hivemind is an independent womanNo begging this time?BUYING
hivemind is an independent womanNo begging this time?BUYING
-Role-playing aspect in the main story is more limited than in the side quests.
-The trash narrative urgency from Witcher 3 is back.
-Narrative threads are not fleshed out or expanded. Some are abandoned.
-Stuff in-game world has no excuse or explanation within the game world.
Bought it yesterday just to write this post and make codexers butthurt.
Peak confirmation bias.If you can manage to hold in your offended boner at the sjw shit and listen.
She goes: "you can buy or acquire many vehicles in the game, but I never found a reason to do so"-Stuff in-game world has no excuse or explanation within the game world.
If you can manage to hold in your offended boner at the sjw shit and listen. Maybe read between the lines if it helps. There are lots of legit criticisms here, seems like the game inherited the gameplay issues from Witcher and proceeded to add more fckups.
Few I got are
-Itemization is still trash.
-Crafting is useless because you get better loot constantly.
-Role-playing aspect in the main story is more limited than in the side quests.
-The trash narrative urgency from Witcher 3 is back.
-Narrative threads are not fleshed out or expanded. Some are abandoned.
-Stuff in-game world has no excuse or explanation within the game world.
Or just look at it and trough years of experience and your intellectual prowess,come up the actual quality of the game and its components. All journos are retards that are used to sell garbage to lowinfo casualtards!Peak confirmation bias.If you can manage to hold in your offended boner at the sjw shit and listen.
You should watch more reviews if you want to have a more objective view of the game rather than settling on one of the more negative (and inherently biased due to their SJWness) ones.
She literally said she barely used any new items (because she already "found a cute outfit") and didn't craft, swap out her attachments, and barely did any side quests (so how the hell would she know). The best "criticism" she made:
-Stuff in-game world has no excuse or explanation within the game world
She purposefully admits to just refusing/not wanting to do any of the quests, and didn't understand/utilize most of the other mechanics (she "tried" crafting once, didn't swap attachments, etc). She's a fucking moron and is used to games holding your hand throughout...probably loves games that have a hint that pops-up every 5 mins and tutorials that go on for 4 hours. This criticism is probably the greatest compliment the game could get for people who actually enjoy RPG's.
I am more than confident the game will have legit issues, but anyone using this review for good criticism is a scrub simping faggot.
She literally said she barely used any new items (because she already "found a cute outfit") and didn't craft, swap out her attachments, and barely did any side quests (so how the hell would she know). The best "criticism" she made:
-Stuff in-game world has no excuse or explanation within the game world
She purposefully admits to just refusing/not wanting to do any of the quests, and didn't understand/utilize most of the other mechanics (she "tried" crafting once, didn't swap attachments, etc). She's a fucking moron and is used to games holding your hand throughout...probably loves games that have a hint that pops-up every 5 mins and tutorials that go on for 4 hours. This criticism is probably the greatest compliment the game could get for people who actually enjoy RPG's.
I am more than confident the game will have legit issues, but anyone using this review for good criticism is a scrub simping faggot.
Seriously.. are you wankers this dumb? I can misrepresent shit and make up arguments too. Whatever go suck a cock, I can't even bother when people are this fckn retarded.
There is enough dildos in the game for everyone.Cyber Punk simply isn't a good game for that demographic.
Who will be the first Codexer to finish the game ?
And to admit it ?
>half-american muttvtuber
dafuq's a vtuber?
ugly japanese woman pretends she is cute anime girl with software. very popular
not always the case
She's getting suspended for mentioning Taiwan>half-american muttvtuber
dafuq's a vtuber?
ugly japanese woman pretends she is cute anime girl with software. very popular
not always the case
>doing reddit meme reviews
She's literal personified cancer.
>half-american muttvtuber
dafuq's a vtuber?
ugly japanese woman pretends she is cute anime girl with software. very popular
not always the case
>doing reddit meme reviews
She's literal personified cancer.
She's getting suspended for mentioning Taiwan>half-american muttvtuber
dafuq's a vtuber?
ugly japanese woman pretends she is cute anime girl with software. very popular
not always the case
>doing reddit meme reviews
She's literal personified cancer.
I'm tired of those twitter poseurs. This is an obvious reference to