Yeah whatever AI thing they ran those sprites through clearly turned the one in the background into the predator.Those faces on the thumbnail are truly prosperian. I'm even afraid to press play.
May Builds – Lycanthropy
Posted on May 25, 2019 by Interkarma
It’s almost the end of the month, which means a fresh round of Daggerfall Unity Live Builds. May comes bearing the full lycanthropy feature from curse through to cure. If you’re the kind of Daggerfall player who just loves to wolf out (or tusk out if you dig more on wereboars) then this update is for you! Note that some spoilers are below for how lycanthropy operates and the paths to curing or managing it.
If you tangle with a stray werewolf or wereboar while out adventuring, there’s a small chance (0.6%) that you will become inflicted by their same curse. Unlike other infections, this one will bypass your normal disease resistance unless you happen to already be a vampire or lycanthrope. On the first evening after infection, you will have a dream about a “man who is less than a man”.
If you see this dream, you have just three days to find a temple healer or cure yourself through magical means. If you let the disease run its course, you’ll be cursed to hunt the innocent once per month and will be forced to shapechange when either moon is full.
Attributes & Skills
It’s not all bad news though! As a lycanthrope, you receive a whopping +40 to your Strength, Agility, Endurance, and Speed. You also get a +30 increase to Swimming, Running, Stealth, Critical Strike, Climbing, and Hand-to-Hand combat. If your character was already an above-average fighter with their fists and feet, they are going to make a fearsome lycanthrope.
Let’s meet Koro, he’s a level 2 Nord Warrior who loves using his fists on everything. He just had the misfortune to encounter a werewolf not long after Privateer’s Hold and was lucky to escape with only a scrape or two. He had no idea what to make of that dream a few nights back, and now finds himself mysteriously stronger and faster than ever with some unusual cravings. In that last bar fight, he just about tore the pore sod in half. He chalks all this up to a healthy diet of Ale and Fowl at the Black Wolf tavern where he currently resides in Daggerfall city. Unfortunately, having only a 48 Intelligence, Koro is unable to appreciate the irony of his new situation.
Something else Koro doesn’t know is that he can’t get sick ever again. No disease can touch him now, although poisons are still a concern.
Full Moons
Two moons hang over Tamriel: Massar and Secunda. These have alternating cycles where a full moon rises once every couple of weeks. Unfortunately for Koro, and even moreso for the innocents of the Illiac Bay, his first full moon is several nights after developing full-blown lycanthropy. By this stage, he has started to suspect it wasn’t just the tavern food behind all of this. His suspicions are confirmed the night after meeting with Lady Brisienna elsewhere in Daggerfall, when he wakes up in the early morning hours with a whole new set of problems.
Koro flees into the night past some some very startled patrons. He won’t be returning to the Bat and Scorpion anytime soon. What’s worse is he’s hungry. Hungrier than he’s ever felt before. Fortunately, it’s late at night and nobody else is around. He makes a run for the woods beyond the edge of this small one-tavern town. After running wild for the next day, he’s able to return back to his normal self.
Urge to Kill
For the next few weeks, Koro manages his curse by staying away from populated areas during full moons. He even discovers he can bring on the change once per day using some innate magic he now possesses. To his amazement, his body is healed fully each time he shapechanges between forms. Perhaps this won’t be so bad after all. It just needs to be managed properly.
On the month anniversary of becoming cursed, Koro finds himself hungry again. So hungry it hurts. So hungry it feels like he’s about to die. Without having hunted the innocent even once, his curse has left him with only 4 health remaining. A giant rat would probably be enough to knock him over for good.
After battling his urges for weeks, Koro can bear it no longer. He has to hunt, every cell in his body demands it. He watches the innocent civilians going about their business for a while, then finally gives in to the hunt. It’s the only way to make himself whole again.
direct link to gfy
While fighting as a werewolf, Koro discovers that not only can he rip the city watch to shreds in moments, he’s completely immune their basic iron and steel weapons. Finally sated, he runs back into the wilderness again to rest and recover his lost health.
Accessing Inventory
Several weeks later, Koro is exploring a local dungeon when the change is forced upon him by a full moon. Bafflingly, he can’t reach his pockets. How has he never noticed this before?
After a bit of squinting and whimpering, he discovers that he can will himself back into humanoid form for a few moments before the moon forces him to change back into a wolf again. Just enough time to loot the body of that unlucky orc.
The Cure
Almost a year has passed since Koro found himself cursed to be a werewolf. In that time, he’s found an uneasy peace with his life. He enjoys being relentlessly powerful, but still feels guilt when he must hunt the innocent. He dreams of ending his curse. Then one day, he finds a letter in his pack that offers redemption or death. It seems word of his monstrous life has reached the ear of a lycanthrope hunter.
He seeks out the Order of Arkay in Burgmont where Koro is told that to cure his lycanthropy, he must pass the disease on to another.
Wanting an end to the bloodshed, Koro rejects that choice. What if the one he inflicts is even more blood-thirsty than himself? Gondywyr Hawkwing is relieved and offers him another, albeit a less likely, path.
The Witches of Glenmoril Coven
After a series of adventures, Koro finally locates the secretive witches of Glenmoril Coven in Ilessan Hills. They’re amused by his affliction, but not immediately helpful. They put him to work with some quests to further their own goals. Without many options left, Koro does his best to make them happy.
Path of Hircine
Koro discovers the Glenmoril witches can summon the Daedra Hircine on any day of the year. Hircine is known to be a patron of wild things, perhaps he can offer some solution? After gathering the exorbitant summoning fee, Koro watches as the crones perform the ritual. And he is blessed!
Koro follows the wishes of Hircine and comes into possession of the Hircine Ring. A powerful artifact that allows him to take control of his lycanthropy.
So long as the ring remains on his hand, Koro is no longer forced to change on each full moon and his hunger is suppressed. He can shapechange any time at will. He has all the benfits of his curse and none of the disadvantages. Not a bad outcome for one adventurer.
Path of Water
If Koro failed to summon Hircine, or could not afford the ritual, there is still another path. After running several quests for the witches, he is one day given a vial of Pure Water to transport to a regional Mages Guild. Did one of those crones wink when handing him that water?
While in transit with the Pure Water, Koro is beset upon by vampires, werewolves, and wereboars in great numbers. Why are they all so desperate for this vial? Thinking of his own affliction and that wink earlier, Koro takes a sip of the water. After a moment of dizziness, he finds his mind finally clear and to be mercifully cured of his lycanthropy.
Path of Blood
And what if Koro was a different kind of Nord? Right at the start, if he had taken the offer to pass on his curse for a cure. What would have become of him? If that road had been taken, it leads to a sickly child and a horrible choice. Perhaps even now, its not too late for him to turn away and find another way.
New Enchantments
Strengthens Armor / Weakens Armor
Strengthens Armor adds +5 to your armour class across all item slots. Does not stack with enchantments of this type on other items, or with Weakens Armor.
Weakens Armor reduces your armour class by -5 across all item slots. Does not stack with enchantments of this type on other items, or with Strengthens Armor.
Improves Talents
If you already have a special talent like Acute Hearing, Athleticism, or Adrenaline Rush, this enchantment will buff those gifts even further. Has no effect if you are not so gifted to start with.
Health Leech
This side-effect will cause you damage depending on the type:
- Whenever used – You will be damaged every time you strike with a weapon or cast from an item so enchanted by this malady.
- Unless used daily – You must strike with a weapon or cast from an item so enchanted once per day, or you will start taking damage every few minutes. This damage will occur even while trying to rest.
- Unless used weekly – You must strike with a weapon or cast from an item so enchanted once per week, or you will start taking damage every few minutes. This damage will occur even while trying to rest.
Loan Improvements (Pango)
Any long-time Daggerfall player knows how to exploit loans from banks. You can go to any bank, ask for a huge amount of gold, then simply never pay it back. Incredibly, there are almost no consequences for doing this. We all know banks aren’t that friendly. Pango has taken the time to flesh out this feature somewhat to make it a bit easier to use and offer some minor consequences for defaulting on a loan.
First up, your loans can now be tracked at any time by clicking on your gold total on the Character Sheet (F5). This will show both your active bank accounts across regions in addition to any open loans.
You will also get quick reminders as the due date approaches.
If you default on your loan, the bank will first try to recover whatever is in your account. If they’re able to pay the loan back this way, then no other action is taken. But if you can’t repay your loan, the bank will never do business with you again and you will lose some reputation in the eyes of the law, you scoundrel.
There is also some talk of one day bounty hunters coming to recover your gold on behalf of the bank. While this remains mercifully unimplemented, it might be time to repay your loans before the banks start sending out heavily armed thugs.
General Fixes & Improvements
Thanks to everyone involved, we also have the usual round of bugs fixes and incremental refinements.
- Fix issues with WallPropPositioner and ObjectPositioner (TheLacus)
- Fixed scale of MASK04I0 (TheLacus)
- Fixes to UV unpack algorithm (Ferital)
- Exclude ship from UV processing (Ferital)
- Fix escape navigation in custom character creator (Numidium)
- Implement Skull of Corruption (Numidium)
- Implement Ring of Namira (Numidium)
- Weaken shadows under scattered light (Pango)
- Banking improvements (Pango)
- Fix head-dipping from projectiles (Pango)
- Spell missiles hit sounds spatialization (Pango)
- Fix argument out of range exception (Pango)
- Fix unhandled map items (Hazelnut)
- Handle %kno macro for quests (Hazelnut)
- Implement holiday effect for Sun’s Rest (Hazelnut)
- Implement holiday effects for free and half-price curing (Hazelnut)
- Implement holiday effects for half price sales (Hazelnut)
- Fix random spymaster NPCs to behave like non-guild (Hazelnut)
- Vampire / lycanthrope spells now removed after cure (Interkarma)
- Vampire / lycanthrope quests now terminated after cure (Interkarma)
- MessageBox will wrap words rather than characters in most cases (Interkarma)
- Remove black panel when buying spells (Interkarma)
- Fix crash when trying to spawn guards before location loaded (Interkarma)
- Fix dye handling for hand-to-hand weapon images (Interkarma)
- Fix city watch having weapons above iron or steel (Interkarma)
- NPCs are now more knowing and helpful when asked for directions, provided player is not a criminal and or scum (Interkarma)
- Implement Hircine Ring (Interkarma)
- Fix null exception in PlayerMotor (Interkarma)
- Fix importing classic characters in a weakened state, e.g. saved while lycanthrope needs to kill (Interkarma)
- Implement “were_sateme” console command (Interkarma)
- Implement “were_cureme” console command (Interkarma)
- Supposedly secret Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood buildings are no longer used for random quests (Interkarma)
- Quest system will no longer use a building if already involved in another quest (Interkarma)
- Quest system will no longer use a dungeon if already involved in another quest (Interkarma)
- Quest system will now use a random fallback dungeon if desired type (e.g. “dungeon4”) is not found in region (Interkarma)
- Custom magic enchantment data now serialized (Interkarma)
- Fix comment handling in QRC block to allow dash “-” character in text blocks (Interkarma)
- HideNpc now supports both “hide anNPC” and “hide npc anNPC” variants (Interkarma)
- DestroyNpc now supports both “destroy anNPC” and “destroy npc anNPC” variants (Interkarma)
- Overlapping action door in dungeons are now disabled, including action door overlapping exit position (Interkarma)
- Fix HideNpc/DestroyNpc from being ignored when assigned at same time quest ends (Interkarma)
- Holding down run key while standing still will no longer drain stamina (Interkarma)
For more frequent updates on Daggerfall Unity, follow me on Twitter @gav_clayton., I just wanted to put this out there. This is more In case this project gets more massive and pro MODers traction in the future (like what we can see with the Skyblivion, Skywind etc.), to have some good aim for the future of DFU. For all intents and purposes, this is completely new game work.
PHASE I roadmap
Fully retain the original style and rebuild upon it. For the original player's experience.
- Rebuild vanilla textures.
- Rebuild vanilla textures using the original ones as a concept art and painting tight color palette and motif approximation of them.
- Rebuild paper doll.
- HD redo version of this system.
- Rework vanilla weapons.
- Redo of the entire fps weapon system, retaining sprite mechanics. New weapon designs, using ethos of the originals and new more fluid animations. Ether doing it as pre-rendered modern spritesheets (using bink video), or doing it through The Spriter code.
- Rework of horse and cart sprites.
- Completely redo of the mounts and cart sprites, modernizing it, making it more dynamic and responsive through better code.
- Rework vanilla sprite characters.
- HD redo of all the sprite characters. Both npc's and monsters. Also using ether good modernized pre-rendered characters and making sprite sheets, or doing 3D characters and pluging them through The Spriter.
- Upgrade NPC AI characters.
- More realistic npc character AI. NPC's that are talking to each other, selling stuff at the towns open markets, rob players in a group/band, angry mobs, better guards AI (emotions - suspicious, angry, friendly, want bribe...)
- Upgrade enemies behavior and spawnpoints.
- Redo and build upon enemy AI behavior and spawnpoints throughout the world. Dungeons and wilderness.
- Rework/add items and new weapons.
- HD redo of the entire items library and also adding new ones.
- Rework of the combat system.
- Upgraded combat system. Adding more indepth dynamic and also dice roll of combat, spellsave, guard, block options.
- Rework of the FX and particle system.
- Complete new and redone FX & particle system. From weapon use, magic, hit, spell FX - all the way to environment FX (eg. fireflies, shooting stars etc.)
- Rework of the Skybox and Environment FX.
- Redo of the (maybe painted) environment skyboxes. From clear weather to bending of painted heavy overcast, from dawn to dusk to starry night skyboxes. New clouds system and rework of the weather effects (improved rain, lightning, snow, heavy snow...).
- Rebuild questing system.
- Redo questing system and add upon new questing chains and interesting content. New and easier quest editor.
- Rework of the dungeon generator.
- Redo and improve upon procedural dungeon generation. Adding better control over procedural generated dungeon editing. Implementing better way of making hand tailored dungeons.
- Rebuild static models (houses, keeps, walls etc.)
- HQ rework of the all ingame static models. Adding more detailed meshes with LOD support.
- Rework of the entire sound system.
- Rebuild of the entire sound system library and sound FX. Better dynamic implementation of them.
- Rework of the music score.
- HQ redo of the featured vanilla music scores. Remaking it in orcestral or raw naturalistic instruments, or combination of both. Dynamic music implementation (in battle, out of the battle etc.).
- Rework wilderness enemies and characters (more monsters, monsters/animals hunt game, bandits, bandit camps etc.).
- Redo and add more wilderness characters, enemies, monster, bandits etc. More realistic encounters and more vibrant wilds.
- Upgrade Terrain heightmap.
- Remaking entire DF height map. Making more realistic terrain features.
- Upgrade cities-to-terrain relationship.
- Making advanced features for cities-towns-areas of following terrain more tightly, thus having more realistic houses-to-terrain placements. This should go with advanced house replacements (increasing bottom-cellar parts so they fit the terrain angle).
- Upgrade Terrain textures and materials.
- Adding better control over terrain materials. Adding features like specular, cubemap reflations, masked normalmap etc.
- UUpgrade Terrain Rivers.
- Adding rivers feature to the terrain.
- Upgrade Terrain Roads.
- Adding roads feature to the terrain. Roads have to connect all the places on the world map. Bigger roads, smaller roads etc.
- Add road caravans & traveling merchants.
- Adding roads traveling merchants caravans mechanics with guards etc. and adding single traveling merchants.
PHASE II roadmap
Future roadmap for the advanced (MOD) rework and player experience.
- Complete Realistic DFU build.
- This is self-explanatory. Making completely realistic looking DFU experience, for the Skyrim-like Elder Scrolls enthusiasts. everyone!
I have been replaying Daggerfall and while seeking information I have noticed that DF Unity seems to be really heading somewhere and soon it could help the game reach much more of its potential.
Since I'm already attempting illustrations of armor and weapons, I have decided Daggerfall could be good training with some further use to boot. Yesterday I started my attempt at recreating the inventory paperdoll graphics at higher resolution:
The face isn't quite the same, but I'm afraid that's the best I can do from such tiny source.
I am working at 10x the original resolution (1980 pixels tall), mainly for scaling and adjustment purposes. The intended viewing size is about half the full size. The images above are at 33%.
I would like to get some feedback on the graphics, and also on options for changes to sprite layering.
I think it would greatly ease further modifications and replacements if the left arm got separated into a new layer, so that all the torso and leg pieces wouldn't have to have this gap for it:
Only mods I would recommend at the moment are the remastered soundtrack, quest mods, Archaeologist Guild, Tedious Travels and Dangerous Dungeon Exteriors.That looks like shit. Are those graphical "enhancements" optional? All i care about is the gameplay modding never had a problem with the original graphics.
Gonna make a quick post here about something I'm working on. With Uncanny's New Locations mod, I've been testing out how populated I could make the landscape of Daggerfall. I've been posting a lot of screenshots in the discord but I figured to go ahead and make a post here so people who just browse the forums can take a look. A lot of work has went into this learning at how Uncanny's tools work and how much can be loaded at a time. Everything seems to be going just fine.
I'm currently working on Betony as I think an isolated Island away from the other regions would be a good start. The focus as of right now is to just try and give details to areas within the wilderness. The screenshots below will show you what could be. This is something I've been working on in the background for a bit.
Ive grabbed some screens today.
1st - interiors
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[Mod] Convenient Clock
Post by Uncanny_Valley » Sun May 13, 2018 12:23 am
Name: Convenient Clock
Author: Uncanny
Version: 1.02
Adds a convenient clock to the HUD, with the following customization options:
- DisplayMode - 6 different options to choose from (this option can also be changed using the console "convenient_clock_set"))
- BorderColor - Color of the border around the clock: the default is set match the color of the rest of the HUD
- FontColor - Font Color when displaying time using text
- MarkerColor - Color of the marker used in the Time Bar
- UseTwelveHourClock - If true, use a 12 hour clock (AM / PM)
- DisplayTextWindow - If true, displays text within a window
Override Texture
You can override any textures used in this mod. Simply place any texture you wish to override with the correct name in "StreamingAssets\Textures\Clock". You will find all the textures packaged together with this mod.
Version History
1.00 - Initial Release
1.01 - Added the option to override textures
1.02 - Fixed a bug with incorrect date and suffix
Put the "convenient clock.dfmod" package inside "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.
Remove "convenient clock.dfmod" from the "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.
Download Link:
Convenient Clock
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Villager Immersion Overhaul
Post by Kamer » Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:12 pm
The land of Daggerfall is massive, so one would think that it would inhabit many diverse people? Villager Immersion Overhaul replaces many of the generic Villagers and adds adventurers/New races to the cities of the Iliac Bay. Cities and towns should feel more alive than ever with this texture swap.
I've decided against waiting until everything is done. Instead I'll just periodically release it whenever a significant amount of work is done with each climate. This release will be the basic groundwork I work from. I spent all last night fixing clipping issues, resizing, and other things and feel like I can go ahead and release version 1 out. It will only affect one of the climates but I'm sure most won't need to travel to see the results. Not everything will be permanent. Some placeholders will be here. Warriors/Rogues/Mages might be modified to greatly represent other races.
Villager Immersion Overhaul V2
-Extract contents into "/StreamingAssets/Textures/" Folder in your Daggerfall Unity Dictionary
*Make Sure you aren't using compressed textures!*
Last edited by Kamer on Sat Jul 07, 2018 1:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 2152
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:54 am
Re: Villager Immersion Overhaul
Post by Jay_H » Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:24 am
Gave it a try right now (after disabling compressed textures) and I am definitely a fan. I quite like it.![]()
Come join the Unofficial Daggerfall Unity Discord.
Try the first Daggerfall Unity Quest Pack with roughly 210 all-new quests.
I write quests but have no technical knowledge.
Posts: 257
Joined: Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:26 pm
Re: Villager Immersion Overhaul
Post by Kamer » Sat Jun 09, 2018 5:54 pm
Since the Argonian is about done, I think I'm gonna go ahead and work on Version 2. Deserts/Swamps will be the ideal update for me. Pic is me finishing last villager for this region type.
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Update on Desert/Swamp Region progress
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I've added horse carriage's to the Daggerfall region as well. For right now I'm gonna have them replace at least one villager in each region type but hopefully one day we will be able to have people from all regions show up so I can give it more variety. As of right now, It's basically taking two extra spots.
It did that to me too, but everything else seems complete to me. Just decided to LARP that my character had lived in High Rock around Bretons.Is character creation still not fully complete? The background thinks I'm a Breton.
This is a great effort, and makes the game significantly more playable by today's standards. I was also surprised that the game and dungeons are far more difficult than I remembered without cheesing the game.
- Improved travel map search (Pango)
- Improved terrain tilemap shader (Pango)
- Interior automap upgrades (Nystul)
- Improvements to borderless window (Interkarma)
- Retro world rendering option (Interkarma)
- Details slider & fullscreen toggle button (TheLacus)
- Guard response when caught stealing from private property (Numidium)
- NPC greetings now match classic (Ferital)
- Level progress window (Hazelnut)
- Bow drawback (Hazelnut)
- Dungeon wagon proximity access, disable dungeon wagon prompt (Hazelnut)
- New paper doll renderer (Interkarma)
- Support for paper doll texture replacements (TheLacus)
- Guard response to exterior door bashing (Interkarma)
- Initial exterior door lock strength and lockpicking (Interkarma)
- More artifacts and enchantments
Daggerfall Unity now supports true 320x200 "retro mode" rendering. This video features straight gameplay with all settings dialled in for the most classic Daggerfall experience possible. Game resolution is set to fullscreen 1600x1200 so the 320x200 render is crisply presented in a classically correct 4:3 aspect ratio. See link below for INI settings to enable retro settings in your Daggerfall Unity install.
Daggerfall Unity now supports true 320x200 "retro mode" rendering. This video features straight gameplay with all settings dialled in for the most classic Daggerfall experience possible. Game resolution is set to fullscreen 1600x1200 so the 320x200 render is crisply presented in a classically correct 4:3 aspect ratio. See link below for INI settings to enable retro settings in your Daggerfall Unity install.