Yes. Civ 6 is a shit game because it has niggers in it, unlike the previous 5 that totally didn't whatsoever
Go home, adults are talking.
No, Civ6 is a shit game because it continues the dumbed down gameplay from 5, is pushing obvious Sjw agendas via the portrayal of leaders, tech quotes and great people, has made no improvements on the AI whatsoever (People tested it, more often than not the AI isn't even capable of taking a city) and is steeped in a disgusting twee comic visual style.
Typical. Lots and lots to say about some perceived SJW agenda (whatever that means), vague shit about the game proper
What does dumbed down gameplay mean?
You'd know if your candy ass had ever played Civ4.
I mean, apart from the features that now slowly trickle back in via DLC, like corporations? Government forms that aren't just additional "click button, get buff" - Which is by the way the entirety of mechanics in Civ6 -, an AI that actually knows how to fight as I've already mentioned, even if doomstacks weren't exactly elegant, a sensible tech tree, leaders that had an actual predictable behavior instead of being psychopaths with binary friend/foe programming, the way settlers work means there will always be empty spots of land on the map (unless you're the AI and can settle wherever due to difficulty cheats), no way to influence Gold and science spending, a mostly useless UI, an endless amount of policy cards of which most are either must picks or useless, same with religion on higher difficulties, same with unit promotions.
I could go on but I'm sure you'll have some pseudo-snarky comeback already written up.
I'm first to admit that base game is rather barebones (though unlike base civ5 it had religion and spycraft and tourism out of the box), but New Frontier games modes are hardly features, they're a layer of gimmicks like the previously released hero mode
I've no inkling so as to what gov you have in mind as alternative to civ6, though arguably buff based approach and policy juggling allows for rather risky building which would otherwise be unfeasible with civ6s baby numbers on near every yield
The only unpredictable thing about leaders is a single hidden agenda picked randomly, other quirks they always hold, although it's seldom possible to satisfy their agenda creep in early game (makes for more isolationist plays)
I've no clue what do you mean by the settlers argument you must explain further
Science is a passive yield not unlike culture which both serve to generate tree progression I've no clue how would you affect it any further past increasing the amount or decreasing the enemy's, the gold argument doesn't hold water at all
UI is imo good enough if not a little cluttered
Other complaints are meta balancing ones which call for the sawyer button