Pics below. Hopefully not too big.
Okay. So I've nabbed and played Cyberpunk 2077 for around, hmmm, 31 hours now.
I like it, once you get to Act 2, and the world can be driven around in. Shooting goons up and just vibin' while scootin' around with the a, it's fine.
Story wise, it does feel deep, but I fear it's all gonna ring hollow. Losing yourself, being subsumed, maybe even tying it to dementia and alzhemiers and all that, that hits me personally, but I dunno. And the Anti-Corpo talk is laughable. Like, Johnny, you lost this fight before you were even born, much less V.
Lots of bugs. let me preface this with, I don't really get bugs. I get crashes, sure. But even Fallout New Vegas would crash, or a save would fail. And it's not like every single minute of CB2077 is bug laden. Just that they happen frequently and they're noticeable but nothing that breaks the game. I try to parkour a lot on foot, so I often get flung dozens of meters due to some map collision or mesh collision or whatever. Funny most of the time. Broken stretched out bodies. A few lines of dialogue got skipped in a quest once.
But nothing major.
Honestly I just want more to do in the city than kill gangbangers. It's fun. But CB2077 should dig into it and flesh out the world more. Right now it's kill, scoot, sell, scoot, kill, etc.... It's a fine pastime, but it could be more. I want more corporate espionage and movement. I want more nomad politics. Hell, I want more shit outside of NC, and inside of it, too. Half the map is empty (I include the BIotechnica flats for this) and underutilized.
Also can they turn down the fucking bloom? Fuck. Look at this LOOK AT IT THE SUN IS A FUCKING ONGOING NUCLEAR BOMB - I mean, it IS, but it's a small circular one if you've ever stared at it, not 500km from Earth itself. You can see it in the first pic too, the hell
And it would be nice if the stores had double their stock. Can't find a look readily well.
Add: more dialogue would be nice, too. Even little things like a proper goodbye to storekeeps. 2077 NC might be a shitty hellhole and V might be an ass but still.