I found Act of Aggression by the same developer more appealing than Wargame as it was more in line with the cannons of the genre (i.e. proper basebuilding).
Eugen started by making C&C copies, made with heart and skill I must say. Wargame was quite the novel approach to the RTS genre. Problem with AoA is that it's a good game, done with skill, in a genre that has no chance whatsoever. Sadly dead on arrival. I'm quite disappointed by Steel Division, despite having a shitton of good ideas (the entire Division system for example instead of tiresome "factions").
Just because they aren't being made doesn't mean there's no market for them.
There is no market for them. I am not being contrarian and by the Gods I would love a good RTS gaining MP relevance nowadays, but there have been a shitton of well-developed RTS that tried again and again and again to breach the market and failed utterly. MOBAs almost gave the deathblow to the genre, and it's not a mistery that the most played RTS are still the late 90ies early 00ies ones, the golden era of the genre.
The only logical solution to the modernization of CnC is a Company of Heroes 1 approach with base buidling, tiberium/ore gathering, combat with squad and vehicle mechanics that are akin to CoH. Scale should be bigger though to allow a certain degree of freedom for turtlefags as well. It would have been pretty easy to implement it after Generals and was the logical step the game had to take.
I've never really understood why Generals 2 failed, but my guess is that they didn't find a way to monetize and cripple it properly. Hell, if you want a design disaster there's Company of Heroes 2, poster boy for cancerous MP design.
A good Generals remake with CoH-like qualities would be awesome, but .... no chance in Heaven or Hell of that happening.
Indeed, games like that will never happen. Same thing with a Stalker-like game in the CnC universe where you would explore yellow and red zones, navigate factions and mutants, ect. Its really hard to accept the fact (this is not only the case with EA) how disconnected the Devs and suits are from the playerbase and things that would really be something the market wants. Sometimes it's even hard to understand, are they really that braindead and only capable of jumping onto the next big thing (Open world survival bullshit, Battle Royale). But I guess the guys who work at these companies and have some understanding about what the community might want, due to being part of that community, seldomly have enough leverage to pull any of the big decisions.