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Bitcomposer bankrupt
Seems like there won't be a century of chaos. German insolvency announcement page insolvenzbekanntmachungen.de released that bitcompser is bankrupt yesterday:
"810 IN 1144/14 B: In dem Insolvenzantragsverfahren über das Vermögen der bitComposer Entertainment AG, Mergenthalerallee 77, 65760 Eschborn (AG Frankfurt am Main, HRB 92652), vertr. d.: 1. Oliver Neupert, (Vorstand), 2. Patrick Rausch, (Vorstand) ist am 03.12.2014 um 15:50 Uhr die vorläufige Verwaltung des Vermögens der Schuldnerin angeordnet worden. Verfügungen der Schuldnerin sind nur mit Zustimmung des vorläufigen Insolvenzverwalters wirksam. Zum vorläufigen Insolvenzverwalter ist Rechtsanwalt Dr. Robert Schiebe, Kaiserstraße 11, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Tel.: 069- 21931-50, Fax: 069- 219315-99, E-Mail: r.schiebe@schiebe.de, Internet: www.schiebe.de bestellt worden.
Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, 03.12.2014"
Aktenzeichen des Insolvenzgerichts: 810 IN 1144/14
HobGoblin42 CrashOberbreit
So... who owns CC now?
I forgot these guys owned Jagged Alliance. That series truly is cursed. Hopefully whoever acquires it releases at least one decent entry before inevitably biting the dust.I think Nordic Games might want to buy Jagged Aliiance as well as Chaos Chronicles. ... Or Paradox or Stardock will intercept it.
The rights are not even important. I would play another game with similar class and gameplay, with a completely different name.
The problem seems to be that no one is able to make a game worth of the name. This is the problem not the license.
You cant make 1st rate games with 2nd and 3rd rate developers. The list of developers who tried is endless and people should start to analyse what made Jagged Alliance 2 so great, developers seem to be unable to understand it.
This one here was particularly dumb, thinking that the fans would find it awesome to play a game with the JA license, pretentious German humor, and otherwise totally different gameplay. Morons.
It certainly wasnt the name that made it great. As the JA name was sold and resold multiple times, in the end it does not matter who owns it, all they make with it is shit.
Troll heads are used for rating trolling attempts. This definitely wasn't a trolling attempt.The rights are not even important. I would play another game with similar class and gameplay, with a completely different name.
The problem seems to be that no one is able to make a game worth of the name. This is the problem not the license.
You cant make 1st rate games with 2nd and 3rd rate developers. The list of developers who tried is endless and people should start to analyse what made Jagged Alliance 2 so great, developers seem to be unable to understand it.
This one here was particularly dumb, thinking that the fans would find it awesome to play a game with the JA license, pretentious German humor, and otherwise totally different gameplay. Morons.
It certainly wasnt the name that made it great. As the JA name was sold and resold multiple times, in the end it does not matter who owns it, all they make with it is shit.
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