there are dozens...well quite a few optional locations you will never see in AoD unless you made the right choices or builds.
On a general level sure, you can miss map locations due to your build, practically though I checked and to get certain locations marked requires a whopping 3 levels in [lore], which IIRC is pretty fucking cheap and not that build dependent, with [lore] IIRC having some other benefits, so it might not be that likely to miss it even if there is a theoretical possibility. The faction-exclusive locations like the Legionaries have (they have 2 IIRC, or is it just 1 and the
pass is available also to another guild?) are of course something CS doesn't have and that's a good point to raise as it's another good example of the faction branching being worse than in AoD. The closest CS has to a map location you can miss are the lower levels of mission control, if you get into a situation where you can get there only through the very hard combat route due to lacking skills for the other 2 paths.
But for a lot of cases you mention where it's not a map location but rather a hidden room, secret path in the branching, locked out door, sub-location in a city etc. where you need to pass a skill check to enter, how besides presentation/exploration system (CYOA vs moving around in-game) are they different from a room in CS behind a forcefield tied to electronics/computer skill checks? Or one behind a high lockpick level door? Or a difficult stealth-only section where you are "soft-locked" out of looting some rooms due to lacking sufficient stealth skill/cloaking mods/stealth feats? What I mean to say is that the AoD locations would be hidden rooms like those in mission control, if AoD used the same engine as the (hacked out of UE4 IIRC) one of CS. Or maybe even they would be full-blown stealth encounters.
So CS has this kind of optional "locations" as far as gameplay mechanics are concerned, they're just less in your face due to the presentation/exploration change. Actual gameplay and in-game world interactivity just made them more mundane
There is however room for arguing that the skill checks gating those locations aren't that difficult which makes it a lot easier to get into all this optional content than in AoD, either due to having party members or due to how the character and skill system work in general. Or maybe too many people are making 10 INT characters and tagging tech skills
You also have some rooms/stealth sections where you can only enter/loot them when on a specific quest branch as a unique encounter area (ex. Jonas/Braxton branches in the Pit, Mercy's Fort) or as a consequences (the one you can get to for not being greedy regarding
the heads with the implants quest). These also would fit as equivalents to the optional locations you mentioned.