PoE was the moment it became visible that unfortunately RPGs as they used to be done is dead, there is no crowdfunding that can fix the destruction of a culture, there is no reason for optimism anymore, it wasn't only big and evil publishers but developers too could be as cynical as them and many of those fuckers only cry victim because they wish they were on the same position of a Bethesda or EA and they are not, it has nothing to do with gamming as a hobby and building something interesting, sticking to a vision, creating games focused on vision, nope, just money, money and money. The old RPG guys like Chris and others or are relicts from the past marginalized or are burn out and really not wishing to do anything just waiting for retirement and the new designers are a bunch of mediocre yes men that don't bring anything of value more than porsuing their companies financial aims and design games with only that goal.
Boy, it took decades to empty Hollywood of any pretense of internal life beyond pure rent seeking, same happened with music, pretty interesting how the rent seeking behavior dominated gamming so much faster, maybe because gamming already was born on a culture that had no values anymore, so the only thing left is rent seeking and the next popamole virtual hamburger for the zombies to eat before next year and next year, next year. Chris seems burn out, so Bethesda is the safe bet but that means we can't hope for anything of quality on the future from him. Funny how we had a whole host of RPG nerd designers that created so much stuff and build things with value that inspired this very site that just left a complete vacum.