Great video. There's a few things that I found interesting. I didn't know about Triangle strips because its a method that has gone out of favor with game artists, it was very popular in the Dreamcast era. Its an interesting idea though I feel like its probably only useful for procedural meshes which is what is being shown here.
The position to UV space idea is a great one, I've used it myself before, you can even take it a step further by then providing a texture with an alpha - the alpha contains the heightmap. This is good because you can 1. keep everything better organized 1 mesh 1 texture for every asset and 2. it allows the artist to avoid having to mess with the mesh directly, so they can just go ahead and paint not having to worry about geo.
Batching is just good practice, everyone should be doing it. Maximize that reuse, use a lot of smaller meshes combined to create new unique assets for the same draw.
Looking at the developers other videos, seems like they're intending most of their knowledge to be used with Proc-Gen. Which is fine, but these methods aren't going to be universal, there will be situations where you can't for example use triangle strips, same with positional values to UVs, its fine if your mesh is flat and 1:1 with the texutre, but majority of the time your mesh ain't going to be like that (for example, Buildings, they will naturally take on a different co-ordinate system which won't work with positional values).