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CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 + Phantom Liberty Expansion Thread


the irascible
Jan 10, 2023
fuck you
Codex+ Now Streaming!
it's been a minute since i played it

it was fun and was glad it was over by the end honestly.

i definitely remember it feeling like fo4 without vats


Jun 7, 2015
So .. CP2077 is on sale for half the price.. Is the game worth playing? After all the patchs?

I played it after the "next gen" update and enjoyed it, have to admit. Not sure if I will try phantom liberty or whatever they might release after it.

It is much shorter than W3 even after the expansions. Not nearly as enjoyable too. The few decent sidequests probably add just a few hours to the game and the short "runner" quests are not interesting enough to do.

ITT, a decent and fun game, I imagine it might have been nigh unplayable at release considering all the flack. It is very playable now.


Jun 13, 2019
I got around 20 hours.

I'm enjoying so far, the city looks good like really fucking good.

The combat good but the enemies are pretty brain dead, especialy when comes to Stealth. If you have enough damage to One shot with Silenced Pistol is all good. I'm playing on Hard and i suck at FPS, so the early game was quite harsh but i just got a few Pistol Damage Upgrade and things are getting better.

One big issue is loot. There's too much.. Just too much loot.

The Story is good, main issue is the same as evervyone else said already, Pacing is horrible and takes you out of the game because you're dying while the side quests and money sinking gets dumped on you as soon as you leave your SafeHouse after getting Johnny. And Johnny is all over the place because Side Quest don't take in account your Main Quest Relationship w/ him.

Skills checks exist but feels mostly for flavor so far, outside of opening door with STR or Mechanic Skill and the rare check that actually changes how a quest plays out.
I would say is better tha gmaes like AC Odyssey, Watch Dogs 2 , ME Andromeda and other Open World Flavored RPGs so far.


Mar 28, 2014
Found something neat. Delamain quest usually is something you do first as this is one of the earliest quest in game and you need to go either way to its HQ for your car. I loaded one of saves with lvl 40 char that had finished most of quest leaving only few around including that one.

Naturally I wanted to see in path tracing DelamainHQ and it's insides since it had few neat scenes.

Turns out that if you do voodoo storyline first and go beyond blackwall when you talk to Delamain V has new line where he directly asks him if he is from beyond blackwall and he says yes. Without doing that quest he says that he is "sort of immigrant".


Jun 23, 2020
Found something neat. Delamain quest usually is something you do first as this is one of the earliest quest in game and you need to go either way to its HQ for your car. I loaded one of saves with lvl 40 char that had finished most of quest leaving only few around including that one.

Naturally I wanted to see in path tracing DelamainHQ and it's insides since it had few neat scenes.

Turns out that if you do voodoo storyline first and go beyond blackwall when you talk to Delamain V has new line where he directly asks him if he is from beyond blackwall and he says yes. Without doing that quest he says that he is "sort of immigrant".
Del questline is on-par with Planescape: Torment. Complete insanity. Shame some of the other cool shit from the tabletop like exotics and media didn't make it in


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Found something neat. Delamain quest usually is something you do first as this is one of the earliest quest in game and you need to go either way to its HQ for your car. I loaded one of saves with lvl 40 char that had finished most of quest leaving only few around including that one.

Naturally I wanted to see in path tracing DelamainHQ and it's insides since it had few neat scenes.

Turns out that if you do voodoo storyline first and go beyond blackwall when you talk to Delamain V has new line where he directly asks him if he is from beyond blackwall and he says yes. Without doing that quest he says that he is "sort of immigrant".
Del questline is on-par with Planescape: Torment. Complete insanity. Shame some of the other cool shit from the tabletop like exotics and media didn't make it in
There is always some underlying, hidden "good game" inside this mess. At least story and writing wise. Dunno if the system is salvageable in any way. I really putting my stakes on the whole "the original storyline got scrapped in favor of including keanu reeves" theory and it caused tons of development problems


Jun 23, 2020
God I love announcements pointing to announcements of announcements.

Marketers should all be lined up against the wall.
Technically the entire 2077 debacle is the fault of the marketers. CD Projekt did nothing wrong but ship the best Far Cry ever made. Unfortunately everyone expected fucking World of Warcraft 2

Jason Liang

Oct 26, 2014
Is this game worth getting for $17.99? I'm ordering NBA 2k23 on Amazon for $19.99 and need to add something else to get free shipping, so my bar is pretty low. Is it at least better than Underrail?
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2020
Is this game worth getting for $17.99? I'm ordering NBA 2k23 on Amazon for $19.99 and need to add something else to get free shipping, so my bar is pretty low. Is it at least better than Underrail?
Anything under $20 is worth it. It's not even the same genre as Underrail


Jun 25, 2020
To use their own slogan, CP2077 is 'style over substance'.
It's fun for a few hours. And great to make some very impressive screen shots. But nothing you will still remember in a few months or even years later.


Jan 31, 2023
Is this game worth getting for $17.99? I'm ordering NBA 2k23 on Amazon for $19.99 and need to add something else to get free shipping, so my bar is pretty low. Is it at least better than Underrail?
You are ordering an EA sports game in current year, pretty sure this game is worth at least that much. Low bar indeed!


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
That is an amusing troll attempt, good sir.

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