what do they use to make the 2D sprites don't look like garbage with higher res screen?
Daggerfall Unity 0.10.14
Post Sun Dec 08, 2019 2:57 am
0.10.14 has been posted to Live Builds. I've nicknamed this one the "Pango Care Package" because of the great number of fixes and improvements Pango is responsible for in this release. For more, check out this tweet where I cover them with screenshots.
New Features
- Emissive properties and light effects to glowing enemies like Fire Daedra and Flame Atronachs
- Add trail to difficulty dagger in custom class creator, helps show difference between current and previous setting
- Display gold amount and weight when hovering mouse over Gold button in inventory
- Optional buff icon size and positions
- Crosshair interaction icon
- Ability for mods to override politic and climate map pixels
- Reset damaged attributes from temple healing, if you have appropriate rank (Hazelnut/Interkarma)
General Fixes & Improvements
- Prevent enemies from such as imps flying too low (Pango)
- Fix localized floating point number exception (Pango)
- Change travel map selection to a brigher green and make radio buttons operate as select rather than toggle (Pango)
- Fix playing clip at point not respecting volume (Pango)
- Remove TABs from quests showing as Unicode characters (Pango)
- Fix winter snow footsteps in snow-free climates (Pango)
- Fix music not updating when switching dungeons (Pango)
- Fix face picker aspect ratio (Pango)
- Skip climb and rappel checks when not on foot (Pango)
- Remove shadows from spectral enemies (Pango)
- Improve some API documentation (TheLacus)
- Detect applied presets when mod settings are changed in game (TheLacus)
- Add event for PlayerEnterExit.OnFailedTransition (TheLacus)
- Subtly lower foliage based on terrain slope so that it doesn't appear to be floating above terrain (Hazelnut)
- Better implementation of intermittant dungeon spawns using local enemy ecology, this now closely matches classic (Pango/Interkarma)
- Lower test radius for "enemies nearby" when initiating rest (Interkarma)
- Can now set target frame rate in settings.ini to a value between 30-240 - any value less than 30 will disable option (Interkarma)
- Fix ChangeReputeWith to not rearm, fixing uncapped reputation losses in affected quests (Interkarma)
- Fix healing attributes wrapping around to incorrect magnitude (Interkarma)
can't wait to see your Ancient Books 2.5: Windagger. Hopefully it'll have daggerfall tier dungeons mateGreat to see this advancing at a... well, surprisingly regular regular pace.
Daggerfall and Morrowing are two wonderful insipirations for a pet project of mine (no, don't ask, at least not until 2021). Can't wait to be able to play Daggerfall without jumping through all the usual hoops (seriously, the Daggerfall+mods+DosBox has bot to be one of the worst routines of its kind).
Is this mod in a playable state yet?
Is this mod in a playable state yet?
I like "windagger".can't wait to see your Ancient Books 2.5: Windagger. Hopefully it'll have daggerfall tier dungeons mateGreat to see this advancing at a... well, surprisingly regular regular pace.
Daggerfall and Morrowing are two wonderful insipirations for a pet project of mine (no, don't ask, at least not until 2021). Can't wait to be able to play Daggerfall without jumping through all the usual hoops (seriously, the Daggerfall+mods+DosBox has bot to be one of the worst routines of its kind).
[Mod] Taverns Redone
Unread post by Uncanny_Valley » Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:00 pm
This mods aims to breath some much needed life into the otherwise dull interiors of Daggerfall, specifically all the taverns in Daggerfall, adding both more visual variation, detail and immersion.
As of version 0.11 there are 26 of 98 taverns that have been redone. More will added in later updates
All the redone taverns thus far can be found in the Daggerfall Region.
IMPORTANT: Requires Daggerfall Unity version 0.10.12 or newer.
Version 0.11
Installation instructions
- Fixed issue with Taverns having the same name
- Fixed a few floating objects
- Added more Quest markers
- 2 new taverns added
1) Download and open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)
2) Copy the "taverns redone.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder
3) Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"
Contribution made by: Kamer
5.png (1.59 MiB) Viewed 811 times
3.jpg (306.28 KiB) Viewed 811 times
This is a work in progress, WIP, mod is not yet ready.
Combat Overhaul Alpha
Unread post by l3lessed » Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:54 pm
Hey everyone, if you haven't noticed me, I've been fiddling away under modder discussion. I have been digging into and researching the weapon and combat system in daggerfall in order to start developing a combat overhaul mod. I am in the very early stages, so nothing is set. However, I am at a point where I need to start tracking development of features and coding. So, this topic will be that area. I plan to leave it open as of now for general discussion about the mod. Follow the post below for features and current progress.
Current Unity Build Base: 10.9
11/20/19, 08:03PM Pacific
(UI Readout & Improved Offset Coding Finished: Players can now see range and inertia values in the inventory ui. Smooth animation replication is now done through a offset lerp loop to ensure proper scaling with attack speeds.)
Features RaodMap
- ItemTemplate baseRange Variable (Finished) - I have added a baseRange variable to the itemTemplate file to store an items potential range. Think of this as a value you can use to define the range an item will affect. I'm using this for melee combat, to dynamically assign the reach of each weapon, so weapons have different attack ranges. However, you could use this for anything you need a range value attached to, say a magical affect area or a cast rang or any other possibility you can think of for range; you could assign it to spherecasts to create area affect stuff. You can access this value through the itemHelper.cs script and the getRange() method. You can also access and read it out in UI's using the %ft variable within strings.
- Dynamic Weapon Range (Finished) - Each weapon has a unique float point value assigned to it to simulate a unique attack range. Currently is pulled from itemtemplate through the itemHelper.cs and assigned in the weaponManager.cs anytime you attack. Fists are defaulted to the classic range of 2.25f. Any weapon with 0 range does not show and is broken/bugged. Ensure weapons have a range value of some sort for them to show in fps mode. There is a built in if - then error catcher, but please do not rely on it. Set your base range in your itemtemplate file.
- Debug Raycasting Added: (Finished) - I added a simple unity debug raycasting line into the Weaponmanager script. You will now be able to see the raycast of a weapon attack in the unity engine within the scene window. This is not built into the DF engine, so it will not show up dynamically in game. I do not plan on adding it into the df engine either.
- Dynamic Weapon Stamina Cost (Finished) - Stamina cost for swings is now based on the items weight and range to give weapons more variety and feel. Current formula is simple; ((range+weight)*2). This gives a range of 5 to 17 cost depending on the size and weight of the weapon. Will probably refine formula further later on.
- Dynamic Weapon Speed (Finished) - I have inserted in a public variable into the fpsWeapon script to allow easy manipulation of attack speeds/animations. It can be accessed and set through the fpsWeapon.cs object via .AttackSpeed method. Large weapons feel heavier and slower, small weapons feel lighter and faster.
- Movement Based Attack Types (Finished) - Currently finished a simple movement based attack system. Each strafe key initiates the attack based on that direction. As an example, left strafe = MouseDirection.left. If you're standing still and not moving at all, attacks go back to classic random choice.
- Slower Attack Movement(Finished) - Finished a simple attack movement modifier. You know have your movement reduced by half while attacking. I may try to tie it to the current animation frame to create a more realistic feel to movement while swinging.
- Combat/Unsheathed Stance Slowdown(Finished) - When you go into combat stance/sheathed state, you will move 15% slower, as your more focused on your senses and muscle memory. Sprinting/crouching bonus/debuff will still be applied, but then debuffed by the 15% penalty when in combat/unsheathed mode. So trying to be in a combat stance and sneak at the same time is going to go even slower, as it should. Have you ever tried to sneak while staying in a combat ready, muscle memory, heightened senses state? Yeah, not so easy to do and maintain.
- Weapon Collision Simulation/Feedback(Finished) - DF engine begins sending out raycasts on every frame. Once it hits an object, the raycasts stop. A bool trigger then tells the animation system to replay the animation backwards at an accelerated rate. This simulates a hit and collision. Marking it as finished, but plan on smoothing animations at some point.
- Multiple Raycast Code(Finished) - I have inserted in a coding loop so hit detect raycasts will continually shoot out from the players camera, using the weapons range, to simulate actual weapon swings from beginning to end. Currently raycast stops on first object hit detection. Uses weapons animation time to sync raycast and time their shots (shoots about 30 within a normal animation). As each raycast is shot, a vector transform moves it along a defined axis one small unit at a time. Once an object is hit, raycast stop, fps collision animation begins, and player sets back to idle. Marked as finished, even though I have to refine the vector offsets for the stab and down animations.
- High/Smooth FPS Attack Animations(Finished) - Hijacked animation coroutine, added a for loop that uses mathf.lerp calculator to scale smooth animation simulation no matter the attack speed. *All weapons have been finished.* I've finished all weapon attack animations covering the four base attacks I'm using (left, right, stab, and down). I do need to wrap up fists attacks, redo stab, and do more refinement to minimize a few weapons with noticeable frame skipping, but I'm still marking it as finished. It is in a playable, immersive state.
- Weapon Movement Bob(Finished) -This is supposed to simulate the natural bob running with a weapon would cause. It is tied directly into the frame animation offset variable, which creates nice little side effects, like slower bobbing on stride/run and faster bobs on small movements, like side or back stepping. It works with all weapons, including magical ones and the fists. I'm marking it as finished.
- Range & Inertia UI Readouts(Finished) - If an item has a range, the players inventory will display it after the normal ui readout. Upon opening the item info panel, the player will see the normal information, item range, and item inertia..
- Unique Item ID Ranges(Started) - I mimicked the weight float point system, as it allows for tons of customization of the value and easy access for ui read outs on the fly. However, to get the system in and tested. I shortcutted the weaponManager.cs script right to the template to retrieve the weapon range instead of creating a unique instance of the weapon and assigning a value to that. This will limit all weapons to their item template value no matter what you do currently. I do plan on implementing the uniqie item range values into weaponcombat.cs later on. This will allow for each item to have custom range values in case any modder ever wants to do interesting things with this value, like create enchantments that increase range.
General Bugfix & Code Changes
- Toggle Block(Not Started) - Shields in traditional df had very little benefit. According to thr unofficial wiki and code I have found, shields did very little past adding 1 to 4 armor to you. df unity team added code so it now at least takes armor damage for your arms and hands. However, I wish to add a toggle block similar to modern systems, like skyrim.
- All Weapon Stats Calculate Once/Before All Attack Code: I moved all weapon states and debug message code to run once, right after the weaponManager.cs detects a player attempting an attack. I believe this should stop any bugs having to do with weapon numbers being assigned after the swing and animation code executes.
Weapon Range Code Improvement: Weapon range was original being calculated every frame. This seemed off for multiple reasons. The first being that range was originally set as a unchangeable constant float variable of 2.25f; so, why does the engine need the number continually updated, if it never will change by design. Two, the raycasting code only shoots out one spherical ray on every attack, which pulls the range value to figure out the rays distance; So, why does it need to continually know the range every processed frame? I think this was done originally to allow for dynamic range affects and other mechanics, but they never got to any of it and rammed this constant value in. This ultimately seems like a waste of cpu cycles/frames. I have moved the range value pull from a constant method into the attack boolean trigger. Now, it only grabs this value on every successful attack trigger. This should free up some cpu cycles/frames.- Added Debug Messages: Needed to know exactly what was happening with the back-end combat system while playing a game for better coding and number tweaking. I have programmed in three different debug messages. One reads out the current weapons range, the next is the current weapons fatigue cost, and the last one will appear when you make contact with an enemy hitbox and verify if you successfully rolled a hit or did not. The last one is critical, as it was hard to know if my code was broken or if I had just missed a hit chance roll in the back-end engine. The first two debug readouts can be found in the weaponManager.cs, right by where it assigns the range and staminafatigue value. The last one is embedded in the formulahelper.cs, way down by the melee hit chance detection code.
Uncanny has given me permission to modify his old location loader so I've been modifying it to add in new stuff to the locations. I'd like to share a few screenshots showing progress with it. I'm hoping to get it working correctly. Right now I've figured out how to place foes in these new locations. Once I get a few kinks figured out I hope to release a test version soon.
Here area few screenshots of what to expect. I like to consider these small exterior dungeons with enemies and loot.
Climates & Cloaks
A mod for adding temperature effects to Daggerfall.
NOTE: Requires build 0.10.12+
Download v0.81
A big THANK YOU to Hazelnut and BadLuckBurt for helping me make this and putting up with all my newbie questions.
The climate zones shown in the map above all give different levels of heat or cold.
Summers are warmer, winters are colder. Spring and Fall is a bit cold.
Bad weather gives different levels of cold. A cloak protects against rain and snow.
The temperature drops at night. Particularly in the mountains and deserts.
What you wear affects your temperature. Warm day? Put on a light shirt, some short pants and your sandals. Cold and rainy? Make sure to put a cloak on. Freezing? Bundle up with everything you have. Tunics, Pants, Boots and two Cloaks.
Armor pieces give a small increase in warmth. However, when the temperature starts getting high, the amount of warmth armor produces increases exponentially. This effect can be reduced by covering your armor with a cloak.
Nudity Penalty
If you strip off all armor and clothing on legs and chest, you may start taking extra cold/heat damage from sunburn or frostbite. Does not apply to Argonians and Khajiit.
Bare Feet Penalty
If you go barefoot in extreme temperatures, you will start to take damage from it. When this effect kicks in is based on your Endurance, Race and Class Resistances.
Nords and Bretons prefer the cold. (But Nords also have Resistance to Frost)
High/Wood Elves and Khajiit are neutral.
Redguard and Dark Elves prefer the heat.
Argonians love heat and hate cold. They are affected slower but harder by temperature effects.
Class Resistances
Critical Weakness, Low Tolerance, Resistance and Immunity to Fire/Frost drastically alters how much cold or warmth your character can handle.
Status Text
A rolling text at the top of the screen informs you if you are too hot or cold. There are several levels which indicates how severe the problem is.
Check the weather
Looking up at the sky will make text appear, describing the general weather temperature at the moment. So you can consider what measures you need to take.
The mods effects are deactivated while inside a house.
Climate and seasons have their effects reduced inside dungeons while the other environmental effects are deactivated.
Grace Period
The mod does not affect you in a range close to the middle. This allows you some wiggle room for clothing and armor without having to constantly micro-manage your inventory.
When too hot or cold, you will start losing fatigue. With the text:
"It's too hot for you here..." or "A chill rolls through you..."
Attribute Debuffs
When the temperature gets more extreme, it will start slowly debuffing all attributes except Luck and switch the text to:
"Heat stroke is setting in..." or "It's miserably cold here..."
When the temperature gets extreme, you will start to lose health. The text changes to:
"You feel like you're burning up!" or "Your teeth are chattering uncontrollably!"
With an added: "You cannot go on much longer in this weather..."
0 Fatigue Damage
If you hit 0 Fatigue, you start taking damage. This is mostly implemented to avoid some instances where you can continue playing with 0 fatigue through a bug.
Look up for all info
Include the characters temperature info in the trigger when looking up at the sky, so you can confirm that you are appropriately dressed without waiting for the message to cycle.
Dungeon Text
Much of the info text in the mod talks about the weather. It would be nice to have specific text for the warmth/cold inside dungeons.
Fluctuating Temperature
At the moment, the temperature in a climate during a season is static except for rain/snow. I might implement a chance that the temperature is warmer/cooler for a while. Maybe with a text prompt.
Months instead of Seasons
For mor diverse temperatures, stop splitting it into simple summer, fall, winter, spring and instead have a set temperature for Morning Star, Suns Dawn, First Seed etc
Implementing some items for reducing heat/cold. Water bottles? Campfires?
Implement mod settings so users can activate/deactivate effects. Perhaps even adjust how extreme the effects are.
Review debuffs
I will probably be constantly tweaking what kind of effect the different features have. And if the debuffs should affect more/less attributes or other parts of the character.
Swimming in water should be a big cold effect. But then I would have to consider drying time? And that clothes do not warm you in water? One of the arguments in favour of it is that it would allow you to jump into any bodies of water you find in the desert to cool you down.
Implement some kind of UI indicator for how hot or cold it is. Somewhat redundant as you can currently simply look up at the sky to get some general information on weather temperature.
Accumulating heat/cold
This will require some heavy rewriting of the code, but I can see how to make heat/cold build up in the character over time. Where it would naturally build up faster if the temperature is more extreme.
Armor Material
Have different armor materials generate different amounts of heat.
Roleplay & Realism mod pack
by Hazelnut
This mod pack contains optional modules to enhance roleplay and realism for Daggerfall Unity gameplay. Enable / disable the modules in the mod settings. The intention is to add small mini-mod modules to this over time that support roleplay and realism to enhance immersion for those that desire it.
Clickable Beds
Simple module that enables bed models to be activated. When activated, it pops up the sleep menu and disables the auto-teleport to a bed.
Discussion thread: viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1581
Advanced archery
Adjusts damage and hit chance depending on length of bow draw. Obviously only works with the bow draw option enabled in main DFU settings. If you release an arrow too soon, damage and hit chances are reduced. Same if you hold the bow drawn too long. Releasing at the right point will give a slight increase to hit chance.
The tables below shows the current implementation of adjustments:
Draw time effect on damage:
0s - 0.8s = damage is scaled linearly up to default damage
0.8s - 5s = normal default damage
5s - 6s = 85% damage
6s - 8s = 75% damage
8s - 9s = 50% damage
9s - = 25% damage
Draw time effect on hit chance:
0s - 0.2s = -40 to hit
0.2s - 0.5s = -10 to hit
0.5s - 1s = normal to hit
1s - 2s = +10 to hit
2s - 5s = normal to hit
5s - 8s = -10 to hit
8s - = -20 to hit
Discussion thread: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1748
Enhanced Horseriding
Enhances horse riding, making it more realistic looking and providing new abilities.
- Riding presented in a more realistic way, with the animated horses head fixed in the view rather than moving with the camera. Limits ability to look downwards while riding.
- Horses will follow the gradient of the terrain. This slope following can be made sharper or softer by adjusting a mod setting up or down.
- Horses can now gallop (sprint) by pressing the shift key. Cart horses cannot.
- Civilian NPCs can be trampled by galloping horses, killing them and sending city guards after you for assault. Be careful or keep your speed down in populated areas.
- Enemies can be charged down with the horse by galloping into them. This only works once, as they'll be wise to your tactics after that. Always hits and does twice max hand to hand damage but costs a moderate amount of stamina.
Encumbrance Effects
Simple module that gives consequences to carrying too much weight. Once you're carrying more than three quarters of your maximum capacity, your speed will start to reduce and rate of fatigue will increase. This is relative to weight up to -50% speed at 100% capacity. The reduction will show on the character sheet just like any other stat debuff.
Usable Bandages
Simply makes bandage items usable items which will heal some health depending on the level of medical skill.
Ship Port Boarding
This module places a restriction on where you can board your ship, once you've saved up and purchased one. With this enabled ships can only be boarded from towns with ports.
Underworld Expulsion
This module makes it possible to be expelled from the underworld guild in Daggerfall. Beware, neither the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood are the sort of organisations that allow members to just walk away. There's no way to re-join either, since those bridges will be well and truely burned, even if you do somehow get out alive.![]()
Mountain Rumors (FG Master quest)
A new quest "Mountain Rumors" added for players that reach master rank in the Fighters Guild. Investigate rumors of a missing master armor smith. Success will find a unique shop added to the game providing custom armor pieces so you can complete your set of Orcish armor! For a price of course. Failure can even result in your being hounded to death by the Dark Brotherhood.
The quest contains different choices and options, pay attention to what is going on because the penalties are quite severe. Hopefully eveyone will enjoy the more in depth questline here, but it doesn't hold your hand. Thanks to Ralzar for beta testing it. Uses and demonstrates a lot of new modding features and adds a brand new location to the game, if you can find it of course.
See viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3102
For DFU v0.10.13+ get v0.6 here: https://www.nexusmods.com/daggerfallunity/mods/16
For DFU v0.10.8+ get v0.5 here: https://www.nexusmods.com/daggerfallunity/mods/16
I'm very happy for suggestions for additional modules or contributions.
City Guard Posts & Under-City Areas
Unread post by Lokkrin Zhataros » Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:38 am
Okay, so I'm presenting 2 mod ideas here. Both may be difficult, unreasonable or impossible to create, but not completely sure because I'm not a modder nor very familiar with the DFUnity system. But here goes...
Under-City Areas (probably only walled cities would make sense):
Morrowind has the Wasteworks/Waterworks/Sewers, Oblivion has sewers and undercity areas, Skyrim has sewers and undercity areas. Why not put some in Daggerfall? There could be a lot of potential here. Underground areas in cities could be small or expansive. There could be new dungeon entrances, large crypt areas, temples, shrines, entire house/living spaces, underground shops with black-market operations, new places, new quests, new factions, etc, etc, etc.
Realistic Guard Posts and Living Quarters:
Just thought of this when recently breaking into a door along a city wall like I've done many times before (why you ask? because I can!). I've always thought what a waste of space and opportunity! But not just that, these are freaking Walled Cities! Yes, the walls are relatively large in size and there is lots of space on top for guards to be posted. BUT where the heck are the guards?!?! There are no lights/torches either for night-watch. Any enemy army could easily sneak in and take over the city of Daggerfall anytime they wanted (theoretically). Jeez, you'd think if they decided to Build The Wall, they would at least have a few guards on duty. Also, if we are assuming there are "Watchers on the Wall" (shameless GoT reference), where do they sleep and live so they can be ready to stand watch at all hours of the day? They could be living in those empty sections within the wall itself. If you broke into one of those doors in the walls there could be guards inside ready to nab you...HALT! HALT! HALT! The interior of these areas in the wall could be set with beds, furniture and lights for the guard's quarters.
Maybe this is just a silly detail of realism that has little to do with gameplay, serves no practical function and isn't at all necessary. The reasons for these details not being present in the game is probably the difficulty of putting it in and this lack of practicality. Adding guards on top of the walls would likely be problematic anyway because spawning them there would be weird and manually placing them there as static NPCs would be an unrealistic task since there are a great number of walled cities in this game. Maybe the wall interiors could be decorated and made to look like guards live there, but I'm probably the only weird guy who finds it amusing to even go into these areas in walls.
Not sure what to think about all this. Could be interesting, could be bad ideas. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
Legit statement, for me personally.Hyperbole or legit statement?
What do mods add, so far, in short?
That's pretty accurate to say, yeah. The base game was still good, but it was hard to even play correctly- and a bit empty. DFU makes it so we can actually enjoy the game that was hidden under all those bugs and crashes, and the mods are starting to flesh out the world. The OG Daggerfall was definitely rushed for release and was missing a lot of its original ideas, so I think it's great that we have a solid base to work on and hopefully fully realize the RPG that could have been.Ah ok.
So your point is that Daggerfall basically WOULD already have been a fantastic game, if it worked and if it had had a few improvements across the board, right?
Daggerfall Unity 0.10.15
by Interkarma » Sun Dec 15, 2019 11:05 pm
0.10.15 has been posted to Live Builds. This release delivers bug fixes and some refinements to modding system.
General Fixes & Improvements
The Lacus
- Fix commoner quest errors and inconsistencies in punctuation, grammar, spelling, spacing
- Improved support for formula override
- Show warning if mod is created on unsupported Editor version
- Add support for mod dependencies
- Support providers of mobile person assets for modding mobile NPCs
- Add VSCode workspace settings and JSON schemas
- Fix NPC talk reactions when belonging to a parent faction
- NPCs belonging to Random Ruler, Random Noble, Random Knight factions now use "Court of" local region for reactions
- Allow renaming save games from save/load UI
- Fix tracking of main quest questor status
- Show loading text before loading game
- Fix import classic save if location count changed by mods
- Fix quest lists option polluting talk system by partially compiling quests
- Prevent 3D map from rotating upside down
- Fix M0B00Y16 not ending correctly if handing in quest before rescued NPC
- Prevent exception during RaiseOnEnterLocationRectEvent delegate from breaking discovery
- Mitigate looping exception spam if RaiseOnEnterLocationRectEvent delegate throws exception when entering a location
- Add support for Dispose() on quest actions when quest ends
- Correctly unregister delegates in WhenPcEnterExits quest actio