i'd like to know what all the "disagree" below are about. do you mean that civ5 is the pinnacle of complexity in civ games?True to Civ fashion, the game is still relatively simple compared to some of the 4Xs out therem.
2. AI may be a massive step up but better/=good. Par for the course with Civ unfortunately (and really TBS games in general) but still a bit of a drag.
I guess we're living in different worlds, Civ has always been one of the most complex strategy games out there.
up to civ4.
I think the disagrees are because people thought you meant "up to civ4" as saying "Civ 4 is when the series became simple," not "Civ 5 is when the series became simple." Considering Civ 4 is objectively the most complex Civ game, I could see that raising a few eyebrows. Though I did meet a guy once who swore up and down that Civ 3 was more complex than Civ 4 because it had more options for micromanaging the tiles that you work? But it doesn't.
well, "up to civ4" not "until civ4". i thought grammar was on my side :V