Every console generation represent the sealing for how advanced games can be.
Nothing of the sort. First, PC-only games keep appearing where you can bump your graphics higher than what the consoles could support. Second, multiplatform games get updated releases for PC and for the updated consoles. Third, modding a PC game can push you beyond the max settings even for PC. If you have the hardware, and are prepared to play shit games just for the graphix, the consoles aren't enforcing a ceiling.
I will smugly wait for your 2020 new year resolution to not get hyped and buy shitty games.
Shitty games are the cookie cutter trash - PoE, AssCreed, Bioware crap. Where if you've played one you've played all. Samey story structure, "# factions, each faction with an NPC spokesman", strong independent women, conquer all the towers like some kind of dumb hamster on a treadmill, that kind of shit.
Witcher 3 didn't have this, and I reasonably expect the same of CP77.
I am not
hyped, I know what to not expect and what to expect.