sorry for the reddit video but this is too good not to post. cdpr dev gets asked why there are no car chases in the game and his repsonse is just
I guess Hitler was right about dem poles. Never trust em. My personal life has certainly improved, since I started giving polaks a wid berth. I hope Russia annexes Pooland soon.
Yeah, Poles are Jews of the Slavs. Perpetual victim complex, not one single good RPG from them despite them having biggest gaming industry in Eastern Europe, best standard of living from all Slavs and there being 50m of them. They are champions of moaning thou
Further more, name me one good game, regardless of genre, made in Poland in last 5 years. I'm genuinly interested. Biggest frauds, biggest lovers of globohomo among Slavs, and in deep deep deeeeeep love with American culture. Their nationalism is 99% hatred towards Russia and butthurt towards Western Europe. Disappointed in Polska!