I want the list of all those titles. I wanna know if I've played those amazing emergent titles.
Well, that's fairly easy, isn't it?
In no order (some are better than others), just what comes to mind right now:
Ark (and many of its "clones", like Conan Exiles is, some are good, some are bad, but Ark itself was pretty good)
Empyrion (was still rough a year ago, but man was it great to build my own spaceship starting with just a handful of dirt, then flying to the moon with it and getting shot by some turrets there)
Space Engineers (though I find it boring as hell, some won't play anything else, I guess)
Golf With Your Friends (just checking if you are actually reading this)
Oxygen Not Included
Games like Theme Park/Rollercoaster Tycoon (and its newer clones)/Cities Skylines also live just from their rules, even if some offer a story on the side
Mount & Blade
Europa Universalis
Space Pirates And Zombies 2 (don't let the title fool you, it is pretty amazing)
Some Roguelikes to a medium to large extent - especially those like Dwarf Fortress or Cataclysm DDA which have a whole world going on around you.
And I'm sure I forgot far more titles than I mentioned.
All of these aren't good because of some story or some "handplaced content", but simply because of their rules, dynamics and the emergent gameplay that leads to.
As you can see, this isn't even bound to a genre. There are FPS, too, though I must say I found none of those very captivating.