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CKII is released.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
Weird that you can't. You can do that in HoI3, where units under garrison commands automatically attack partisans/rebels in nearby provinces and I thought EU3 and Vicky2 now had something similar with cavalry.

Its not weird at all since you have different kinds of levies in here. Its not the same if you squash rebels yourself or if you do this with levies from vassals. Automatic system would have to choose, taking into consideration vassal relations, your treasury, levy replenishment rate etc. Quite hard to automate.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
last night my thunder-god king Erik the Conquerer died of syphilis (damn unclean whores) and the Northern Empire went to the old half-brother of his, Markus Duke of Uppland, which somehow had made himself universally hated by the whole realm during his years as a duke (i had to stop not a few plots of his..) and now when he took the throne of the unified Kingdoms of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Lithuania he could only rule for about 2 weeks before the realm went to hell in rebellion, it went so bad i i had to abandon the outer parts of it and concentrate my defence on the core of it (Stockholm, Uppland and Åbo and nearby provinces) when in a middle of a large fight for Hälsingland Markus son Henrik rebelled (to dethrone his father Markus) in his back and simply steamrolling my char with part of his own home levy, forcing me to accept defeat which resulted in the Empire being split between Kingdom of Sweden (Henrik) and Lithuania (Markus).

like this:


then after a year of cleaning up the rebel provinces on both sides my king mysteriously dies and Lithuania is inherited by Henrik, so now suddenly the whole deal back together again and every one loves the new king.

shit like this never happened in the original CK or in EU III, nor was it this nerve-wracking either.


Jul 16, 2009
The "recently conquered" holding penalties are no longer applied during civil wars or wars between vassals
Peasant Army size is now determined by the biggest holding garrison size (so they will always be dangerous)

This is bad idea. When someone will not stop war between vassals, he should have source of his own troops in case of war. It's theirs problem they fought between themselves.

When someone would have one strong province with a lot of soldiers, which is nice against retarded dukes, he would be screwed. Especially in current situation where numbers matter.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
well after some 50 years of hell i managed to get Crown Authority to the highest i can, so that helps, and now and then i pay anyone who gets abit upset, but every time a ruler is getting old is a very nervous time for me (i always hire a mercenary company during those times for extra buff just in case), luckily Erik and his Father was inaugurated to the throne without any hassle.

also ive gotten this event about being better ruler to the vassals or something some 2 times now, which also helps. (+20 to relations i think)


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I don't think it's wise to raise Crown Authority too much. Medium or maybe High should be the absolute limit.

(I really need to post this mini-LP of the rise of House Karjalainen at some point, I've got screenshots throughout the campaign).


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
it is on High atm, the highest i can get it, the lords wont allow me to go higher it seems, since it got voted down (i think?) last time i tried.

and everything seems fine AFAIK.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Decided to do a little advertising for my fav mod. This one improves and balances the core game in a great many ways. Check it out. It's constantly being updated and improved so worth keeping an eye on as well.



CK2Plus for Crusader Kings 2 1.03b
Author: Martin "Wiz" Anward
Contact: m(dot)anward(at)live(dot)se
Credits: Icecream Jones (flags, new countries), Strudel Man (many tweaks and additions), NoNotTheMindProbe (russian kingdoms), pothkan (CK2 heraldy mod), The_Chancellor (Council Reshuffling mod), avee (Better Rebels mod), Sniper4625 (misc graphics), Van Diemen (HRE Revised Mod), riso (Treaty of Nymphaeum scenario), Flippycunt (PMM)

* Installation *
1) If you have an older version of the mod installed, go into the Crusader Kings II mod folder and delete the 'CK2Plus' folder and .mod file.
2) Unzip to your Crusader Kings II folder. The root folder, NOT the mod folder.
3) Start the CK2 launcher and check 'CK2Plus' in the list of mods.
4) (Optional) Check optional modules you want to use along with CK2Plus.
5) Hit play.

* Disclaimer *
CK2Plus is a collaborative effort. While most of the work is done by me personally, it also includes parts of many other mods (see credits for full list). You are free to use any part of this mod in your own mods as long as you give due credit to the creator of said part.

* Features *
- Holy Wars restricted to neighbours, so that Muslims do not always own Sardinia and France does not always own Gibraltar. Crusades/Jihads are not affected by this.
- Balanced Anti-Popes that are not simply endless money machines.
- More lethal diseases and battles, making medieval life the violent and uncertain existance it should be.
- Many more Empires and Kingdoms to create.
- More mercenaries and holy orders.
- More cultures.
- Vassal rebellions are more of a danger, as one vassal trying to acheive independence can lead to a chain reaction of discontent vassals doing the same.
- It is now more difficult but also more rewarding to raise your crown authority.
- Tweaked succession laws to make it possible for non-Basques to use Absolute Cognatic. Authority requirements for other succession laws have also been eased.
- Rebalanced levies and laws that reduce the military capabilities of large kingdoms with weak authority (like France or the HRE).
- More ambitions.
- Women of your dynasty can hold some council positions under Cognatic or Agnatic-Cognatic laws.
- Many minor and major balancing tweaks for a more challenging and enjoyable experience.

* Future Plans *
- More nuanced way of handling prisoners: A count should not be able to execute the child of a king and expect to get away with it scot free.
- A way to have traits better match gameplay, so you can't be a kind, charitable, humble and loving soul that also happens to assassinate and execute everyone you come across.
- More work on holy wars to allow reasonable overseas wars.
- More dynamic civil wars: Vassals without high loyalty that demand titles or favors to stay loyal, while loyalist vassals give you additional support.
- Vassals with whom you have marriage alliances become more loyal. Marry your way into a stable realm.
- Rebalance province values to better match history.
- Balanced heresies.
- Many more ambitions and plots.
- More character events, especially everyday life events.

* Optional Modules *
- 'CK2 Heraldry' is pothkan's heraldry mod that adds many new dynasty and title CoAs.
- 'No Time Limit' allows for play up to the year 100000.
- 'No New Empires' disables creation of all of the new Empire-level titles. Note that they will still show up on empire mapmode but cannot possibly be held by a character with this mode on.

* Known Problems *
- None!

* Changelog *
- Slightly increased the cost of building holdings.
- Characters that have the dishonorable trait can now suffer mental ill effects from being known as a murderer, especially if they have a kind disposition.
- Increased the prestige penalties to the primary heir for being ousted in an excommunication war.
- Fixed some localisation problems.
- You will no longer get excommunicated more than once for being a murderer, unless you commit additional (discovered) murders after the first excommunication.
- Female rulers will no longer get child birth events unless something goes wrong (it's handled invisibly by the newborn kid instead).
- Fixed some duplicate event ID problems.
- If a woman dies during childbirth, there is now a 50% chance the child will die as well.
- Removed the special Empire requirements for raising crown authority as it was making it nigh impossible for the AI. The HRE must still be crowned to raise authority..
- Reduced max demesne size, as currently there is little reason to have count-level vassals for Dukes considering the very generous cap. Reduced demesne requirements on raising crown authority accordingly.
- Fixed some bugs in council request events.
- Integrated new mercenaries, new holy orders and combat tweaks from PMM.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the 'No New Empires' module from working..
- The AI should now be smarter about when to execute plots against their liege.
- Added an optional time limit remover.
- Catholic latin culture group rulers who hold the Kingdom of Thessalonica can now form the Latin Empire.

- Fixed several major bugs with mercenaries.

- Fixed a bug in the buildings file that was making city ports not provide any galleys.
- Reduced the size of initial Mongol stacks, to better match the smaller levies in this mod.

- Now compatible with 1.04. Certain mechanics like the Anti-Pope relation hit with other bishops were removed as the patch made them obsolete.
- All religions are now playable.
- Vassals with land will now ask to be appointed to your council if they are better than the current councillor.
- Added an option to not be bothered with petitions about replacing characters on the council. This option lasts until your current ruler dies.
- Rulers in a civil war will now suffer a opinion hit with all characters, to offset the extra troops granted by being in a defensive war.
- Fixed a bug with forming empires where they would lose the ability to set demesne laws.
- Kings and Emperors will now get vassal troop bonuses at lower levels of crown authority if they are the defender in any war (ie war leader of the defending side) or the attacker in a war using the Crusade CB. Being attacked in a war of religious defense does NOT count as fighting a defensive war.
- Dukes and Counts will now get vassal troop bonuses at lower levels of crown authority, to represent better local control.
- Newly created Kingdoms will now start with Low Crown Authority to make the levy difference less jarring.
- Men above the age of 50 will now have reduced fertility.
- Characters above the age of 50 will now progressively lose some of their martial stats, but gain learning.
- Increased temple levy sizes, both base amount and from buildings.
- All CBs are now disabled when you are the war leader of a war, meaning you can't declare war if you have already declared war or been declared on. This was done to prevent abuse of the defensive/crusade war troop bonuses.
- The Pope will now demand the County of Rome from any Catholic character that holds it, unless that character has an Anti-Pope as their religious head or the Pope's opinion of that character is extremely high. Failing to comply will result in excommunication.
- Warrior Cults and Republican Levies are once again spread out across the entire realm as there is no way to give them to just the capital barony.
- Greatly reduced the number of bonus troops the Pope receives.
- Holy Orders now get bonus troops in provinces they hold.
- Added a weaker version of warrior cults for east african culture rulers. These can only be built in east african culture provinces inside the De Jure Empire of Ethiopia.
- Revamped grand hunt events to be less arbitrary and more focused on prestige instead of meaningless modifiers.
- The ruler's personal learning score is now the primary determinant for speed of culture spread, and plays a major role in determining the chance of your Chaplain converting provinces. This should help make religious education traits less useless for rulers.
- Slowed cultural spread down significantly.
- Many personality traits now have additional opposites. For instance, you can no longer be a chaste hedonist, greedy and content, or charitable and cruel.
- Fixed graphical issues with a couple of ambitions.
- The AI will now refrain from creating inappropriate titles (no Sultanate of Portugal for instance). Players are still free to create any title regardless of religion.
- The chance of a character being captured in battle is now dependent on rank - you'll capture less Barons and courtiers, but have an increased chance of capturing Dukes and Kings. Overall, you'll get less total prisoners but more valuable ones.
- Reworked troop bonuses for Pagans, Republics and the Pope to be spread out across the realm the way it works in vanilla. This is because I can't find a way to give the bonuses only to their capital holding if they have several holdings in their capital province.
- Kingdom crown authority is no longer tied to its parent empire unless the kingdom is a vassal or held title of the emperor in question.
- Revised the Kingdom titles a bit. Gardariki and Ruthenia were rolled back into Rus and Aquitainia and France were rolled back into France. While I think ahistorical Kingdoms/Empires are fun for the player to form, it's a bit more blatantly ahistorical when the AI always does it.
- Reduced warscore gain from occupating settlements.
- Increased warscore multiplier on occupying capital settlements.
- Increased warscore multiplier on occupying contested settlements.
- Increased warscore from battles.
- The HRE can no longer increase his crown authority unless he has been crowned by the Pope.
- Added an optional module that disables the formation of the non-vanilla Empires (they will still show up in Empire mapmode, but cannot be created and thus have no effect on gameplay).
- Requirements for increasing crown authority are now significantly higher for Emperors.
- Reduced the size of the bonus levies for the Pope.
- Provinces will no longer change culture unless your culture is the same as your top liege.
- Restored 10 years of occupation penalties for conquering wrong-religion provinces.
- Provinces will no longer convert to your culture unless they are already your religion.
- Fixed a bug that was making the Order of Santiago and Livonian Order available from game start.
- Increased lethality of battles slightly.
- Any culture can now create the Kingdom of Finland.

- Mod renamed to CK2Plus to represent the growing collaborative effort that it is turning into.
- Heraldry mod is now bundled as a separate mod folder, and must be checked alongside CK2Plus if you want to use it. This allows users who had graphical issues with it to opt out of using it.
- Independent Dukes/Counts who are not affected by Crown Authority will now get a special bonus to the levies they can call on (equivalent to Medium Crown Authority), but get a malus to taxes and are especially badly affected by regencies due to the lack of 'customary' rulership.
- Tweaked levies once again. Crown Authority is now the single most important factor in determining levy size and laws controlling minimum levy size have Crown Authority requirements.
- If the Seljuks win the 1st Seljuk-Byzantine war, they will now take all the provinces they historically gained from it.
- Increased the value of Persian provinces to the point where the Seljuk Turks should now actually be able to win the war they historically won.
- Removed the various claims on England at game start, so that if the Norman and Norwegian invasions fail there won't be a second round. While this is not historical, it's absolutely necessary to achieve anything close to historical results (as otherwise England keeps bouncing between Denmark, Normandy and Norway and ends up a dissolute mess).
- A vassal's entire range of opinion (-100 to 100) now matters for how many troops they will raise for you. At 0 opinion you will get half of the maximum amount of troops.
- Integrated the PMM combat tweaks that reduce the lethality of battles and flesh out combat tactics to make martial score more important.
- Added two new religious orders, the Livonian Order and the Order of Santiago.
- The Teutonic Order will no longer ask for land once granted a county. This should prevent them from owning a mess of Pagan exclaves.
- Reduced the size of holy orders to 1000 men each.
- Added the Kingdom of Algiers in well, Algiers.
- Disabled the demesne restriction on waging holy wars on Pagans, as I felt it was a rather inelegant solution. I will try to figure out a different way of preventing the immediate conquest of the Wends.
- You no longer get any special occupation penalties for conquering provinces of the wrong religion/culture, instead there is merely the normal five-year occupation penalty. Hopefully this should make it possible for Crusades to actually take land without immediately losing it (and make it possible for William the Conqueror to hold on to England...) This change is very experimental, so let me know how it works out.
- Fixed a problem with the Take the Cross ambition.
- Fixed a problem that was preventing landless Mongols from declaring war.
- Reduced landless son prestige penalties.
- Kings and Emperors who do not have control of their entire de jure realm can now get an event where a claimaint to one of their de jure (but not de facto) vassals asks to move to their court.
- You can now always declare Holy Wars on heretics, even if you do not border them.
- Significantly revamped East Africa. The area is now divided into eight duchies and three kingdoms (Nubia, Abyssinia and Ajuuraan) with three cultures (Nubian, Ethiopian and Somali). Province values were raised to give the Nubians and Ethiopians a fighting chance.
- Added Ethiopia as an Empire level title for East Africa.
- Added Nubian and Ethiopian mercenaries.
- Independent republics now get bonus troops in their capital through a special building.
- The Pope now gets bonus troops to discourage other rulers from seizing Rome.
- Tweaked the better rebels events a bit to cut down on repeated revolt spam. There is now only a single revolt modifier and another revolt cannot take place while one is already in action. Revolts are more serious but revolt risk in general is lowered.
- Implemented the Coronation mod from the HRE Revised mod.
- Increasing crown authority in an Elective monarchy now carries a greater opinion penalty, to offset the opinion boost from the succession law.
- Changing out of Elective succession now requires Medium Crown Authority, to represent opposition from the Electors to giving up their power.

- Rebalanced the Stamford Bridge scenario to be more historical. William should now win most of the time, with a Saxon victory being the second most likely and a Norwegian victory the most unlikely.
- Taking over a title in an invasion will now give a temporary +100 opinion boost with that title's vassals to prevent immediate civil war.
- The crown authority of a kingdom is now tied to its De Jure Empire if that empire exists. If for instance the crown authority of the HRE is Low, the crown authorities of Germany, Lotharingia and Bohemia will also be Low and cannot be changed on their own.
- You can now employ a spymaster via decision.
- Employing councillors via decision now costs a fixed amount of gold.
- Integrated the latest version of the Better Rebels mod that fixes a bug with rebels murdering rulers far too often.
- Increased loyalty bonus from being of the same dynasty.
- Increased the damage from flanking units (to hopefully make all-in-the-center a less effective tactic).

- Fixed a bug with holy wars against Pagans that made them impossible unless your demesne bordered them, even if you had Medium or higher crown authority.
- Tribal invasions are now only possible against neighbouring states or states that share provinces in the same De Jure Kingdom, same as Holy Wars. This should keep the Mongols from creating a weird realm of exclaves.
- Integrated the Better Rebels mod, which replaces the whack-a-mole rebels with province modifiers. Please let me know how you think it works out.
- Fixed some problems with the 'Take the Cross' ambition.
- You will now always get Holy War on Mongols if they border your realm and are not of your religion group.
- Character with the 'dishonorable' trait (from discovered assassinations) now have a chance of being excommunicated by their head of religion. The chance increases with the number of discovered assassinations.
- Removed the 'wary' modifier as it wasn't working right. Instead, if you are caught assassinating you will gain a permanent trait that lowers general opinion and diplomacy. For each discovered assassination this permanent penalty increases.
- Provinces can no longer convert to your culture unless there is a neighbouring province with that culture.
- Reduced speed of culture conversion.
- It is now more difficult to fabricate claims.

- Removed a part of the CK2 Heraldry mod that was causing slowdown issues.
- Novgorod should no longer appear as a fake republic when selecting your character (so you can actually play as them now).
- A portion of your of Crown Authority will now 'port over' when creating an Empire-level title. The max Crown Authority you can start with as an Empire is Medium.
- The 'War of Independence' decision is no longer visible to players.

- Reduced frequency of vassal plots.
- Fixed a bug that was making wars of independence occur when they should not be occuring.
- Fixed a bug that was making Bohemia not recognize the HRE as De Jure Liege.

- Councillors who are fired from the council and then reappointed to it will now suffer only a lesser opinion penalty.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the Not De Jure Liege penalty to apply to courtiers.
- Broke the family bonds between the Russian Dukes to prevent the game from generating claims and thus prevent Russia from unifying in the first decade of the game.
- Women can longer be Chancellors, but can be Stewards instead (under Cognatic succession only).

- Savoy now starts the game with all its De Jure vassals as actual vassals to prevent an instant civil war.
- Being called into an ally's civil war will no longer count as being in a civil war (so vassals will not have an increased chance to plot against you or break away).
- Vassals are now less likely to plot against a liege who is the defender in a war that is NOT a civil war.
- Vassals whose liege is not their De Jure Liege are now more likely to try and break away during a civil war.
- Vassals will no longer declare a war of independence against their De Jure liege unless have a legitimate revolt cause OR crown authority is at minimum OR there is already a civil war going on. Only vassals with a very low opinion will declare a war of independence against their De Jure liege, even if crown authority is minimum.
- Vassals whose De Jure liege is in a civil war are now more likely to plot against them.
- Vassals will now have a lower opinion of a liege that is not their De Jure liege. This should make it so it is never a good idea to refrain from creating a title simply because some vassals might desire it.
- Vassals can once again NOT wage private wars under Medium Crown Authority on account of the increased difficulty getting to it.
- Reduced the chance for children to inherit genetic traits, so that all of Europe does not end up as dwarves.
- Cognatic succession is now required for women of your dynasty to be Chancellors. They can still be Spymasters under Agnatic-Cognatic.
- Relatives who ask you for a fief to govern will now wait up to six years for you to fulfill your promise (enough time to build a barony).
- Changed the way warrior cults work. Instead of a getting bonus troops in every province, each independent Pagan realm will only get a single warrior cult in the ruler's capital, but this warrior cult provides troops equivalent to three of the old warrior cult buildings. This should make large Pagan realms more balanced without making small tribes too weak.
- Reduced starting tech levels across the board but increased tech speed, as I felt tech distribution was rather off. Muslims and Byzantines will start at tech level 1-2 in 1066, while everyone else starts at 0.
- You can no longer wage holy wars on Pagans unless your demesne borders them OR you have Medium or higher crown authority.
- Fixed a bug that was making it impossible to usurp Emperor level titles.
- Fixed a bug that was causing culture conversion to occur far too quickly.
- Integrated the CK2 Heraldy mod by pothkan.

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the changing of laws due to a bad war check.
- Changed the min/max opinion thresholds for levies to 0 for min troops and 50 for max troops.
- Your capital is now much more likely to convert to your culture.
- Decreased likelyhood of children converting to the culture of their tutor unless the tutor is the same culture group.
- Children will no longer convert to the culture of their tutor unless the tutor's culture matches the culture of the province they're in.
- Added new ambitions: Increase Size of Demesne, Take the Cross, Have Five Children and Become a Duke.
- To want to be a councillor, a character must now have at least 10 in the relevant attribute (Diplomacy for Chancellor and so on).
- Each type of ambition can now only be achieved once per character.
- Added a bookmark for the Treaty of Nymphaeum (the end of the Fourth Crusade).
- Removed the vassal loyalty bonus for Free Investiture (it's a superior enough law as it is).
- Increased the negative opinion effect for the Pope towards Free Investure.
- Rebalanced many traits so that they have more of a mix of good and bad effects.
- Guests complaining over food at a feast will now result in mutual dislike between them and the host.
- You no longer become just for buying the silence of the servants after a murder (seriously, what the hell Paradox?).
- There will now be fewer murders of servants at feasts.
- All guests at a feast now get a small positive opinion boost to the host lasting two years (just long enough to be a constant bonus if you hold feasts as often as possible).
- Guests at feasts are now more likely to approve of lavish food and to disapprove of sparse food unless they are temperate.
- Less chance of becoming drunkard or insulting host at a feast.
- Temporary opinion effects now last longer, to make event choices that influence them more meaningful.
- AI vassals will no longer plot against a liege they have a positive opinion of.
- The duchies of Poitou and Bourbon are now in France.
- Burgundy is now in Franconia to make it harder to form.
- Brittany no longer starts out as a Kingdom (but can still form one).
- France now starts out holding the title to Aquitaine as well.
- A councillor's opinion of you now affects how well they do their job. A councillor that likes his liege is more likely to get good events and successfully carry out missions, while a councillor who despises his liege is more likely to foul up.
- Crown authority now increases minimum levies as well as maximum.
- The AI will no longer increase crown authority if it believes doing so will spark a civil war.
- Increasing crown authority now requires you to have a demesne above a certain size. The requirements are 6/8/10/12 for Low, Medium, High and Absolute respectively.
- Removed the penalties for child rulers. Instead, whenever you have a regency, your feudal vassals will get an opinion penalty depending on the level of crown authority. Highly centralized realms will suffer great strife during regencies, while realms with autonomous vassals will not be affected at all.

- Strengthened the Duchy of Apulia and Sultanate of Seljuk Turks on game start.
- Restored vanilla supply limits until the AI learns how to assault provinces or why not to siege one province with their entire stack.
- Rebalanced levies. Vassals will now provide a base max amount of 30% of their levies, which is increased by higher levels of crown authority. Levy laws increase the minimum amount they must provide regardless of their opinion of you. Vassals with -25 or less opinion will provide the minimum amount required by law, while vassals with 25 or more will provide the maximum. In general, opinion is now less of a factor and rulers must rely more on their demesne to provide troops.
- Removed the Russian Dukes' claims on each other. Hopefully this should prevent Russia from always unifying in the first five years of the game.
- Fixed some bugs with ambitions.
- A failed assassination will now result in the target getting a temporary boost to intrigue, making them harder to assassinate. Each successive failed attempt increases the bonus.
- Medium Crown Authority is now required to appoint commanders.
- Vassals can now wage private wars under Medium Crown Authority. High Crown Authority is required for the King's Peace.
- Restored revolt risk but removed tax/levy penalties for wrong religion provinces.
- Increased warscore from battles and holding provinces to make it easier for the AI to achieve decisive conclusions to wars.
- You will now get some piety for winning Holy Wars.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some characters to get the Anti-Pope Controller modifier when they should not be.

- Restored many of the title-specific laws that Paradox had commented out in the history files to give countries more historical flavor.
- Instead of revolt risk, provinces with heresies, different cultures and different religions now have reduced taxes and levies.
- Recently conquered provinces now have increased revolt risk.
- Disabled the mod user directory as it does not seem to save message settings properly. This may cause conflicts with other mods installed in the same CK2 folder.
- Fixed a bug that was making some rulers start off with opinion penalties from Increased Crown Authority.
- Added the possibility for women to die in childbirth. The base chance is roughly 5% and varies depending on the woman's health.
- Increased the health decrease from illness and pneumonia to make them more lethal.
- Increased the likelyhood of becoming ill from a wound.
- Increased the likelyhood of children falling ill. Toddlers are at especially high risk.
- Added decisions to employ Chancellors and Marshals. Have not yet found a way to generate a random Spymaster.
- Re-enabled Anti-Pope creation. It now costs 1000 prestige and gives you a monthly piety penalty as long as you continue to control the Anti-Pope. The Anti-Pope will get a opinion penalty with all other bishops to make them less likely to send him money.

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the restriction on Holy Wars from working.
- Increased the prestige cost and cooldown time of usurping titles.
- Building new holdings is now cheaper but takes 5 years instead of 2.
- Slightly decreased opinion penalty for increasing crown authority.
- Opinion boost for reducing crown authority now lasts 10 years.
- Ruler martial score now increases land morale.
- Increased the likelyhood of battle events.
- Dishonorable (was revealed carrying out an assassination) now carries a much higher opinion penalty.
- Reduced the crown authority of the Iberian emirs to give the Christians there more of a fighting chance.
- Western Emperors are now called High Kings with the sole exception of the HRE.
- Made Brittany into a Kingdom at game start to make forming Franconia harder.
- Fixed a bug that was making Danubia formable without holding all its King titles.
- Added more kingdoms in Russia.
- Fixed a bug where the requirement for female councillors was inverted.
- Integrated some fixes from the latest version of Strudel Man's fix pack.
- Fixed a bug that was making the Find a Lover ambition unavailable if married.

- Fixed a problem in empire forming decisions that was causing severe game slowdown.
- Holy Wars are now only possible against neighbours, to prevent silly things like France gobbling up the southern half of Iberia. Neighbours is defined as realms that either border physically or which both hold provinces in at least one de jure kingdom (so Apulia can invade Malta because they both have provinces in Sicily). Crusades/Jihads are NOT affected.
- Fixed a bug where each character could only buy indulgences once. It is now every 5 years as it should be.
- Decreased the size of mercenary bands and holy order regiments.
- Greatly increased cost of mercenaries, both for recruiting and maintenance.
- Added a flag for Danubia.
- Flanders is now a part of France instead of Lotharingia.
- Alsace and Upper/Lower Lorraine are now parts of Lotharingia instead of Germany.
- Tweaked councillors to be better at their jobs.

- Added the Empire of Danubia (Hungary, Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria).
- High councillor attributes will no longer increase the likelyhood of bad job events occuring (in most cases).

- All titles should now have flags.
- You can now only buy indulengences every 5 years (to make piety less tied to gold).
- Reduced Kingdom creation piety cost to 100.
- Added the Kingdoms of Thessalonica and Nicaea.
- Added the Empire of Poland-Lithuania.
- Renamed Netherlands to Lotharingia and made the Duchies of Luxembourg and Cologne a part of it.
- To form an Empire, you will need to execute a special decision to enable it (this is done to get around an engine problem with title requirements).
- Instead of 500 piety, forming an Empire now requires 200 piety and holding all its King titles (ie England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland for Britannia).
- Agnatic succession will now improve the opinion of male dynasty members.
- Cognatic succession will now improve the opinion of female dynasty members.
- True Cognatic succession is now just called Cognatic succession.
- Agnatic succession will now exclude women from holding jobs.

- Fixed another startup crash.

- Fixed startup crash.
- It should no longer be necessary to create empty folders the first time you start up the mod.
- Added a new objective to become independent.
- Councillor attributes now affect their job actions all the way up to 25. Each individual point also matters for chance, instead of only certain threshold.
- Opinion boosts for granting titles now last a lifetime.
- Female characters that are either your spouse, in your dynasty or a ruler in your realm can now hold the titles of Chancellor and Spymaster.
- Greatly increased the positive opinion for being released from prison, to prevent chain-revolts.

- A teenage ruler will now cause less vassal opinion penalties than a young child.
- Reduced the chance of less powerful vassals making a bid for independence unless there is already an independence war in progress.
- A victory in a bid for independence will now result in the liege not gaining claims on the revolter.
- A white peace in a bid for independence will now result in the revolter becoming independent.
- Disabled the creation of anti-popes until I can figure out a way to make them less unbalanced (as it is now they are basically massive amounts of free money forever).
- Increased the speed of sieges.

- Fixed some bugs with flags and laws.

- You now need 500 piety to create an Empire.
- All countries will now start with a feudal levy appropriate to their level of Crown Authority.
- Raised the Crown Authority of many smaller Kingdoms to Low on game start.
- Added a number of additional Empires so that most Kingdoms are part of a De Jure Empire.
- Integrated JonesMod which adds several new Kingdoms and Empires.

- Reduced wrong demesne type penalty to -50%.
- Increased warscore for taking the enemy capital.
- Reduced the penalty for female ruler/heir.
- Added a vassal loyalty penalty for having a child ruler.
- Increased penalties of bankruptcy.
- Reduced stewardship effect on max demesne size.
- Added a new ambition to get a lover.
- Vassals will not declare wars of independence unless their liege is the top-level liege of the realm.

- Revamped crown authority. Higher crown authority no longer lowers loyalty but also does not grant any levy benefits. Increasing crown authority requires a large amount of prestige and will very sharply reduce relations with your vassals.
- Feudal taxation and levy laws now have crown authority requirements attached to them, so that you cannot raise your vassal's entire levy with a low crown authority. You can still freely set city and temple laws.
- Tied minimum levy numbers to city/castle/temple laws.
- Vassals with an opinion of 0 or lower will now only provide the minimum number of troops.
- Vassals are now more likely to plot to reduce crown authority, especially during a regency.
- Reduced the crown authority requirements for succession laws. It is now Low for Seniority and Medium for Primogeniture.
- Increasing negative opinions for murdering relatives and spouses.
- Removed positive opinion boost from releasing prisoners since it's silly that your vassals love you for releasing a random muslim general you captured.
- If a vassal is fighting a war of independence, other vassals with negative opinions of their liege are likely to join in.
Nov 15, 2009
Third Reich from the Sun
Maybe it is simply random luck but in my new game since the patch character lifespans seem a lot more random and early deaths a lot more common. I know there was something in the patch notes about diseases but early deaths just appear much more common in general as well, quite an improvement as it makes things so much more uncertain.

Any way what effect does the province culture have? Besides the initial malus to levies and taxes when conquering a province of different culture there doesn't appear to be much difference once that is gone. Especially since cultural buildings are based entirely on the lieges culture not the province culture.


Ford of the Llies
Nov 3, 2009
It's rather that the benefits after Medium don't make up for the -10 hit to vassal relations.

is that why changing kings is such a nervous time for me? i raised it for the "no war within realm" benefit.

hum hum
at absolute the malus is massive (-50 iirc) and you get the "no war within realm" thing already at medium... seconding not going beyond that, unless you actually rule the whole kingdom as your private demesne


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
It's rather that the benefits after Medium don't make up for the -10 hit to vassal relations.

is that why changing kings is such a nervous time for me? i raised it for the "no war within realm" benefit.

hum hum
at absolute the malus is massive (-50 iirc) and you get the "no war within realm" thing already at medium... seconding not going beyond that, unless you actually rule the whole kingdom as your private demesne
I think the penalty is -40. But yea, point is that after Medium's "no war within realm" thing (not entirely true, private wars can still happen with plots) the benefits simply cannot outweight the massive instability it causes (no inheritance outside of realm is practically worthless, it almost never happens anyway so all you're left with is increased minimum levies from vassals). The only reason to go over Medium is if you start with a King/Emperor title but want Primogeniture succession, which requires High Crown Authority to enact if you're at that rank.

Also, I'm gonna need a good bulk jpg converter if I'm to chronicle the life and times of the Karjalainen Dynasty here.
Nov 15, 2009
Third Reich from the Sun
Irfanview works alright as far as converting masses of images and has a lot of settings to tweak until you get an image quality you like. There is very likely better software for it, but it's free.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Btw, my favourite sideshow in the Finland campaign I've done has been the self-destruction of the Piast dynasty. Well, not literal self-destruction, but the fact they haven't been a factor to anyone outside of themselves for hundreds of years now. You see, at some point, the Piasts became Kings of Denmark, which would go on to become Denmark-Lithuania, a major power in the Nordic-Potato sphere of politics.

Anyway, hilarity ensues as there's a bloody succession war between the queen of Denmark-Lithuania and king of Poland over Poland. This scuffle ends up with no Piasts on the Polish throne afterwards. Then, Denmark-Lithuania suffers a split between two heirs at some point after I drive them out of Courland and Livonia, and the Eternal Struggle begins, with either the Lithuanian branch invading Denmark through Skåne, or vice versa. This happens roughly every five years, with no decisive winner ever. Denmark and Skåne are rich as hell (full holdings almost everywhere, and seeing that area is super-rich...), with Denmark holding a patch of Lithuanian territory of no consequence (because I'm not the neighbour, that'd be Vitebsk that emerged as the other dominant Russian duchy following unfortunate accidents with the Golden Horde tsars). Anyway, it's really amusing to watch how the situation has (not) developed anywhere in Denmark-Lithuania.

Recently though Denmark has been trying to muscle into Norway, which has been an unexpected development (they've never ventured out of the trunkated Denmark-Lithuania borders after the war with Poland and my invasions of Courland and Livonia).


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Recent game was a great example of why CKII is at its most awesome when it goes all Shakespearian Drama Sim on you. As a small independent duchy I decided to wage a holy war for Sicily. Hoping the alliances I procured through cleverly marrying off my relatives would win me the day. Unfortunately they either backed out, send a handfull of troops or ran off. In desperation I used the last of my money to hire mercs, hoping to defeat the enemies main army before my funds would run out. The battle was long and bloody and just as my troops were about to break a small contingent of allies joined me. That was the straw that broke the camels back and my foes fled the field. Just as this happened the mercenaries revolted. The bitter battle that just happened had almost broken their morale however and they almost immediately routed. My handfull of forces nearly annihilated their fleeing host and while I pursued them to another province my allies pursued the muslim army. I destroyed the mercs in the next province and gained an immense amount of prestige while my allies wiped out the fleeing muslims. Soon after they sued for peace. Giving me two new provinces.

Which I gave to two brothers who soon after plotted to kill my character and succeeded. Ungrateful bastards.


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
So far the only mod I've tried is Rise of Empires, the one that lets you create your own kingdom if you have three dutchies. I just became the king of Transylvania and I've seen some other pretty crazy kingdoms too (Saxony, Cherson, Turkmens, Bulgar, Beja, Livonia). I've wanted to try Wizmod but I'm a little intimidated by it and I feel like it's a little too early to warrant a complete overhaul of the game. I skimmed over that big change list but didn't read it all. What are the biggest changes it introduces?

Also what's with Paradox peoples' obsession with Lotharingia and Aquitainia? Why are they such an issue with them?
Nov 15, 2009
Third Reich from the Sun
I'm certainly no history expert but wasn't the Kingdom of Burgundy pretty much the continuation of Lothringen? It's in the same general area at least. And I would guess the whole thing is about the creation of titular Kingdoms lacking de jure basis, which is something that has bothered me a bit as well since CK1.

Any way I've got a question regarding inheritance mechanics. My Kings wife died so I decided to remarry. Found a Duchess (with several duchies) in the HRE which he then married. Their son then naturally became the heir to all the duchies and vassals in question. So when he came of age I granted him a county thus making him my vassal. I figured that once his mother kicked the bucket he would inherit all those wonderful duchies as my vassal, however that was not the case. Instead he became a vassal of the HRE loosing me a county. I think the HRE crown authority is back to high since I rebelled to form an independent Kingdom which would disallow titles to pass out of the realm. Similarly I as the King of Denmark also have high crown authority, so I'm not sure whats going on here. The county in question that I granted him wasn't even a de jure part of the HRE but rather of Poland. I don't suppose that if I had granted him a duchy he would have remained my vassal?


ass hater
Jun 13, 2011
It depends on the scenario, but generally you have to die before your wife does so your son inherits your stuff first. When the mother dies, he'll inherit it while maintaining independence. If she dies first, he'll inherit all of her stuff, including her vassalage to the Holy Roman Empire and when he inherits your stuff he'll keep his vassalage. It really sucks when you're trying to get counties from mega kingdoms like France and the Byzantine Empire and the only thing you can do is hope you die first.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
So far the only mod I've tried is Rise of Empires, the one that lets you create your own kingdom if you have three dutchies. I just became the king of Transylvania and I've seen some other pretty crazy kingdoms too (Saxony, Cherson, Turkmens, Bulgar, Beja, Livonia). I've wanted to try Wizmod but I'm a little intimidated by it and I feel like it's a little too early to warrant a complete overhaul of the game. I skimmed over that big change list but didn't read it all. What are the biggest changes it introduces?

Also what's with Paradox peoples' obsession with Lotharingia and Aquitainia? Why are they such an issue with them?

Wiz is the guy who made the biggest and best mod for EU: Rome. Basically turning that game from a good idea into a good game. If there is anyone who knows his way around the engine and knows how to balance these games out it is him. His CKII mod is basically based on making the game more interesting for the player without adding all sorts of fluff. Basically this:

- Holy Wars restricted to neighbours, so that Muslims do not always own Sardinia and France does not always own Gibraltar. Crusades/Jihads are not affected by this.
- Balanced Anti-Popes that are not simply endless money machines.
- More lethal diseases and battles, making medieval life the violent and uncertain existance it should be.
- Many more Empires and Kingdoms to create.
- More mercenaries and holy orders.
- More cultures.
- Vassal rebellions are more of a danger, as one vassal trying to acheive independence can lead to a chain reaction of discontent vassals doing the same.
- It is now more difficult but also more rewarding to raise your crown authority.
- Tweaked succession laws to make it possible for non-Basques to use Absolute Cognatic. Authority requirements for other succession laws have also been eased.
- Rebalanced levies and laws that reduce the military capabilities of large kingdoms with weak authority (like France or the HRE).
- More ambitions.
- Women of your dynasty can hold some council positions under Cognatic or Agnatic-Cognatic laws.
- Many minor and major balancing tweaks for a more challenging and enjoyable experience.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
by the way, when do Golden Horde show up? it is 1198 and the southeast is kinda dead in changing borders kind of way.

Cumars do do anything, neither do their neighbours, although Novgorod is heading that way, since i cockblock them in the north (i am in basic planning mode to invade them for East Karelia/Archangelsk area, but i will see if i bother.)


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
My misadventures in modding 1. I fiddled around with the diseases in the game to try and make outbreaks a bit more frequent and deadly. The first test game worked nicely so I kept the new values. Later on I noticed an especially virulent outbreak of typhus in my lands. Then I looked around and saw the outbreak also affected my neighbours. I then scrolled around the map and noticed almost every province was infected. I inadvertedly made a plague that never passed and slowly whittled away all the dynasties in the game. The bubonic plague had nothing on this mother. Ooooops.


King of the Juice
White Knight
Aug 13, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin BattleTech
They(Golden Horde) appear around the year 1216-18 I believe.

The golden horde comes later, or at least it did in my game, the Ilkhanate showed up first. Golden Horde came at about 1220 in mine.

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