Gotta admit, Midir is making me rage a little bit. Will try again when I'm more calm tomorrow.
Midir is a movie you can interact with at
very specific intervals. That mindset makes all the difference and makes him a pushover.
Yeah, coming in fresh today I beat him after a few tries. Staying in front of him at mid distance (not too far) makes him do his bullshit moves less frequently. What bothered me the most about this fight was the inconsistency of his damage (sometimes the charge would 1-hit kill from 100% hp, sometimes it would take 60% off my bar), but the patterns themselves are consistent and there's no delayed stuff like other bosses.
He took the most tries, I must have spent over an hour considering all attempts trying to kill him, but I don't think he was a good boss, just frustrating.
On the other hand, I really liked Gael. He reminded me a lot of Orphan of Kos from Bloodborne - very aggressive, high damage but also readable and low on bullshit. Gael took me 5-6 tries to beat.
Anyway, I finished the game doing the Usurpation of Flame ending (the Yuria questline), last boss was cool but I was way overpowered and killed him on the first try without paying any attention. I'm sure for base game characters the fight must have been fun/hard.
My final top 5 bosses in the game are:
1. Nameless King
2. Gael
3. Friede
4. Pontiff
5. Twin Princes
I'd probably put Champion Gundyr there somewhere but I also killed him on my first try so I maybe I lucked out and didn't get to experience all he has to offer.
It's funny that playing through DS3 I thought the bosses were much more memorable than the levels (which I thought were pretty bland overall), but despite there being so many of them, I had trouble coming up with the 5th name on the list.
Final opinion of the game is much the same as I had before. I think DS3 is the weakest Souls (my personal favourite list is BB>Dark Souls>Demon's Souls>DS2>DS3; I really like Sekiro but it's another thing entirely so I won't place it on this list) but still an excellent game. I don't care for multiplayer in these games, always play offline and never summon NPCs (I did do the quest for the lady that calls you into her world to kill a phantom to get into a covenant though, forgot her name)
Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I had gone with a different build and used a different weapon for most of the playthrough, so perhaps it's my own fault. Sellsword Twinblades are just much too powerful, especially for a starting weapon. Although I found a lot of weapons that could have replaced it (the crow quills, Carthus Curved Greatsword which I used for awhile, etc.) their movesets were inferior and damage output simply cannot compare to twinblade L1 spam with lightning buff. I think maybe a full tank with ultra greatsword build would have been more fun for me, but I'm not going to replay the game.
I'm glad From is trying something 'new' with Elden Ring, because the formula is pretty worn out by now. As I said before, hopefully they can work in some stuff from King's Field or Shadow Tower into the new game.