New DLC is a nice addition for people who liked original game, but it brings even more grind.
Like, wtf.
First they are trying to fight grind by adding Antiquarian and Radiant mode, fixing balance, allowing to embark on the final DD missions with the same heroes more than once.
Then they are releasing this DLC, which is basically an endless mission where you grind for resources to buy expensive shit.
The thing was that it's somewhat different than the original and the long fights make many skills way more interesting than they could ever be in regular gameplay. Also, DD was a notoriously lacklustre game to play after you've done all the bossess and such. As counterintuitive as that sounds it did need post-game content for you to... well, not even grind but, like, play. This means that regular runs are booooooring AF, yes, but the new dungeon feels kinda ok to sit down and see how far you can go. So does the new wondering boss, sort of gives you a reason to play regular dungeons while your squad heals up and stuff.
I was rather curious what was your opinion of the massive balance changes of this patch. I see some huge nerfs for the usual suspects plus some heavy hits against stalling tactics (that were almost needed to non-autistically play the DD and the last CC map).
Well, they finally did stuff to curb the damned stunlock nonsense. The stun implementation in DD was some of the most incompetent shit ever seen in turn based games in general. I'm not sure they nerfed it enough for regular runs where 3 uses of PD stun per fight (provided you can actually stunlock) is plenty enough to murder everything, but it sure works in the new dungeon. Also, random mob compositions seem to be playing together more inteligently (and they might have been altered to facilitate this). Two guards + shaman + exploding zombie in the cove feels pretty clever now when the buggers can keep the zombie from croaking while it does it's thing.
Also, the new "corpses actually do something" mechanics and the new "rooms have different effects" mechanics should've been in the base game all along in every single run. Just have corpeses do something else in every dungeon direction etc. It's mind blowing that they weren't.
Come to think of it, "long fights" could've been in too, just have every area have dudes which join random fights in waves. Would've made the game much more interesting as it makes fight-long buffs actually a worthwhile addition and decreases the "only DPS works" effectiveness.
One wonders what this game could've been like in the hands of someone more competent at, you know, designing games. Like, not much more competent, just at least barely competent instead of solidly incompetent.