No arms.
Hey, check out this game, it's Battle Brothers with legs!!!!You'll literally be remembered as 'that game where nobody has any arms'
Arms. Because there are legs.
I took your advice and removed legs:
My game's fairies are no longer naked.
Well, they could be naked if you took their clothes off, but now they have clothes so they don't have to be naked.
Edit: OK, three declines so far. Do we not like the sprite, the animation, or the fact that the fairies won't be naked?
Edit 2: Yeah, or you could just keep giving me declines without telling me how to improve. Whatever.
In this case I'm using C + SDL. Besides, I've already got a line renderer in Unity so building something like this would be a piece of cake, except I want to dig deeper.
[urge to purchase intensifies]Minidump showing off a few new items I made this month.
Kabuto helmet, plus katana, wakizashi, and naginata:
Jundi helmet, plus morning star, mailsplitter axe, and tower shield:
And fairies with clothes, staffs, and wands:
In this case I'm using C + SDL. Besides, I've already got a line renderer in Unity so building something like this would be a piece of cake, except I want to dig deeper.I've had a few days off due to power-related issues and played Wizardry non-stop until the battery ran out.
Now I'm genuinely curious on how to implement a similar look from the ground up. After some fucking around for an hour or so I think I'm onto something.
If you're using Unity you're over thinking the whole thing. Just use planes and set the engine to wireframe mode.
Are you using OpenGL's GL_LINE_STRIP primitive? You may want to make a geometry shader that transforms lines into actual quads for more flexibility, because aside from the bare bones most video drivers give little thought to line primitives. I remember having to make one myself because glLineWidth was buggy and inconsistent between different video cards, according to the spec "Only width 1 is guaranteed to be supported; others depend on the implementation." (thanks Khronos!)