So Primogeniture is now a late-game mechanic this time round, means we're stuck with shitty Gavelkind most of the game. The Byzantines start off right from the bat with Primogeniture instead of the Imperial Election system, which probably makes them OP. Muslims don't seem to have the child with most titles becomes heir thingy they had in CK2.
OP for what? Conquering the entire continent? Sure, I guess, but that's a pretty boring way to play a game with such a shitty war system.
I've come to prefer Gavelkind to keep the game interesting and have nice interfamilial struggles over the years - going Primo I know usually means that familiar Pdox inflection point where your nation is totally stable and you cannot lose, and all victories are guaranteed, it's just a question of how long it takes.
Just don't create more than one king title if you are King and not aim at Emperor-ship and same with Dukes before, the problem is that game plays the same whenever you play as German Duke and Spanish one or even Roman Doux, the game sure is not as bare bones as CK2 was at start but we should not be milked to pay for the same DLCs twice. What I liked so far:
Hooks and lifestyles its really adding a lot to RP aspect of game, the instant mobilization of levies and ships rented in ports it might be streamlining but it also makes wars much faster too even when it leads to bands of dirty peasants having access to fleets, the game is bugged all those laws about sodomy and adulteresses being criminals? 100% ignored and I could not destroy Papacy even with console command, make no sense to make Catholicism and Orthodoxy separate religions in 860 AD or even 1066 AD, this was something which emerged as reality in XIII, but as Vanila Paradox game this one is fun unlike all the others I played (Victoria, EU, Victoria, Hearts of Iron post second part etc...) Of course not going to pay Paracucks 200 Euro for stuff they probably cut from game anyways but I am no cuck.