Played for several hours more and I can say that any good ideas are basically destroyed my their execution.
The Stress system is the best example:
Wanna pet your cat? You can do it once every 5 years. That must the saddest pet cat ever.
But seriously - decisions like Go on a Hunt or Host a Feast have this ridiculously long cooldown timers.
All because they reduce current stress level.
This is retarded beyond belief. Especially that is you take into consideration that some medieval rulers would go on a hunt every chance they could get. Here if you don't have enough luck and your ruler doesn't live long enough you can call a hunt once in your life.
Not to mention the hunt events are really boring. Instead of actually expanding on the mechanic, making more variations of the event they decided to put it behind a cooldown.
The Stress mechanic alone is making this game pretty shit to me. Especially that is it often tied to the educating children.
A child does something and most of the time you have three choices.
Do nothing - your Stress levels stays the same but also the child keeps a trait (often negative)
Do thing nr 1 - your Stress level rises but the child HAS A GUARANTEED chance of getting trait nr 1
Do thing nr 2 - your Stress level rises but the child HAS A GUARANTEED chance of getting trait nr 2
This really annoys me. For one it makes the Stress level very video-gamey as a resource to spend and not something that is happening to you and secondly the guaranteed chance encourage save scumming. And on top of that makes every future game very samey. I prefer percentage succes/failrue values because despite of your decisions you get could different outcomes. Who thought that changing this is going to be a good idea I don't know.
And I totally hate that this game took ideas from games like Stellaris or EU4.
Basically now you hava mana. That you wait for it accumulate and then you spend it. For example on life style perks.
The perk system is entirely broken in my opinion. For example if you take Diplomacy life-style you have the Befriend action and it's just overpowered. I was able to befriend all my most powerful vassals and family members in like 5-7 years.
The problem is aggravated by the fact you basically have timers/progress bars/wheels that tells you when the scheme is going to be done. The randomness from CK2 is pretty much gone. Especially that ever Befriend scheme I launched was above 65% despite some of the valls having a negative opinion of me. It's like I'm playing baby's first Crusader Kings game.
And that's another things progress bars for things like fabricating claims are pure decline. They shouldn't be here. Your chances for fabricating a claim should be tied to your bishops and your own diplomatic/knowledge skills and some random events/chances. Not a progress bar and you fail you can just start all over. And those progress bars are for everything. Increasing development, increasing county control. They are pure cancer.
Renown is another type of mana you spend. It really reminds of Unity from Stellaris:
And how the fuck does this suppose to work. Suddenly magical force makes conception more potent? WTF? Careful breeding my ass. I hate this gives me a magical boost. All the eugenics programs should be handled directly by the player with him picking the genetic stock himself. Not some magical aura boosting bullshit.
Also what is the the amount of female rulers in the game? I have male preference set as a law and after like 120 years of gameplay half of my vassals are suddenly female. Also why is there so many giants running around everywhere? Something is fucked when it comes to their value generator.
I also miss little things - like minor titles, the ability present debutante etc.
Another thing that irks me are the magical boats. In CK2 you needed to have actual coastal towns and shipbuilding capibilites to launch a fleet. Here you just reach the sea and you magically convert money into ships. You're a Wizard Harry! (The one from Buther not the one from Rowling

And shit from CK2 that was broken like exploiting raiding to immediately declare war after you burnt your rivals whole country to the ground are still there. If you play a culture than can raid this is a very easy to blob out.
Overall some good ideas are (for me) overshadowed by the bad ones. I see no reason for now to switch from CK2 to CK3. I hope some additional patching and DLC will fix the game. But as it is now I would say wait. It's not worth the money.