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  • I've been kicking around an idea in my head of creating a "idiot's guide to dosbox" video one day. Do you actually consistently use doxbox staging in place of regular 0.74 dosbox in ur daily lyfe?
    > take the fluidsynth pill

    The FluidSynth SoundFont (SF2) player is also integrated (also detailed on the linked wiki page that covers everything related to MIDI).
    But MT-32 and General MIDI and two completely different things; they're not interchangeable Maggot and NOT compatible with each other.
    i meant for emulating stuff like the roland sc-55
    I use Roland's own Sound Canvas VA which emulates the SC-88 which has an SC-55 compatibility mode. But yes, many SF2 options sound very respectable and might be preferred by some.
    Just wanna say that the gridmonger program in your profile is extremely good. I tried others but they weren't as good to use. Thanks for putting it in your signature
    Glad you like it! Yeah it's a bit of a shameless self-promotion, but then I made it publicly available so others can benefit from it too (it started as a personal tool), why not advertise it a bit then...
    So you want a pic of my dirty mind as I cum buckets on it? Here you go, burned into your own mind now. Cheers!
    I asked for a citation, and a citation I got, it's only fair. Thank you for informing me of your condition!
    You're not done receiving, friend. It takes time to unfold a 9 inch long citation. See, someone has got to rince your wind, and I've just the thing!
    I'm feeling blessed. Truly!
    stop being racist
    open up the borders!
    Immigration rules in Australia are not based on race, but on skills. If you have the required skills that Australia needs, you are free to migrate here, regardless of race. It has literally nothing to do with racism in any shape or form.
    open borders to everyone
    i want all of africa living herre
    I've been messing around with SICP since you recommended it somewhere, and it is pretty cool stuff. Just wanted to say thanks for the tip :)
    I'm glad that you gave it a go and are enjoying it! It literally rewires your brain--for the better!
    i cum from a land down under
    I must admit Rincewind was one of my favorite characters in the series and I was kinda bummed out that over the years Pratchett lost interest writing him
    I've only read the first few books (heresy, I know), I think I should go back to the start and just read all the books in order.
    But yeah, one of my favourite characters of all time, along with Guybrush Threepwood!
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