and companies still churn out COMPLETE garbage AAA shit games with millions on the budget?
Corporations releasing trash that flops and loses billions of dollars has been the standard for almost a decade now. Every year there's at least a dozen or more movies, games, and TV series with a budget on the hundreds of millions flopping and being mocked by everyone. You would think at this point that would be enough to sink these incompetent assholes. But no, because public traded companies exist in a void where nothing is real, and these loses can be easily disguised. And then there's the whole safety nets for megacorpos: generous loans never asked to be returned, funding from parent companies, moving debt to your subsidiaries, government funds to the poor little guys who happen to be rich.
Meanwhile if you're indie you're on your own. No magic money conjured from thin air, no fat paycheck every month for +10 years for sitting on your couch. It's all about WILLPOWER, EFFORT and GRIT.