Volcanic Rock Studios
Onyx AmusementVolcanic Rock Studios
Black Geyser Studios.
Oh wait.
You lost, bro.
Four of the Wayside Creators Thrown to the Wayside
A film production company that focuses on video game content had some internal strife and controversy, according to a video put out by four key members of the organization.
According to the speakers in the video, the initial Kickstarter money was pretty much “already gone” before the discussions with Minnesota folks even began. The producers they got in touch with were actually willing to put their own money forward to help make it happen. Becca wrote a film script for Chris Avellone’s treatment of Legend of Grimrock, but payment was withheld “until a budget came in” and that all the Kickstarter money was gone by that point.
They don’t know what the Kickstarter money was spent on.
Since you're here, how accurate is this list? Did I miss anything?Prolonged exposure to Fallout Shelter makes you click the air in front of you, hoping for the sound of caps. It's like a Vault experiment all in itself.
Wayside: Also, I can't even recall if I got paid for Grimrock, it's been so long. I did enjoy writing the treatment, though, so I don't care overmuch.
MCA just said the website is on hold, and I also found out today that his companion was added to the last TTON Beta update.
Here's an updated list of his work atm:
[Finished but not released]
- VR dialogue stuff with Digital Funk Studios.
[Recent finished work]
- TTON companion. [Erritis - now recruitable in the Beta]
- TTON graphic novel #1.
- TTON graphic novel #2.
- Wasteland 2 novella #1. ["intros to each PC"]
- Wasteland 2 novella #2.
- Wasteland 2 novella #3.
- Wasteland 2 novella #4.
- Wasteland 2 novel.
- D:OS2 - Undead origin story.
- Prey.
- System Shock remake.
[Other stuff coming up]
- "<endgame>", short story for the Press Start to Play anthology.
- "Acts of Creation", short story for the The End Has Come anthology.
- Prologue for Más allá del Tiempo, a book about the Chrono series. (Spanish only)
- "The Winter King", an Icewind Dale short story. Technically not recent: he wrote back in the Black Isle days, but it was only released last year.
- Overfall style guide.
- Story feedback on Siege of Dragonspear.
- PoE novella.
- YouTube Let's Play channel.
- Personal website. ["Website's on hold, I don't have the time.
- Unannounced "pet project".