Is it as bad as Shrine of the Storms?
Is it as bad as Shrine of the Storms?
Is the tracking, hit detection and collision worse?Is it as bad as Shrine of the Storms?
and, btw, the optional boss is probably the biggest load of horseshit in the entire series. difficult for all the wrong reasons (shitty camera as usual with big creatures, enormous bloated health pool and plenty of ohko [or near enough] attacks...)
I'm not a huge fan of the series but reading some of these posts has tempted me to pick this up. Guess I could wait for some kind of release with all the DLC?
I have the impression DS3 DLCs are the shortest in the series. How long is this new one?
playing both DLCs for the first time. Ashes of Ariendel has some very sweet level design. Not a fan of its Wolf boss, nor it's Bloodborne-like crow ninjas. At Freide now, holy shit she's though.
playing both DLCs for the first time. Ashes of Ariendel has some very sweet level design. Not a fan of its Wolf boss, nor it's Bloodborne-like crow ninjas. At Freide now, holy shit she's though.
Same for me, and I already regret it. Don't know what you're playing, but what I've gone through is an awful series of open fields full of boring wolves and hollows. And the only area which had any level design at all (Corvid Settlement) was full of completely harmless enemies seemingly only placed there to annoy the player. I wonder what people who complained about mobs in DS2 thought about this shit, probably had an aneurysm going through the infinite wolf field.
Friede would be a great boss if you didn't have to redo phases 1 and 2, and phase 3 had double the health. As is, phase 1 is boring, phase 2 is annoying as fuck, and then phase 3 is fun, but dies really quickly and is hard to enjoy because dying means redoing 1 and 2.
Overall, this is easily the worst Souls DLC. Will see if Ringed City manages to be even worse, but thus far, my dislike for DS3 in general is reinforced. I thought that giving it a year to cooldown from release butthurt would make me look upon the game more favorably, but if anything, I enjoy it even less after Bloodborne and Nioh. Meh.