate the golden era of 1980s gaming. Many parts of the art style make reference to this, with low poly graphics and pixel art. In terms of music, we want to achieve a similar reflection of this era of gaming.
We are inspired by many well executed films and TV shows such as Tron Legacy and Stranger Things which capture the zeitgeist of an age gone by, in a way that captures the feeling of nostalgia and an appreciation of the styles of the era.
We are also inspired by original works of the 1980s, particularly of Ridley Scotts 1982 classic, Bladerunner. The sound track created by Vangelis creates a unique identity and brilliantly supports the incredible visual visual design that tells the story of their neo-noir world.
The Carrier Command 2 sound track is created by Chris Randle and Jon Daou, two brilliant composers who we have been working with for over 7 years and 5 games. Previously, they had produced a short 36 second main theme and soundscape for a small text based game we had developed called True Legacy. We loved working together in this style and had been waiting years for a new opportunity to take that style further.
Their sound track for Carrier Command 2 comprises of a main theme, 3 in game tracks (each with 3 layers corresponding to a state of alertness) and a boss fight theme. They are also working to produce an album version, designed for listening as music rather than integrated into a game, where the music is designed to loop and change procedurally.
Sound and music is such an important part of the experience of playing a game, so we have been very excited about developing this, and pushing this aspect as far as we can. A huge thank you to Chris and Jon who have wildly surpassed our expectations yet again.
We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the music and direction of the game. Let us know in the comments!
In the mean time, development is going very well and we are working on final features that we are really passionate about. We are hoping to make some new exciting announcements soon! Until then...
Much love <3,
The Carrier Command Developers
It is possible that they publish these games without putting any money upfront, and just do some PR stuff, and let them use the Microprose name in exchange for a cut. Several publishers work like this.how many games has the new Microprose released so far?
I have serious doubts they even have people working on all those announcements and how their pockets could be so deep.
Something just doesn't feel right, a new publishers appears announces 20 games, nothing ever gets released, and they keep announcing more.
Do you have original ideas?
Have a game you need to get off the ground, then contact us and see if we can help.
Have a game that is highly developed?
Need someone to help you publish your project, then contact us.
Seeking a partner?
We are always looking for opportunities to help with interesting and innovative projects.
It is possible that they publish these games without putting any money upfront, and just do some PR stuff, and let them use the Microprose name in exchange for a cut. Several publishers work like this.
Wasn't it rather that the original Microprose busted because they invested in arcade games at the time they were dying?It is possible that they publish these games without putting any money upfront, and just do some PR stuff, and let them use the Microprose name in exchange for a cut. Several publishers work like this.
But then it's just a bunch of developers who use the name Microprose. A publisher without money has no artistic control and there is gonna be a bunch of shit games with perhaps 1 or 2 nuggets.
Also the fact that original Microprose went bust because people pirated their games and bought arcade games instead, does not bode well.
Call that negatitity if you want but I am never in favor of necroing dead brands. It never worked, not a single time.
You expected something else after about 20 years?But then it's just a bunch of developers who use the name Microprose.
Steam Next Festival: Carrier Command 2 Free Demo Available Now!
Dear Players,
We are taking part in the Steam Next Festival, which is 6 days where games releasing soon share their demos, and do live streams.
We have a free demo live now that you can download and play through Steam. This version of the game is similar to the playtest, but with many updates and new improvements! We have been reading the hundreds of detailed feedback that players sent us from the last playtest, and we have implemented as much as we can so far. Thank you so much to all the players who took the time to give us feedback - it is very important to us and very appreciated
We are doing a developer live stream on Thursday at 4pm UTC for 2 hours. We will be playing multiplayer on the full version of the game, chatting about the game, the design, plans, and answering your questions live on stream! Please come and join us!
We may also test multiplayer in the demo over the coming days - we just have a few more things to do before we can add it to the demo! The multiplayer feature may appear and disappear, as we change and improve it!
The demo will only be available during the Steam Next Festival, which runs from June 16 to 22.
Please feel free to add more feedback, through the in-game button or below in the comments - we read everything carefully and will discuss your feedback as a team.
Much love <3,
The Carrier Command Developers
Patch Notes
- Fixed carrier being teleported into the air sometimes when landing aircraft
- Fixed islands sometimes not spawning
- Fixed carrier propulsion still functioning when propulsion breaker is switched off
- Fixed carrier radar still functioning when radar breaker is switched off
- Fixed TV-guided missile camera being rotated 90 degrees when equipped on Razorbill
- Fixed surface observation camera being equip-able on Razorbill
- Fixed observation camera having inverted controls
- Fixed torpedoes often targeting furthest vehicle instead of nearest/best target
- Fixed surface missile turret firing the wrong direction when manually controlled
- Turret attachments no longer try to target drydocks
- Improved explosion rendering performance
- Fixed rotor vehicles taking off at a sharp angle
- Fixed camera jittering when entering a seat at low framerates
- Improved barge buoyancy so they don't jump out of the water as much
- Fixed audio popping artefacts
- Fixed ocean foam flickering on AMD graphics
- Improved vehicle obstacle avoidance and fixed issue where vehicles often wouldn't try to avoid other vehicles
- Fixed crash when trying to dock a vehicle when no bays are available on the carrier
- Scrollbars can be dragged with the mouse
- Altitude selector +/- buttons can be held down instead of needing to be repeatedly clicked
- Waypoint altitude defaults to 1000m instead of 200m
- Game paused if controller disconnects
- Game paused when Steam overlay is opened
- Rotor vehicles take off from the top of the lift instead of taxiing
- Added additional sound effects to carrier when impacting waves and launching from the drydock
What's the deal with these games. How does it fit in with say CMANO?