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CKII is released.


I can't even imagine playing any Pdox game while savescumming. Mind boggles and all that.
Good for you. Do you want a fucking prize?

Maybe some of us like to play games the way we want because we paid for them.


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
Anyone notice this yet?


So what did we cut from Crusader Kings II? Basically, this:
  • A medieval style chronicle with annual entries
  • Trade post holdings built by the republics (Venice, Genoa, etc)
  • Hiring ships from the great republics
  • Relics that can be found, looted, and used to build cathedrals
  • Loads of very rare narrative events (like "The Gates of Hell") with multi-generational effects
  • A viceroy/drots/great seneschal council position for each kingdom held
  • Cadet branches of dynasties
  • Adventures - younger sons raising an army and going off to conquer something on their own
Will all these things become DLC? Probably not, but some likely will, and others might be patched in for free (or, well, basically paid for by those who do buy our DLC.) Note that playable non-Christians, republics and theocracies were never planned (though always considered good material for expansions.)

A few areas of the game went off on a tangent from the original design as development progressed. For example, the map turned out much prettier and more advanced than I had envisioned, thanks to the efforts of Tegus (Fredrik Zetterman.) Also, things like the vassal and dynasty trees, the Wikipedia links and the panning map in the lobby (courtesy of Johan Lerström) were not in the design doc. As always, there are also parts of the game that I am not 100% happy with. Plots could be more dynamic and have a better interface, the marriage interfaces are a bit clunky, the general GUI can be intimidating to newcomers and battles are not interactive. On the whole though, it all turned out pretty much as intended.

So, what are we planning for the future? Crusader Kings II will have many major DLC packs that are actually more like small expansions. Every time we release a major DLC, we will also release a major free content patch. I cannot say exactly when we will be adding what, but here are some things you can expect for free in the coming months:
  • Enhanced, more focused Crusades with a "contribution" score
  • Causes of Death
  • Asking to join an ongoing war
  • Lots of more plots and ambitions
  • Events, events, and more events
  • Improved GUI where it's needed the most (plots, marriages)
  • Flexible de jure liege structure
  • More de jure kingdoms
Of course, we will also be fixing bugs, plugging exploits and improving the interface, the AI and game balance. Oh, and unleash some DLC...


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
I can't even imagine playing any Pdox game while savescumming. Mind boggles and all that.
Good for you. Do you want a fucking prize?

Maybe some of us like to play games the way we want because we paid for them.
Why not just use the console cheats as well if you just want a pleasurable wish-fulfilment? Since removing challenge or the consequences of bad choices through save scumming amounts to the same thing.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
The thought of save scumming never crossed my mind when playing a Paradox game, they're just not interesting if there's no risk involved. Besides, the tales of defeat and resurgence make the best stories.

It's not like a defeat/bad roll can cripple your game anyway, they're forgiving games.


Aug 30, 2008
Savescumming in a Paradox game would be pretty pathetic/weird. Where's the sense of accomplishment or even fun if you just keep reloading every time you lose a battle or an assassination gets botched?

Taking a beating and having to use every dirty trick and strategic ploy available too slowly wear down the enemy and gather your strength before judging the optimal time for the counter-attack is a lot more fun than map painting.



Idiots. You play the game the way you want, you pathetic aspie fucks "oh there's a reload feature but I can't use it in this game because I have aspergers and anyone who does ifferent is pathetic unlike the glorious race of Assburger Supermen."
Dec 19, 2007
Well, I don't get much fun out of random resolutions. Where's the sense of accomplishment in being lucky or unlucky? Bah. But anyway, you play these games to have fun in whatever way you can, and multiplayer is a different sort of beast really, where diplomacy makes sense.


Sep 9, 2007
Vault City

Also Paradox Games are not roguelikes. Although I don't tend to save always and exploit save/loading, I don't see why force myself to refuse using a save button under any circumstances. That is like walking in Oblivion instead of running for the sake of "roleplaying".



Nov 10, 2006
your future if you're not careful...
It is impossible to totally avoid aspie faggots on Codex.
Dude. The codex promotes, and I assume has always promoted, hatred of and a smug sense of superiority to people (aka idiots/retards/sheep/subhuman scum) who don't like playing a certain kind of game a certain kind of way. You'd might as well protest every thread, it makes no particular sense to pick this one narrow context to make a stand against everything the site represents.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009

Idiots. You play the game the way you want, you pathetic aspie fucks "oh there's a reload feature but I can't use it in this game because I have aspergers and anyone who does ifferent is pathetic unlike the glorious race of Assburger Supermen."

Too hard for you? Maybe try some "strategy" games on consoles? Or masterpieces provided by Blizzard and other prestigious AAA produces. You cant lose there. Should help your pride adequately.


Jun 5, 2011
I wish they add cadet branches. It's kind of ridiculous to have your one dynasty control all of Europe and hell it's so big it can barely load.


Aug 30, 2008

Idiots. You play the game the way you want, you pathetic aspie fucks "oh there's a reload feature but I can't use it in this game because I have aspergers and anyone who does ifferent is pathetic unlike the glorious race of Assburger Supermen."

Wtf? It's like playing a game of Risk but restarting every time in combat you roll a one. Your not "playing the game in your own way" :lol:

Seems a lot more Aspie too never admit "okay the AI got me this time". Not cheating equals LARP-ing? This isn't Ninja Gaiden. Losing a war in a Paradox game generally doesn't take you too a game over screen, but means you have too pay some war indemnities, give up some land or become the victor's bitch. Like virtually every nation in the course of history has had too. If your going to reload if you ever lose a battle why not save yourself the trouble of clicking to move your armies around and use the annex_country cheat?


Mar 28, 2009
I never thought to save scum in most Paradox games since it doesn't seem to work. In CK1 it seemed like if someone was going to declare war on you, then they're going to declare war on you. Unless we're talking about avoiding a death in the family or whatever.


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
Well, I don't know. "Reloading" in, say, chess, would be akin to realising that you made a mistake. The thing is, in chess you start another game, learn, and try not to make the same mistake. Pc strategy games are much more time consuming affairs, obviously, so realising that you made a mistake can make you "loose" a lot of time, especially if you're trying to accomplish something in particular like in a pdox game. I guess this is how people would rationalise it. But on the base level, it seems indeed pretty game-breaking to reload in a strategy game, because you're supposed to cope with losses when they happen. That's how the game stays dynamic and can offer a challenge. Otherwise, it's too easy to break any kind of AI. In a multiplayer game - the real way to play strategy games, although unfortunately hard to set up - you don't reload.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
It is impossible to totally avoid aspie faggots on Codex.
So liking and enjoying challenge and overcoming adversity, especially if it's because of the player's bad choices/decisions earlier, is now being a "aspie faggot"? Dude, follow Malakal's advice. Of course you can play your singleplayer game any fucking way you want. The point was that save-scumming in Pdox feels ludicrous to many (if not most) players - because the AI isn't that challenging in the first place. If then remove the little challenge that comes from player mistakes, well, it does sound strange.

Did you also play Panzer General and save-scummed each combat until you got the perfect score?


Jan 28, 2011
The thread is larping the medieval mindset and waging Holy Flame War over doctrinal differences. Yuri must renounce his heresy and convert to the Paraorthodoxy! Deus vult!


I don't save-scum in Paradox, generally, I only use autosaves and otherwise don't really save for many years at a time, but if my ruler fucking dies prematurely and I only have gavelkind because of broken liege crown authority mechanics where King of France/England/your wide fucking asshole haven't set their authority to high and my small duchy breaks up that I've spent 4-5 hours building, I'm going to reload the motherfucker. Because maybe I don't enjoy a game when for arbitrary reasons of dice rolls and chance, something stupid happens.

Maybe none of you have experimented with saving-reloading, but there are programmed events in game that fire regardless just because Paradox makes it so an event happens: ie: 15 July 1093 your liege might get an event that increases relations with a vassal randomly, you reload and he loses the "just" trait on the same day, which means a total relations drop with vassals and there's no decision event with a trade-off, you just fucking become unjust because the king gets "tired of justice". For no fucking reason. Or maybe on the same date in another reload, he might randomly sire a bastard. Whatever it is, the events happen regardless of save-scumming but the randomiser picks a different event.

It's all fucking programmed bullshit anyway, and if I know I had just as much arbitrary chance of losing a good trait as gaining a bad one through no personal character tailoring out of the blue, I will fucking reload the autosave. Because fuck you, but if Paradox designed better events that give you a reason for why your king just stops being just or lustful or charitable or trusting or ugly then maybe I wouldn't fucking reload because I'd be driving my character's growth.

This is the fucking Reformation, and here's my 95 fucking theses:

#1: GarfunkeL is a faggot.

#2: See number one.

Oh wait, that's only two. Guess you'll have to deal with it.


Jul 24, 2008
ironyuri: Sure, you can "win" if you just keep reloading until everything works fine. But thats not the point of Pdox games. The fun is in part in dealing with unforeseen events and the fallout from your own mistakes. If you just reload after something goes wrong, you are missing out on most of the game.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
I don't save-scum in Paradox, generally, I only use autosaves and otherwise don't really save for many years at a time, but if my ruler fucking dies prematurely and I only have gavelkind because of broken liege crown authority mechanics where King of France/England/your wide fucking asshole haven't set their authority to high and my small duchy breaks up that I've spent 4-5 hours building, I'm going to reload the motherfucker. Because maybe I don't enjoy a game when for arbitrary reasons of dice rolls and chance, something stupid happens.

Maybe none of you have experimented with saving-reloading, but there are programmed events in game that fire regardless just because Paradox makes it so an event happens: ie: 15 July 1093 your liege might get an event that increases relations with a vassal randomly, you reload and he loses the "just" trait on the same day, which means a total relations drop with vassals and there's no decision event with a trade-off, you just fucking become unjust because the king gets "tired of justice". For no fucking reason. Or maybe on the same date in another reload, he might randomly sire a bastard. Whatever it is, the events happen regardless of save-scumming but the randomiser picks a different event.

It's all fucking programmed bullshit anyway, and if I know I had just as much arbitrary chance of losing a good trait as gaining a bad one through no personal character tailoring out of the blue, I will fucking reload the autosave. Because fuck you, but if Paradox designed better events that give you a reason for why your king just stops being just or lustful or charitable or trusting or ugly then maybe I wouldn't fucking reload because I'd be driving my character's growth.


Yeah, it's so annoying in Aurora when the enemy civ is using 1,000 ton fast attack crafts which my sensor are unable to see until they are almost upon me, removing the advantage I have with long-range missiles which I've designed to counter 6,000 ton ships. It's so annoying in Civ4 when three civilizations gank you for some arbitrary random chance, since our relations have been -10 for the last twenty years anyway. It's even more annoying when most of my panzer divisions run out of fuel and supplies near Stalingrad because I've stretched the supply system and then some random event just pops up to raise the partisan level which fucks me over and now half of my army is routed. Completely unacceptable behaviour in any computer game!

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